On 20 May 99 at 22:19, Geoff Taylor wrote:

> Where is the G update to FBB, all the links on the website point to it,
> but it's dropped off, a message to FBB had no response, that disappeared
> as well. A listing in FTP of the download directory and there it isn't,
> so has anybody got any ideas where I can upgrade the daemon version of
> FBB to 700g or is just fiction that this update exists.
> Failing that can anybody recommend an ax25 packet mailbox system for
> linux that actually works, or is just me that is finding FBB ****
> Thanks to anybody who can help, i am getting frustrated with FBB, it
> just wont work.
> Geoff Taylor, G0MJA.

Well, well, well. Same happened to me at ftp.lip6.fr. If I browse, 
the /pub/hamradio/f6fbb/distrib/linux-src directory no longer exists.
If I attempt to use wget, it says "wrong password", so it seems it is 
there, hidden, or I would get some other message.

I got xfbb700g23 and g25 from there, and I was looking for g26, but 
this time "Open Sesame !" didn't work.

Can someone clarify the changes ??

73 de Jose, CO2JA

PS: In spite of the frustrating difficulties of the moment, I advise
you to stick to FBB. I have been sysoping FBB for 5 years (JNOS as
well), and co-sysop for some other three years before, and I prefer
FBB for forwarding and JNOS for TCPIP. FBB can resume, and use
filters and servers. JNOS works very well, I like it, but for fwd
FBB is more efficient. For SMTP, FTP, etc, I prefer JNOS. I find them
complementary somehow, every one has points in which the other is
stronger and viceversa. I believe thay make a good pair, and not
really adversaries.

They did under DOS, and keep on doing under Linux. I only miss the 
nice DosFBB interface. TNT sort of achieves a prettier interface, 
but is not up to par FBB as BBS, at least, yet.


 Ing. Jose A. Amador          | Telf: (537) 20-7814 
 Depto de Telecomunicaciones  | E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 ISPJAE                       |         

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