Linux-Hardware Digest #9, Volume #9              Tue, 22 Dec 98 04:13:32 EST

  Re: Intel EtherExpress Pro/100B Problem (Jonathan Wurtz)
  writing to Ultra DMA disk & skips when using sound card (Heikki Julkunen)
  Re: Turtle Beach Montego sound card (Barron Koralesky)
  Re: AMD k6-2 in a server. (David Fox)
  Re: Dell loves Linux! (spmccann)
  Re: Linux SMP revisited (Peter Daniel ECKERSLEY)
  Re: HELP - Linux on Compaq Prosignia (David M)
  Re: Soundblaster Live! drivers for Linux ("Jörn Nettingsmeier")
  Re: Linux SMP revisited ("Jörn Nettingsmeier")
  Re: Running Linux on AMD or Cyrix microprocessor (Codifex Maximus)
  Re: 1 Gb of ram not supported (Marco 'Big Brother')
  Re: Drivers for Riva tnt? (Marco 'Big Brother')
  Grafik-Karte erkennt keinen Monitor, nur LCD (Maik Hassel)
  Re: 2.1.131 & PS/2 (Christian Huebner)
  Re: Ensoniq Driver (Markolf Gudjons)


From: Jonathan Wurtz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Intel EtherExpress Pro/100B Problem
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 17:19:35 -0500

Summary: make sure the card is working properly; it may not be a DHCP

If the DHCP negotiation failed, no interface for eth0 will show up in
ifconfig, even though the device is recognized.

My cable modem service (@Home) set me up with the same setup, though it
was a 10Mbps EEPro.  I tried everything I could think of, using DHCPCD 
7.0, and finally determined that the EEPro card was not working.  Check
/proc/interrupts to see that your card is getting the interrupts it 
needs for both Tx and Rx.  If you have a LAN sniffer, or tcpdump(1) on
another linux box, use them to verify that your DHCP requests are 
actually hitting the wire.  Also make sure that PnP is turned off (use 
the DOS configure program that came w/ the card) or isapnptools has been 
used to correctly configure the card.  I never did get the card running 
under Linux and eventually gave up and got a cheap NE2000 clone, which 
works fine for me, using DHCPCD 7.0.  The different card is OK for DHCP 
(at least w/ @home) because is assigns IP addresses based on hostname, 
not MAC address.

As for the two nodes on one modem, I would think this probably won't
unless your ISP has allocated two different IP addresses and two
host names to you (for an extra charge, I'm sure).  If you want to use
your cable modem as a gateway to the internet, you'll probably have to
a second LAN card in the gateway node and run IP masquerading (check IP 
masquerading mini-howto) to get your lan working with just one IP
This is, of course, if your ISP does not forbid you to use their service
a gateway (#include <stddisclamer.h>).

That's my two cents.

Doug Goldstein wrote:
> Another thing. I'm also not setting up an intranet or anything. I'm trying to
> get 2 machines to pull IPs off from the DHCP server. Do I need to setup the
> Linux box to foward and give it 2 cards? 1 to connect to the modem and another
> to go to the hub?
> Chad Cunningham wrote:
> > You don't need the rrdhcpcd, normal DHCP works fine. I'll bet your on
> > roadrunner, right? This happens to me sometimes because their dhcp
> > servers are slow to send out the info, and it times out. I don't
> > remember exactly how to do it, but if you don't get an answer, ask
> > around about setting a sleep() command for DHCP during the bootup.
> > There's somewhere you can put it to make it wait longer.
> >
> > Doug Goldstein wrote:
> > >
> > > I just recently got into Linux for my company. I got the task of setting
> > > up our web server on the network. Which we have the Intel EtherExpress
> > > Pro/100B cards and Intel InBusiness Hubs. I purchased a book including
> > > RedHat 5.1 and installed it along with the card. Rebuilt the kernel so
> > > it's a driver. Only problem is that during booting up the card is
> > > detected and passes all the tests. But our network is connected to the
> > > web via a cable modem so this server needs to connect to the DHCP server
> > > to get an IP address. But for some reason everytime it tries during boot
> > > up it fails. I was required to get a different DHCP client called
> > > rrDHCPcd, cause that's what works with the cable provider. Try as I do I
> > > can not get it to connect to the server. Nor when I type /sbin/ifconfig
> > > does the eth0 device show up. The eth0 does show when typing cat
> > > /proc/net/dev. If there is anyone that can help I'd really appreciate
> > > it. Or if there is any other info I need to provide just tell me.
> > > Thanks.
> > >
> > > Doug Goldstein


Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 00:18:58 -0600
From: Heikki Julkunen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: writing to Ultra DMA disk & skips when using sound card
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup


I'm using Debian 2.0 & Linux 2.0.36.
I have three big UDMA drives, a 10Gb Conner, a 10Gb WDC and
a 12Gb Quantum Bigfoot. When writing on the Bigfoot drive,
I almost certainly get skips when playing mp3 music. Writing
and playing works fine on the other drives, so it can't be that
the CPU is not powerful enough (AMDK6-2@333). 
It seems like the cpu never gets a chance to handle interrupts 
when using the Quantum drive.
'hdparm -u 1 /dev/hdx' (interrupts enabled) doesn't help either. 
hdparm doesn't allow the '-d 1' (dma on) switch.

