Hello Rommel Voncente Torres T., hello all,

> I have setup AX25 and PackeTwin in my Linux BOX but when start I
> obtained this messages:
> PT: Probing for card at address 0x300
> PT: Found a PT at address 0x300
> PT: Autodetected IRQ 3, assuming DMA 0

That seems to be the problem. Is it really DMA 0 (this is unusual)? 
I'd recommend trying different DMA settings.

> PT: pt_tmrisr() Invalid tstate 0 for Channel A
> I have Linux Slackware 3.5 whit kernel 2.0.34

Then you have the older set of AX.25 drivers. You then either have 
to apply the AX.25 modules patch to get a more recent version of 
the drivers (see the AX.25-HOWTO for this - but it is not 
recommended any more) or switch to a kernel 2.0.35, 2.0.36 or 
2.0.37 (here those modules and drivers are included already).

[config files snipped]

I'd recommend upgrading the drivers first and then reading the 
readme for the PacketTwin driver to find out how to give that driver 
the right DMA channel.

Cheers, 73


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