I just put together a simple modem that functions the same as the
classic "dumb" baycom modem. It just turns RS-232 data into tones and
vice-versa. I got the Baycom software to run off a DOS bootdisk, and
the modem works just great. But what I would really like to do is do
the same stuff under linux so I can do it over SSH. :)

The only software package I could find that provides similar
functionality to the original baycom software is tfkiss, but I have
been unsuccessful in getting it to compile. The tarball looks
antiquated, and it fails compilation on my modern linux system (I'm
not much of a software guy; I'm learning). Does anyone know of an
application that pretends to be a TNC and makes all the nicely
formatted packets with just the simple text interface? Perhaps someone
knows how I can compile tfkiss properly? Any and all comments

Jonathan Lassoff (KG6THI, now /AG; got my general class!)
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