
Having just purchased and built a YAM9K6 modem, I tried to get it 
working on my Linux system : RH 6.1, 2.2.13 Kernel, etc. 

The yamcfg yam0 bit seems to work just fine, but when I try using 
ifconfig, it fails and refuses to bring the interface up. I can use ifconfig 
to set device name, HW, callsign, etc without errors, but setting the 
IP address gives 'SIOCSIFFLAGS: Input/output error' although it does 
seem to set the IP address, as seen by doing 'ifconfig yam0' 

I get the same error when I try doing 'ifconfig yam0 up' and the interface 
remains down. 

Anyone got any clues please ? 

Also are there any good WWW resources around concerning YAM and 
LINUX ?  What I could find doing searches wasn't very enlightening. 


73 de Chris


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