
On our school packet-radio station we used a SCC-card with two 1k2
modems as gateway with linuxnet, and tfkiss-tnt-dpbox as mailbox system.

Now our harddisk is broken and we wanted to reinstall with updated
Unfortunately a lot has changed with the SCC-drive. On old kernels we
had devices /dev/scc0 and /dev/scc1 which could be used as kiss-devices
for linuxnet.
The new driver included in kernel 2.2.10 (with z8530 utils 3.0) uses
this devices no longer, and we had problems while configuring linuxnet.

This is what we have done:
-installed SuSE 6.1 (unfortunately I forgot my redhat installation cd
;-) with z8530 utilities and ax25-utils.
-put "sccinit"-command into boot-script. While booting the scc-card is
detected and initialized without problems.
-after booting "sccparam" and "sccstat" worked too.
-then we did this:
  ifconfig scc0 hw ax25 no1zgl
  ifconfig scc1 hw ax25 no1zgl
  kissbridge scc0 /dev/ptys0
  kissbridge scc1 /dev/ptys1
-in linuxnet we attached the device like this:
  attach sdev0 kiss 0 1 1200 /dev/ttys0
  attach sdev1 kiss 1 1 1200 /dev/ttys1

Now we tried to connect to outside. Sending frames worked fine, but no
frame was received from Xnet. "sccstat" said that we were receiving
frames, but they seem to get lost between SCC-driver and linuxnet.

We also tested net2kiss instead of kissbridge, but nothing changed. We
could send frames, but linuxnet got no rx.

The documentation of z8530 says that there arenīt any /dev/scc? devices
any longer, and that we must use ifconfig instead, even if weīre donīt
using ax-utils.

I think that it is easy to solve, maybe we must add a route to direct
packets from scc to linuxnet, but I donīt know how.

 \   \\   \\/  WSPse / Matthias Hensler  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  ICQ: 24719025
  \  / \  / My Linux/PR/C64-Page: http://excelsior.kullen.rwth-aachen.de
   \/   \/--------------------------------------------------------------

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