On 20/10/14 02:50 PM, John Scalia wrote:
Hi all,

I'm trying to build my first ever HA cluster and I'm using 3 VMs running
CentOS 6.5. I followed the instructions to the letter at:


and everything appears to start normally, but if I run "cman_tool nodes
-a", I only see:

Node     Sts    Inc          Joined Name
         1      M     64         2014-10--20 14:00:00  csgha1
         2      X 0                                                  csgha2
         3      X 0                                                  csgha3

In the other systems, the output is the same except for which system is
shown as joined. Each shows just itself as belonging to the cluster.
Also, "pcs status" reflects similarly with non-self systems showing
offline. I've checked "netstat -an" and see each machine listening on
ports 5405 and 5405. And the logs are rather involved, but I'm not
seeing errors in it.

Any ideas for where to look for what's causing them to not communicate?

Can you share your cluster.conf file please? Also, for each node:

* uname -n
* gethostip -d $(uname -n)
* ifconfig |grep -B 1 $(gethostip -d $(uname -n)) | grep HWaddr | awk '{ print $1 }'
* iptables-save | grep -i multi

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