Hi list,
this is my first post on linux-ha ml and I'm very new to linux-ha environment.

I'm trying to install and run Linux-HA suite on Slackware64 14.1.

I've installed this version of software:

resource-agents-v3.9.5-x86_64-1_SBo.tgz (tried also 3.1.1 and 3.9.2)
crmsh-2.0.0-x86_64-1_SBo.tgz            (tried also with crmsh-1.2.6)

(many packages ara tagged with SBo, but only 2/3 packages are on SlackBuils for slack 14.1).

I've configured corosync, for 2 nodes and configured pacemaker service with ver 1.

After this, I've runned:

        /etc/rc.d/rc.corosync start
        /etc/rc.d/pacemaker start

and all goes good.

Running crm status I get:

root@SWS1:~# crm status
Last updated: Wed Apr 16 07:49:00 2014
Last change: Wed Apr 16 07:31:23 2014
Stack: classic openais (with plugin)
Current DC: SWS1 - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.10-10ef8f2
2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
0 Resources configured

Online: [ SWS1 SWS2 ]

but trying running [on SWS1]:

root@SWS1:~# crm configure show
ERROR: CIB not supported: validator 'pacemaker-1.3', release '3.0.9'
ERROR: You may try the upgrade command
ERROR: configure.show: CIB is not valid

I've tried to run also:

root@SWS1:~# cibadmin --upgrade --force
Call cib_upgrade failed (-211): Schema is already the latest available

If this can be useful, I've noticed that cib.xml is on /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/ and not in /var/lib/pacemaker/crm.

With the above errors, I've tried also to use other version of software but things don't change. I've tried to edit cib.xml and changing the release for pacemaker-1.3 and (I think) for resource agent, but this is not the way.

Googling not help.

Can someone put me in the right way?

Thanks in advance.

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