On Sun, 1 Aug 1999, Riley Williams wrote:

>  > As far as WP is concerned it would'nt cause too much of a
>  > problem if I stayed in 1 place, but I'm commuting at weekends !.
>  > so I could log into 2 bbs's in 1 week .

I don't think you will have any problems here, since I haven't heard
anybody here talk about WP yet... I don't think BayBox/DPBox/(DieBox) have
it implemented.

> Ah! That could cause a problem. However, there is one possibility that
> could deal with that for you, as a side-effect of the British
> licensing system: Remember that ANY of the following would be valid as
> your German callsign:
>       DC/G8JVM        <=  If you leave from England
>       DC/GD7JVM       <=  If you leave from the Isle of Man
>       DC/GI7JVM       <=  If you leave from Ireland
>       DC/GJ7JVM       <=  If you leave from Jersey
>       DC/GM7JVM       <=  If you leave from Scotland
>       DC/GU7JVM       <=  If you leave from Guernsey
>       DC/GW7JVM       <=  If you leave from Wales
> As a result, you only need to cross the relevant internal border
> before heading to Germany and you have two distinct callsigns that can
> be used at opposite ends of your travels, both of which are assigned
> to you.
> For those interested, the above is a consequence of the text in note
> (w) to BR68 which states the regional locator to be used depending on
> precicely where within the UK one is, and the fact that as far as
> one's licence is concerned, one is not required to notify either the
> RA or SSL that one has crossed the said border.

Funny stuff you got there, just swapping your prefix. The last time I
tried to get a British (reciprocal) license, they told me I couldn't,
since I wasn't fourteen at that time... so I collected a few others ;-)

>  > No Robin contacting immigration wont stop me getting back !!!
> 8-)

German born, then 9 years USA, now 14 years DL... I can't say that I've
had problems with either country. I think I'd even survive the-land-where-
people-drive-on-the-wrong-side-of-the-road. ;-)

73s, Robert
Robert Steinhaeusser, DL1NC/N9KBK

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