Hi all --

I'm having trouble getting CLX to initiate a connection via a shellscript
using ax25_call (I need to use this to substitute the outgoing callsign to
make the remote cluster properly recognize me).  I'm trying to do a pretty
simple connection -- a direct connect to N8BJQ on port pi0a with the local
callsign as W8APR-3.  The base AX.25 stuff has been working well with other
applications (node, fbb, conversd) so I'm presuming that it is properly

I can run "/usr/sbin/ax25_ctl pi0a w8apr-3 n8bjq" from the command line,
and I will properly be connected to n8bjq.  However, running this command
within a script is another matter.  No matter how I do it -- either using 
params that CLX passes, or hardcoding the command just as I did above -- 
the connection fails with strange errors.

Here's the shellscript I'm trying to run:

# Shell script to use ax25_call as an interface program

PROG=`basename $0`

# These two lines are to throw away the command line and params fed by
# CLX so they aren't echoed back
read conn
set -- $conn

stty -echo raw
logger -p local5.info "$PROG: /usr/sbin/ax25_call $PORT $MYCALL $DEST"
exec /usr/sbin/ax25_call $PORT $MYCALL $DEST

Running this script directly from the command line just hangs -- I don't get
any data dumped back to the console.  Running it from CLX generates lots
of errors that seem to indicate that contents of the script are being echoed
back to CLX.

I've tried several variations of this script that hard code the params 
rather than using variables, or use the params passed by CLX.  All result
in the same situation -- silently hanging when run from the command line;
weird errors logged when run from CLX.

I'm obviously doing something wrong, but what?

Thanks and 73,

John N8UR

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