From:                   "Gerd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Ethernet could be a solution, 
> too but it would not be easy to implement either.
> And: How do you make a usual TNC2, TNC3, Kamtronics, PK232 
> etc. Ethernet capable? For USB, there are ready-to use chips, I've 
> been told....

Adding an Ethernet-Port to an external device that was build for RS232 or Printer-Port 
ist just plug an play (without a reason to pray), such "adapters" are sold ready to 
Ethernet via Radio-Link Devices are also sold for plug and play, so it is proved that 
usage of Ethernet for the connection to Megabit-TNC's as possible.
Adding Ethernet to a new concept would be best done by adding a slot for Ethernet-
Cards, as Ethernet comes in 3 styles: 10Mbit/sec, 100Mbit/sec or 1GigaBit/sec.

Cheers, 73

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