Rob Compton wrote:
> Yes, I am still having a complete nightmare getting to grips with this Linux
> stuff.
> Am I giving up? No!
> Right, to business...
> 1. I have the YAM disk here in my hand... I install it as instructed in the
> README files. Does it work - NO!
> When I perform the patch, it fails when it goes to update - so me
> being a clever person, I use emacs and edit to put in the line
> that the patch failed to add. Did that work - NO!
> Why? What have I missed?
> 2. I have z8530drv-2.4 (two versions, dl1bke's version (b), and g8ecj's
> updated version(c)) - and I install it into the source directory as
> requested, I type make for_kernel, and it goes off and does it's bit. So I
> then try to make a new kernel with the z8530 drivers, and YAM, and guess
> what - it fails to compile with an Error 1 in scc.o or something like that.
> If I de-select the z8530 and the YAM drivers, it compiles OK.
> Why? What have I missed?
> Kernel is 2.0.36 / RH5.2
> Trying to make a module with the z8530 drivers using 'make module' also
> fails with the same errors.
> Can I get 'make' to output it's text info into a file so I can see what it's
> done, or where the problems started? I know I can make it report which
> directory it's in, but its off the screen so fast, I can't write it down in
> time!
> Regards
> Rob

Hi Rob:

Start from the kernel source.  Linux 2.0.36 has the scc driver built
into the kernel.  Select it during the config or menuconfig phase of the
kernel build process.

I have never been able to separately compile the Z8530 drivers from
dl1bke's version either.  Too many library skews, and life is too short
to figure things like that out.   But the utilities from the 2.4 version
(sccinit, sccstat) work fine with the scc driver in the 2.0.36 kernel.

Don't know much about Yam . . .

73 de K6HS
#  Harry L. Styron, Attorney at Law  #
# 1-925-932-4300  Fax 1-925-944-0591 #
#   "The devil is in the details."   #

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