----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tony Stocker" <tony.stoc...@nasa.gov>
> To: "Linux HA Cluster Development List" <linux-ha@lists.linux-ha.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:18:52 AM
> Subject: [Linux-HA] Problem with migration, priority, stickiness
> Cluster s/w specs:
> Kernel: 2.6.32-431.17.1.el6.x86_64
> OS:     CentOS 6.5
> corosync-1.4.1-17.el6_5.1.x86_64
> pacemaker-1.1.10-14.el6_5.3.x86_64
> crmsh-2.0+git46-1.1.x86_64
> Attached to this email are two text files, one contains the output of 'crm
> configure show' (addresses sanitized) and the other contains the output of
> 'crm_simulate -sL'
> Here is the situation, and we've encountered this multiple times now and
> I've been unable to solve it:
>          * A machine in the cluster fails
>          * There is a spare node, unused, in the cluster available for
>          assignment
>          * The resource group that was on the failed machine, instead of
>          being put onto the spare, unused node is placed on a node where
>          another resource group is already running
>          * The displaced resource group then is launched on the spare,
>          unused node
> As an example, this morning the following occurred:
>          Resource Group NRTMASTER is running on system gpmhac01
>          Resource Group NRTPNODE1 is running on system gpmhac02
>          Resource Group NRTPNODE2 is running on system gpmhac05
>          Resource Group NRTPNODE3 is running on system gpmhac04
>          Resource Group NRTPNODE4 is running on system gpmhac03
>          system gpmhac06 is up, available, and unused
>          system gpmhac04 fails and powers off
>          Resource Group NRTPNODE3 is moved to system gpmhac05
>          Resource Group NRTNPODE2 is moved to system gpmhac06
> One of the big things that seems to occur here is that while the group
> NRTPNODE3 is being launched on gpmhac05, the group NRTPNODE2 is being shut
> down simultaneously which is causing race conditions where one start
> script is putting a state file in place, while the stop script is erasing
> it.  This leaves the system in an unuseable state because required files,
> parameters, and settings are missing/corrupted.
> Secondly, there is simply no reason to kill a perfectly healthy resource
> group, that is operating just fine in order to launch a resource group
> whose machine has failed when:
>          1. There's a spare node available
>          2. The resource groups have equal priority with each other, i.e.
>          all of the NRTPNODE# resource groups have priority "60"
> So I really need some help here in getting this setup so that it behaves
> the way we *think* it should be doing based on what we understand of the
> Pacemaker architecture.  Obviously we're missing something since this
> resource group "shuffling" occurs when there's a failed system, despite
> having an unused, spare node available for immediate use, and has bitten
> us several times.  The fact that the race condition between startup and
> shutdown is also causing the system that is brought up to be useless is
> exacerbating the situation immensely.
> Ideally, this is what we want:
>          1. If a system fails, the resources/resource group running on it
>          are moved to an unused, available system.  No other resource
>          shuffling occurs amongst system occurs.
>          2. If a system fails and there is not an unused, available
>          system to fail over to, then IF the resource group has a higher
>          priority than another resource group, the group with the lower
>          priority is shutdown.  Only when that shutdown is complete will
>          the resource group with the higher priority start its startup of
>          resources.
>          3. If a system fails and there is not an unused, available
>          system to fail over to, then IF the resource group has the same
>          or lower priority to all other resource groups, then it will not
>          attempt to launch itself on any other node, nor cause any other
>          resource group to stop or migrate.
>          4. Unless specifically, and manually, ordered to move OR if the
>          hardware system fails, a resource group should remain on its
>          current hardware system.  It should never be forced to migrate to
>          a new system because something of equal or lower priority failed
>          and migrated to a new system.
>          5. We do not need resource groups to fail back to original nodes,
>          when running we want them to stay running on their current system
>          until/unless a hardware failure occurs and forces them off the
>          system, or we manually tell them to move.
> Can someone please look over our configuration, and the bizzare scores
> that I see from the crm_simulate output, and help get me to the point
> where I can achieve an HA cluster that doesn't kill healthy resources in
> some kind of game of musical chairs when there's an empty chair available.
> Can you also tell me why or help me to ensure that a startup doesn't occur
> until AFTER a shutdown is completely done?
> Obviously we're misunderstanding or misapplying something with our
> resource stickiness, or resource group priority, or something and we
> really need to get this resolved.  My job is literally on the line with
> this due to these failures to operate in the fashion we expect.  So all
> help is appreciated.

What happens if you set resource-stickiness higher. Say to something like 6000, 
perhaps that would combat the location constraint scores you have going on. 

-- Vossel

> Thanks
> Tony
> --
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