On  7 Jul 99 at 15:43, Benedict P. Barszcz wrote:

> Hi,

> I need a hint on what I am doing wrong when I try to use 'mheard'
> beacause it complains about a data file. From the manual page I
> figured out it looks for /var/mheard/mheard.dat which doesn't exist
> on my system. Is that file generated automatically by mheardd - the
> daemon?
> If so, my copy of mheardd doesn't do it in spite of me launching
> it this way: mheardd -f -l -n 10 <enter>
> I have libax25, ax25-apps and ax25-tools, kernel 2.2.10.
> thanks for help.
> kb2qzv

Well, some time ago there was a round of exchanges about this, right 
here, with the "old" (2.1.42a) utils. touch /var/mheard/mheard.dat 
creates an empty file. That is usable.

Once I used mheardd -f as a way to create the empty file. It worked 
for me that way. You could also take a look at the archives of the 

I have not tried that with the new stuff, but I guess it shouldn't be 
much different.

73 de Jose, CO2JA


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