Tnx Tomi....I know the essentials...unfortunately the linux app supplied
with the CDROM has some
old libc dependancies and acts "funny" suid root.

AA7BQ just sent me this link with newer QRZ! apps for

Downloaded it, but haven't checked it out yet.


James S. Kaplan KG7FU
Eugene Oregon USA
ICQ # 1227639
Have YOU tried Linux today?

----- Original Message -----
From: Tomi Manninen OH2BNS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 1999 2:12 AM
Subject: Re: QRZ! + node

> On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, James S. Kaplan KG7FU wrote:
> > Actually, I was looking to usse the cdrom and perhaps the unix/linux
> > files supplied on it.
> If there is a command line tool to query a callsign then interfacing that
> to LinuxNode should be simple. Just use the extcmd facility, probably you
> want to use the "pipe" flag there. See the node.conf manual page.
> --
> --- Tomi Manninen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / OH2BNS @ OH2RBI.FIN.EU ---

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