On Thu, Dec 16, 1999 at 05:22:11AM +0000, Larry Molitor wrote:
> Sorry John, but from what I see in the user manual available at the above
> site, it won't run a telnet session, only AX25. Too bad.

Well the point of a packet radio terminal is to run AX25 sessions,
isnt't it? If you want to do telnet - use "telnet", together
with "screen" or "splitscreen" and rzsz, the standard unix tools
for this purpose. There are lots of other terminal emulators too.

Hans-Peter Zorn, Karlsruhe, Germany
http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uhsm/      [EMAIL PROTECTED]    (preferred)
http://1409.org/people/hp/                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    (hamradio stuff)

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