
I've tested the problem on the weekend and could reconstruct it.
I've discovered even another error -- when killing spattach
after a TCP connection has been opened the kernel panics with
the messages "killing interrupt handler" and "unable to kill the idle
task". I think the problem is that the driver code which interfaces the
kernel is very old -- it has been taken from the SLIP driver for 2.0.x
kernels, later minor changes were done to get it compiled on 2.1.x
kernels. But meanwhile so many things in the networking code have been
changed that it is probably easier if I take the kernel interface code
from the latest 2.2.x mkiss driver and replace/add the 6pack-specific
routines. This will also be a good opportunity to fix the old
documentation attached with the driver ...

73's de Andreas

Andreas Könsgen * DG3KQ * Aachen, Germany


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