On Sat, Nov 06, 1999 at 08:04:18AM +0000, Geoff Blake wrote:
> Hello folks,
> Looking for a text based (for 3 or 4 vt100 terminals) multi-user logging 
> programme for use at Jamboree stations etc.

I don't think one exists.
have a look at http://radio.linux.org.au in the 'logging' section.

> OK, I could write one, but there's no point in re-inventing the wheel.

Re-inventing can sometimes lead to a better design.

> Geoff
> -- 
>      Geoff  Blake    geoff @ palaemon . demon . co . uk            linux 2.0.36
>       Chelmsford         g8gnz @ g8gnz . ampr . org          sparc - i586
>       Intel create faster processors - Microsoft create slower processes
>         The product of a MicroSoft free zone - without a single reboot


 Joop Stakenborg PA4TU, ex-PA3ABA 
 Linux Amateur Radio Software Database

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