Title: PB and PG for Linux Version 1.2 released

I have uploaded version 1.2 of PB and PG for Linux to Sunsite.unc.edu. The file
name is pbpg-1.2.tar.gz. I have placed the file and the accompanying
lsm-file in /pub/Incoming/linux. The target directory is /pub/linux/apps/ham.
The updated documentation is found in pb-pg.txt.

The following errors have been corrected:
-       The package will compile with glibc 2
-       The display of file names in the files window of PB is now correct
-       The status line of PB has been cleaned up
-       The e-counter was incorrectly incremented when TLM frames was received
-       PG will now upload more than one file per invocation
-       Reception of a ER_NO_SUCH_FILE_NUMBER is handled correctly by PG

The following improvements have been made:
-       The downlink efficiency is now computed for all satellites
-       A download request is cancelled when (if) a NO -3 message is received
-       A new parameter MAXWAIT has been inrtroduced for PG. It allows PG
        to wait a certain time before attempting to connect to the satellite.

The following is believed to be an incorrectness:
-       Sometimes PB will send requests for directory fills when it is not
        needed. This behaviour has only been observed with AO-16.

The lsm reads as follows:

Title:          PB and PG for Linux
Version:        1.2
Entered-date:   3 SEP 99

Description:    PB and PG for Linux are program used for download from and
                upload to digital satellites (Pacsats) supporting the FTL0
                protocol. This software allows you to directly communicate
                with the Microsat series of satellites. It provides a
                Curses (Ncurses) based user interface. It features automatic
                directory fill requests and simple, rules based file
                download requests.
                This version of the programs will work with kernel
                revisions 2.0.24 or higher.
Keywords:       AX.25
                Digital Satellites
                Amateur Radio
Author:         [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bent Bagger)
                [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Scott Bentsen)
                and others.
Maintained-by:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bent Bagger)
Primary-site:   sunsite.unc.edu /pub/linux/apps/ham/pbpg-1.2.tar.gz
Copying-policy: GPL.

Happy hamming


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