Hi Bob,
I get curious, I have been trying to kissattach an axport to the kernel, or
another wayt reach the node over an axport.
What are your loopbakc ports? Maybe what I have been looking for?

Bob Meyer wrote:

> The other day when someone mentioned using ax25ipd in digi mode I
> remembered this little script I use as a front end for call.  The
> scripts name is connect.sh and have an alias for it.  alias
> c=connect.sh  When you run it. if you don't enter the correct number of
> arguments it prompts you for the missing information.  For example, if
> you just entered 'c' it would print the contents of /etc/axports and
> prompt you for the port and then the destination callsign like this.....
> ko6ri@bob ~$ c
> ax0 p0rt-0 9600 256 2 loopback       loopback link
> ax1 p0rt-1 9600 256 2 loopback2      loopback link
> ax2 p0rt-2 9600 256 2 145.710 MHz    9600 baud network user port
> ax3 p0rt-3 9600 256 2 144.370 MHz    1200 baud network user port
> ax4 p0rt-4 9600 512 2 axip           axip interface
> Type the port (ax0)
> ax0
> Type the destination callsign:
> It then puts call in raw mode if your term type won't support the split
> screen and prints a short reminder on how to get help and disconnect.
> If  you use ax25ipd in digi mode you can change AXIP_PORT=noport  to
> your axip port.  UAXIP_PORT is just the uppercase version of  AXIP_PORT
> You will also need to change DIGICALL=nocall to your digi call.
> #!/bin/bash
> AXIP_PORT=noport
> DIGICALL=nocall
>   if [ -z $1 ]; then
>     cat /etc/ax25/axports
>     echo
>     echo "Type the port (ax0)"
>     read userport
>   else
>     userport=$1
>   fi
>   if [ -z $2 ]; then
>     echo Type the destination callsign:
>     read destcall
>   else
>     destcall=$2
>   fi
>   if [ $AXIP_PORT = $userport ]; then
>     destcall="$destcall via $DIGICALL"
>   fi
>   if [ $UAXIP_PORT = $userport ]; then
>     destcall="$destcall via $DIGICALL"
>   fi
>   echo Type '~.' to close a connection.
>   echo Type '~?' or '~h' for help.
>   sleep 2 # Sleep long enough to read the message.
>    case $TERM in
>      linux)
>        call $userport $destcall $3 $4 $5 $6
>        ;;
>      ansi)
>        call $userport $destcall $3 $4 $5 $6
>        ;;
>      vt*)
>        call $userport $destcall $3 $4 $5 $6
>        ;;
>      *)
>        call -r $userport $destcall $3 $4 $5 $6
> esac
> Have Fun....
> Bob

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