A few of you asked for copies of the January 2000 issue of QST's MX614
packet modem article.

I have scanned and zipped it to
(Since this is copywritten material, it will only stay on this site
for a few days.
This is a service to a few EU hams, as QST is not distributed to
newsstands in
most countries anymore, not an intentional breech of copyright laws.
May I
suggest some of you DL and PA hams pool your resources and get a
to QST yourselves? (no offense intended!)) Beware! These are
full-sized scans,
so the zip file is nearly 4.5MB.

I'm not going to re-post my modifications and suggestions, except for
the most
obvious; use ferrite beads, probably 43 material, on all the data,
audio and control
lines at the PCB or this thing will sing like a suckling pig just
before a Luau! The
original post may be found at

Also at "http://www.rio.com/~kg7fu/ad2.zip" is a few pics of the
inside of a Yaesu
(Welz) AD-2 2m - 70cm "duplexer" (the CORRECT term is diplexer) with a
schematic and parts list.

Be sure to check the pages at "http://www.rio.com/~kg7fu/home.html"
for new and interesting ham radio topics and information and other


James S. Kaplan KG7FU
Eugene Oregon USA
ICQ # 1227639
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