On Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 10:36:39AM -0700, Ken Koster wrote:
> Using MySQL (or PostgreSQL) is a great idea and one I think is fundemental
> to doing it right. Rather than concentrating on what GUI to work with why
> don't we identify what elements need to be stored and come up with a database
> structure first.  Then multiple frontends can be created depending upon an
> individuals requirements.
> I'm not a database type of programmer, but I do know that a proper database
> structure has to come first.


Well, the list of fields I want is quite big. None of the Windows
programs has all of them, which is part of the reason I'm considering
home brew.

Things commonly lacking in existing log programs
* no separate name and QTH fields (some programs expect you to put these
  in the comments; I prefer separate fields)
* mode field of 3 or 4 characters with a fixed list (I mostly operate
  Hellschreiber which has a lot of sub-modes like "PSKHELL245" and
  "FELDHELL", just as SSTV has "Martin M1", "Robot 36" etc,
  and I would like to log the exact mode used).

I also like to log the transmit power used both by my station and
the remote station. (This is getting into the very picky category.)
One program I do like for Windows has a field for my transmit power,
but not the other op's.

Contesting? Difficult to build a program that does both contesting
and casual logging well I think.


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