On Mon, 4 Jan 1999, Iain Philipps wrote:
> If you're looking at a RedHat Linux box, why not use /usr/bin/tzselect ?????

Because modifying the symlink by hand works whether that program is
available or not? In fact if you build a newer version of Glibc yourself,
you'll probably find that it looks in a different place (I forget where- I
found it from a strace of 'date') than RedHat does by default, and you
_have_ to do it by hand then or programs which get the date from the
system will complain that the time zone is not set correctly.

--------------- Linux- the choice of a GNU generation. --------------
: Alex Holden (M1CJD)- Caver, Programmer, Land Rover nut, Radio Ham :
-------------------- http://www.linuxhacker.org/ --------------------

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