
just question about versions - I'd like to setup a small gateway which

* have one or two 9k6 RF channels for incoming traffic
* have internet connection (and possibly providing TCP/IP over AX.25)
* provide AX.25 over TCP/IP connection to the other nodes like this
* have email <> PR mail gateway (mailgw is obviously the good solution)
* use linfbb which is needed for mailgw then (only for gatewayed
traffic, no other forward)

I think that if I use fast machine and lots of memory, latest 2.2.x
kernel with ax25tools & ax25 utils would be a solution.

But my limitation is that I'd like to run it on 386DX40 with 8MB RAM and
130MB HDD.

My guess is then the latest 2.0.38 kernel, 2.1.42a ax25 utils, but which
fbb and mailgw to use?

Are me assumptions workable? Thanks a lot for your hints and experiences
with such a systems.

73! Pavel OK2UCX (sysop of OK0NS and OK0NSU RMNC/FlexNet nodes,

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