On Mon, 11 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On 10 Oct, richadr wrote:
> > I want to buy a notebook, but it must be able to run Linux
> > (preferably SuSE 6.2). Anyone out there that can tell me
> > something about the possibillities and impossibillities 
> > or perhaps redirect me to the right news-group?
> Richard,
> Just about any notebook should work fine.
> There is a Linux LapTop-HOWTO (http://www.linuxdoc.org/) that should
> provide hints and pointers to what to buy and what to watch out for.
> The usual precautions apply: treat it as a PC with hardware that you
> can't easily change, make sure the hardware is supported.

And since we are talking about possible ham use, you might want to make
sure the soundcard is well supported in general and preferably by the
soundmodem too. I believe quite a few laptops have cs423x based soundcards
so one of them might be a good choise.

--- Tomi Manninen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / OH2BNS @ OH2RBI.FIN.EU ---

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