On Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 09:26:22AM -0400, Steve Dimse wrote:
> >* Transmit my fixed position on VHF using the kernel AX25. I'd like to use
> >  a dedicated computer with the soundmodem, leaving my TNC for other packet
> >  work.
> >* Receive position reports.
> >* Send position reports to the internet, ie offer an igate or whatsitcalled.
> >* APRS digipeating.
> >
> >I think aprsdigi can do all this stuff? Perhaps except #1?
> >
> It only does 1 and 4, to the best of my knowledge. A program called aprsd 
> does the igating, available at http://www.wa4dsy.radio.org. So far, it 
> isn't compatible with the Linux AX-25 support, it accesses the serial 
> port directly. The source code is available and just needs someone to add 
> the support.
> Receive the position reports...well, to some extent both do this, but 
> neither has any provision to display what they have received.

I'm happy to run an igate then connect to it locally for actual display.
This might work rather well actually, because the dedicated box would
likely be headless.

> There are two embryonic X clients for APRS. Both access the serial port 
> directly (though both plan to support kernel routines), and both are 
> alpha. One of them, xastir, is released with source code, though so far 
> no-one has offered to help the author. See 
> http://www.eazy.net/users/fgiannan/xastir/

Any support for connecting to igates?

> The other is being done by the Sprouls, the authors of MacAPRS and 
> WinAPRS. These version, as well as their upcoming WinCE version, all 
> share a common code base. This means when they get their X routines done, 
> the client will have a very mature feature set. Info on this version is 
> available at http://aprs.rutgers.edu, and the program can be downloaded 
> from ftp://aprs.rutgers.edu/pub/hamradio/APRS/Xaprs/

I'm going to be stubborn here and say that I'm not interested in working
with non-free software to do this. If it can't be done with free software,
then I'll either hack code until it does, or drop it. IMHO proprietary
software has no place in trying to establish a protocol like this.

Thanks for the info, I'll look into the aprsdigi/aprsd stuff soon.

Hamish Moffatt       Mobile: +61 412 011 176     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rising Software Australia Pty. Ltd.    http://www.risingsoftware.com/
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