Nate Bargmann wrote:

>  <RANT>
>  ARRL has released all back issues of QST on CD in the past few years and
>  these files are not PDF.  I have the 1995 QST View (as they call it) and
>  it uses some proprietary file format and a custom viewer written
>  specifically for this application.  I wrote the publications manager
>  about a year ago asking if X would be supported, or if the file format
>  would be made available for a free software project.  Essentially, the
>  answer was no, not at this time.  So, until Linux becomes the ham
>  platform of choice and QST View sales drop off for that reason, I don't
>  foresee ARRL supporting X with QST View.
>  the UI be deficient in some area for a small group of customers, will
>  these companies being willing to make those changes to the software?
>  Will they care?

I have been a licensed amateur for only about 10-11 years and my
biggest grumble regarding the ARRL is that they are oftentimes not
very supportive of amateur related interested which fall outside the
radius of what is deemed the paramount interests and/or absorbtions
of  what they view as the majority of the amateur community. Items
which deviate this ARRL self defined scope seem to be treated as
collateral and unimportant.
How does this pertain to the situation you describe? In that old
rhetorical sense of argument that can be best defined in phrase,
"everybody uses MS Windows so why cater to the minority that does
not??".  Much the same mannerism of "everybody does this or that
nowadays" that the ARRL has undertaken in several other amateur
related issues that I had been involved in over the years. However, of
late I am quite detached as although licensed I have not been
practicing amateur radio actively in the last several years. 

It behooves me to make clear that I am not saying this to belittle the
ARRL or any of their actions which may have notably benefited the
amateur community over  the many years of its operations.


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