On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Cathryn Mataga wrote:

> >I had that problem on my system (RedHat 5.1, kernel 2.2.9). Because I
> >couldn't solve the problem, I decided to reinstall on a new harddisk the
> >latest RedHat with the 3 ax25 packages. Guess what? LinuxNode started to
> >work again perfectly fine.
> Yup, the nature of this thing is that it's likely completely random in how
> or when the bug strikes.  I think 'node' was unusually succeptible, for
> reasons which are no fault of node at all.  Is someone going to upload
> a kernel patch on ftp.hes.iki.fi or radio.linux.org.au?  Err how is this
> kind of bug normally handled.

I have prepared a patch that fixes this (also for ROSE, NET/ROM was ok all
along) and some other stuff. I'll submit it to Alan today and ask him
about the release schedule for 2.2.13. If it takes very long I'll put the
patch available somewhere.

--- Tomi Manninen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / OH2BNS @ OH2RBI.FIN.EU ---

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