On Mon, 3 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have two TNOS executables, the second just compiled for the y2k
> bug. When I try to run the new exe I get the following message:
> Error opening terminal: linux

Probably it doesn't find the terminfo database. I guess the executable was
compiled on another machine? Running tnos with strace might reveal where
it expects to find the database and then you can add a symbolic link
there. For example on one box I had to do

 ln -s /usr/share/terminfo /usr/local/lib/terminfo

to get some old stuff running after upgrading the system. Possible places
for where the database is and/or where tnos searches for it are /usr/lib,
/usr/share, /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/share at least.

--- Tomi Manninen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / OH2BNS @ OH2RBI.FIN.EU ---

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