There's some useful info geared towards the Motorola Maxar in a collection
of archived emails at ...
and there's more good stuff at
Not necessarily specific to the mx1000, but should be a good start on what it
takes to make things "go" ;)
At 10:51 PM 8/1/99 +0200, you wrote:
>i want to use two motorola mx 1000 and two linux boxes with soundmodem for
>a point to point 9600 b/s tcp/ip connection.
>is this principle possible?
>the motorola mx 1000 has a 12 pin connector and i don't know the pin
>layout? is there any way to find out where the mic, speaker and ptt
>signal is? is this a standard layout? exists any description in the net?
>is there a short howto or other document witch discibe the software
>side installation for short (only soundmodem and point to point).
>i read the axhowto and successfully set up the soundmodem device but
>i am not sure how to proceed the rest of the installation.
> bernd
-= Brad Fisher =- (PPSEL) I'm just
internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] a
packet: N/A wanna be UNIX guru!