Hello Jack, hello all,

> > I get two warnings during linux 2.0.33 bootup.
> >
> > Error in symbol table input
> > Cannot find map file

> Thank you sooo much, Gerd!  Re-copying System.map to the '/' directory took
> care of both warning messages.  You were right on the money about the kernel
> version recompile and not updating that file!

So my memory served me right :)
A long time ago when I started fiddling around with kernel compiles 
I had the same problems.
The only thing that I do not know is how can one choose several 
kernel versions on bootup when /System.map is so important. I 
guess there must be some way of copying the appropriate file into 
the correct location upon system boot.
At the moment, I have one kernel that I work with so this problem 
is not that severe for me.

Cheers, 73


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