----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 05 July 2000 19:20
Subject: Re: Install Linux from ftp-server... not work??

> On Wed, 05 Jul 2000,  Håkan Larsson wrote about,  Install Linux from
ftp-server... not work??:
> > Hello.
> >
> > I am trying to install linux on a computer how do not have any cd-rom
> > I have the RH6.0 disk on a ftp-server RH6.0 and try to install over my
> > network.
> >
> > I can se the transfering via "tcpdump" on the ftp-server but all stops
> > the "stage2.img" is loaded in to the installing maskin. And then the
> > thing just stoped. I still se the text "Loading second stage ramdisk. .
> > after the loading is finished.
> >
> > What do I do wrong??
> To be honest i dont know, i have never installed via ftp. however, if your
> system is trying to "load" the second stage ramdisk then i would think
> something is "really wrong".

I tried the same thing with Definite Linux V7 (a RH-6 clone). And I got the
same result.

> On another note, if you have netwrok access why not use NFS to install the
> new distribution.
> Simply create the bootdisk sets, start the computer with the disk sets and
> select NFS install.
> You will need to export the cdrom on the source "machine" in /etc/exports.
> And have nfs started on that machine.
> I quite often use NFS to install on new computers which dont have cdroms.
> If you need more help on a NFS install mail me, i cant garentee success
> with redhat 6.0 as i myself use slackware, however the principle is the
> same.
NFS is OK if your other machine is set up as a NFS server. My other machine
runs Win98 (yuk! blue screen!), and NFS server software is difficult to
find, and hard to justify paying upwards of $120 for, unless anyone knows of
a good NFS server for Win95/98. There are a few for NT.

In the end I found one that runs for 15 days as a trial, and used it to
install Slackware 7 which now works a treat.

> >
> > Vy73 de Hakan
> --
> Regards Richard
> http://people.zeelandnet.nl/pa3gcu/



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