Hans-Peter Zorn wrote:

>       # /usr/sbin/nrattach netrom
>       # ifconfig nr0 netmask hw netrom
>       # VK2KTJ-9
>       # route add nr0
> --- snip --
> Why do I need a route to the interface ip address? Shouldn't that be
> a network route (which is set up automagically with 2.2)

You don't need one in 2.2. That's circa 2.0 information.

> b) Does a normal user station need to have a nrbroadcasts file and
> a netromd running or is this for network nodes only? Can I make netrom
> connections without running netromd?
> (I think it would be rather annoying if 20+ stations at a user qrg
> would broadcast every 5 minutes?)

You can manually route netrom, but I don't know anyone that does it. You
need nrboadcasts to define which of your AX.25 ports you will broadcast
NetRom routing information, this has the same meaning as it does in
TCP/IP. If you don't broadcast routes then the only people that will
know about you/can route to you are those that have manual routes. Under
normal circumstances you would configure nrbroadcasts. Netromd is the
other end of this arrangements, it is the daemon that listens to NetRom
routing broadcasts and updates the routing table, the same deal applies


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