I'm trying to get a bit further in my configuration than before.

Basically, I need some advice on how to set up ports and nodes, etc.

I have 3 9612 tnc's on ttyS0, ttyS1 and ttyS2, attached with mkiss and
kissattach. They map
out to:

ax        tty        hardware
t1p1    ttyq0    tnc1 port1
t1p2    ttyq1    tnc1 port2
t2p1    ttyq2    tnc2 port1
t2p2    ttyq3    tnc2 port2
t3p3    ttyq5    tnc3 port2

I have no radio for tnc3 port1.

The question is how to map netrom nodes and hardware ports. The tables below
give you an idea of what I'm up to:

KG7FU radio ports (hardware)

speed channel tnc+port description    in.axports

1200 145.06 t1p1  (1200 Baud) User Port   t1p1
9600 223.700 t1p2  (9600 Baud) User Port and LAN (DXTMB) t1p2
1200 223.46 t2p1  (1200 Baud) CLX Link W7AT  t2p1
9600 430.05 t2p2  (9600 Baud) LAN (SALEM)   t2p2
(none 1200 none t3p1  (not active))
9600 434.700 t3p2  (9600 Baud) User Port and LAN (CLXTST) t3p2

KG7FU virtual ports

ssid hardware association program in /etc/ax25/ax25d.conf

-1 t1p1  KG7FU-1:LBS /usr/sbin/node node
-2 t1p1  KG7FU-2:EUGCLX /usr/local/clx/bin/net_usr net_usr -x %u
-3 t1p1  KG7FU-4:ECHAT /usr/sbin/convers convers %u
-4 t1p1  KG7FU-4:PMS /usr/sbin/pms pms -o %u kg7fu
-5 t1p1  KG7FU-5:#AXSP /usr/sbin/axspawn axspawn %u
-1? t1p2  KG7FU-1:LBS /usr/sbin/node node
-6 t2p1  KG7FU-5:#CLX /usr/sbin/node node
-1? t2p2  KG7FU-1:LBS /usr/bin/node node
-1? t3p2  KG7FU-1:LBS /usr/sbin/node node

In other words, I have a need for users connnecting to radio ports t1p1,
t1p2 and t3p2 to
all see kg7fu-1:LBS. This is to maintain compatibility with existing
hardware nodes. I also
want to provide additional services on t1p1 without having to resort to
wampes or some other

How would you accomplish this?

tia - de KG7FU

James S. Kaplan KG7FU
Eugene Oregon USA
ICQ # 1227639
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