On Wed, 30 Jun 1999, Rob Compton wrote:

> I have the HOWTO, I have read it, I understand what it's saying, BUT! For
> some reason I can't 'make' the new kernel. When I enter "make menuconfig",
> as per the instructions, it comes back with "*** No rule to make target
> 'menuconfig'. Stop."

Are you in the directory where you have the full linux kernel source when
you do that (usually /usr/src/linux) ? Do you _have_ the full kernel
source on your machine?

> I have read, and re-read the RedHat 5.2 book, I have racked up loads of time
> on the 'net looking at FAQ's, and more, but I can't find "config",
> "menuconfig" or even "Xconfig" on my machine.

Menuconfig etc. are not programs or even files. They are make _targets_.
Try typing "man make" and read the DESCRIPTION chapter, it isn't long.
That should give you an overview of what make does. Now, by running "make
menuconfig" you select the "menuconfig" target in the kernel main Makefile
that is supposed to first compile the menu dialog program and then run it.
If make fails with "no rule to make target" you have done some fundamental
mistake in getting and unpacking the kernel source code; you are in the
wrong directory or the Makefile is somehow corrupted.

--- Tomi Manninen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / OH2BNS @ OH2RBI.FIN.EU ---

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