
> > Just put GB50BO in the callsign field...

>Thereby contravening the regulations in just about EVERY country 

ok. bad example. Use GB50?? in the callfield. Or the callsign of the
original operator. Or, or, or...

> > But those celebration-callsigns are IMHO rare and therefore a
> > minor "problem" :-)

>You obviously make little use of amateur radio then.

Should i come to you and smash you with my pile of qsl-cards?
(just kinding)

>The requirement to comply with the regulations is
>that the FULL BASE CALLSIGN be inserted in the address field.

No. Show me the law, which state this and i'll walk to canossa.


Walter Koch                         Hochdahl am Neandertal            qrv:db0iz-9
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                     ham:dg9ep@db0iz

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