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2014-06-05 14:56 GMT+02:00 Bart Coninckx <>:
>         Hi all,
> I have some DRBD resources on CentoOS 6.5 which refuse to start. A message I 
> get in Hawk and in /var/log/messages is:
> Failed op: node=storage3, resource=p_drbd_ws021, call-id=73, 
> operation=monitor, rc-code=6
> I am able to start the DRBD resources manually.
> I figured out that code "6" means configuration error, but I don't see where.
> DRBD and it's resource agent are installed from source (drbd-8.4.4).
> This is the relevant cluster configuration, which I took from the "Clusters 
> from Scratch" document:
> primitive p_drbd_ws021 ocf:linbit:drbd \
>         params drbd_resource=ws021 drbdconf="/etc/drbd.conf" \
>         op monitor interval=60 timeout=20
> ms ms_drbd_ws021 p_drbd_ws021 \
>         meta master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 
> notify=true target-role=Started
> Any tips or hints are most welcome, because I have been looking at this thing 
> for two days and still no progress,
> thanks!
> BC
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