On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, Peter Grace wrote:

> device /dev/ttyS0  (error was 'fetching tty device parameters: Invalid
> argument')

Don't know whats wrong here. Oh, except in the script below you have
already used ttyS0 for kissattach. You can't of course have two processes
use the same serial port at once.

> device /dev/ttyp0 (I/o error)
> and also /dev/ttyq0 (i/o error)

These are both slave ends of a pty/tty pair. I guess you don't have
anything in the master end (I don't see anything in the script below).
That would cause exactly the error message you get.

In case you didn't know the pty/tty pair (or pipe) has two ends that are
not quite equal. The pty one (eg. /dev/ptyp0) is the master and it needs
to always be opened first. Also if the process that opened the master end
dies or otherwise closes the master end, the slave end will instantly get
an I/O error.

So what you seem to miss is a kissattach process opening and doing the
kiss stuff at the master end. After that you can start ax25ipd.

> /usr/sbin/kissattach -i -m 512 /dev/ttyS0 radio
> /usr/sbin/axparms -assoc kb1cvh pgrace
> /sbin/route add -host ax0
> /sbin/route add ax0
> /usr/sbin/kissparms -p radio -t 300 -s 300 -r 25
> /usr/sbin/nrattach -i -m 512 netrom
> route add nr0
> /usr/sbin/ax25ipd
> /usr/sbin/ax25d
> /usr/sbin/netromd -i -t 120
> /usr/sbin/mheardd
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -routes radio K1CF-1 + 120
> /sbin/route add nr0
> /sbin/arp -t netrom -s K1CF-1
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes KA1TUZ + BBSTUZ 120 5 radio K1CF-1
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes KA1TUZ-11 + "*" 120 5 radio K1CF-1
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes WZ1L + BBSWZL 120 5 radio K1CF-1
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes WB1DSW-2 + EKINGS 120 5 radio K1CF-1
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes W1UU + MASS 120 5 radio K1CF-1
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes WZ1L-5 + POWOW 120 5 radio K1CF-1
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes K1TR-10 + WHDHM 120 5 radio K1CF-1
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes K1UGM + BBSUGM 120 5 radio K1CF-1

--- Tomi Manninen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / OH2BNS @ OH2RBI.FIN.EU ---

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