Harold Hartley wrote:

> well, what it does is if a ham web server is setup, other hams can use
> the client to recieve the info it gets from the server in a html format
> on the ham users computer and lets them click on the link it got to link
> via web...
> thats what I gathered of it...
> but there must be a server setup to recieve from the pacsat system...

It's a really strange way to do things.... you would be reading local files
on your drive so a web server wouldn't be required, just that file server.
All the web pages would have to be written to work in that way.
I like the idea of storing a set of graphics on the client system and using
a normal web server.  This is compatible with the stuff they are using with
winpac.  I written a couple of these but there's very little interest.  The
first one I wrote is at http://gw.ko6ri.ampr.org/bbs  The one that acts as
a front-end for FBB is at http://gw.ko6ri.ampr.org/fbb  I alter the path to
images on the fly and the path I change them to is configured by the user.


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