Now, it looks like UDMA is not really supported by the 2.0.x kernel,
so I tried the 2.1.131 kernel to see if possibly faster transfer
rate using UDMA would avoid the problem by transferring the data before
an interrupt occured (assuming this is the problem). It actually
seemed to fix the problem, but the kernel hangs miserabely if issuing
the following for a simple benchmark for writing a 100Mb file:
'time dd if=/dev/zero of=t.t bs=1k count=100000'
This works fine in 2.0.36 at least, although I get the skips in music.
I'm using Alsa 0.2.0 as it seems to skip less than the ordinary sound 
driver (also less than the commercial OSS driver). 
The 2.1.131 kernel breaks a lot of other things like networking
(route add doesn't work for instance), as well as masquerading
(other configuration tools), so I'm not that eager to try an
experimental kernel again unless it works of course! ;)

The Ultra-DMA mini howto (v2.0.7, August 1998) talks about applying 
a patch to the 2.0.35 kernel in order to apply ultra DMA, 
but 'patch' fails with all the patches provided. 
Is there an updated version somwhere that uses 2.0.36 ? 

Please help!
/ Heikki


From: Barron Koralesky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Turtle Beach Montego sound card
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 16:34:23 -0600

This soundcard has an Aureal Vortex chip.  OSS is working on supporting
this chip but, as of yet, has not.  Thus you will not be able to get
sound under linux.


From: d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox)
Subject: Re: AMD k6-2 in a server.
Date: 21 Dec 1998 22:19:42 -0800

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Daniel ECKERSLEY) writes:

> d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox) writes:
> >> > >> > Just a warning - the Pentium II/400 I have at work is
> nearly twice >> > as fast as my K6-2/333 when doing mpeg layer 3
> encoding.  I don't >> > know why.
> That sounds suspiciously like an optimisation problem, not a
> capability problem.

It is, but unfortunately the software is closed source and patented.
David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU


From: spmccann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: Dell loves Linux!
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 06:33:42 +0000

Scott Palmer wrote:
> What opportunity is Dell "missing out" on?
I believe it was Micheal Dell who said that "Windows is an operating
system not a religion"
My piont being like any other OEM Microsoft has you by the short and
this is not a good position to be in. 

on the other pionts,

Yes I would be willing to pay for Linux support. 

I have a dell optiplex rinning Suse 5.2 and win95(games) and its a
Dell have a reputation for building solid well priced machines, hence I
bought one.

Dell tech support are competant, friendly and knowledgable.

I would like to be able to buy a machine with just linux on it,
 prefrabley from Dell based on past experience.

In Europe use Suse it has  a more European bias probably because its

the main problem dell is going to run into id driver suport for Linux.
But Dell
is a big company with plenty of bargaining power to deal with h/w



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linux SMP revisited
Date: 22 Dec 1998 04:26:10 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Hurt) writes:

>Jason Baeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>But what I don't know is to what extent under daily use Linux will take
>>advantage of two cpu's, especially under multitasking conditions (rather
>>than twiddle my thumbs while waiting for a web page to download, I'd
>>rather use the time to do something else constructive).  Right now I'm
>>leaning towards putting the money I would otherwise spend on a dual-cpu
>>m'b and an extra cpu towards additional drive space.  But I'm also
>>wondering about the imminent release of the 2.2 kernel and if its
>>reported stable SMP processing will bring even more advantages to
>>running dual cpu's under LInux.

>The second CPU would help in high-load situations.  However, most
>processes spend most of their time blocked- your web browser, for
>instance, is spending most of it's time waiting for the images to
>download.  I'd be more inclined to spend the money on:

You can generally get a good idea of whether you would benefit from an SMP
machine by running xload; being over 1 indicates some benefit from 2 cpus, being
over 2 would indicate that two cpus would have lots to do.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: HELP - Linux on Compaq Prosignia
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 01:43:32 -0600

Alberto Lago da Silva wrote:

> Hi,
> We are trying to setup Linux Slackware 3.5 (linux 2.0.34) on a Compaq
> Prosignia 200 with a SCSI drive. Aparently it has a ncr53c406a controller or
> a wd7000 (at boot time both are mentioned). We are booting from CD-ROM.
> Acording to Compaqs SmartStart utility the config of the SCSI card is:
> iobase addr=0x6000, irq=5 and dma addr=0x40001000 or 0x40002000.
> However during boot the following error is printed on screen:
>     ncr53c406a: No available ports found
>     Failed initalization of WD-7000 SCSI card !
> The system boots but the SCSI drive is not accesible.
> I've looked into all the docs I could get, I've tried passing parameters to
> the driver at boot time with no positive results. Could someone help ?
> Thanks in  advance.
> als

Compaq machines love to share IRQ's.  I have seen it where the SCSI and Ethernet
were sharing an IRQ and the Ethernet would not work.    I had to go into the
BIOS and assign IRQ's to each device.    I don't know if your problem is

-David M


From: "Jörn Nettingsmeier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Soundblaster Live! drivers for Linux
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 23:55:32 +0100

Dear Simo !

Generally, I think your campaign idea might be helpful.
But I don't think we could demand that somebody do the work for us and
write a driver.
Our target shouldn't be the OSS or ALSA folks, who are doing a fine job
IMHO, but the morons at Creative (a must for lovers of WebSitesFromHell)
or Turtle Beach who just ignore Linux and withhold their product
BTW, if you are looking for a pro-audio card, seek out

Happy New Year,


Simo Aro wrote:

> There is no way for use SB Live! under Linux.
> This is what somebody from Creative Labs' tech support said
> (btw, it took about one week to get a reply): "Creative Labs
> never provides Linux drivers (I don't know why) - I think you
> will probably soon be able to get one from"
> "Soon". OSS home page seems to contain some new information
> about SB Live!: "estimated in 2Q99". I'm happy! I'm happy!
> Now I have to wait for only 3-6 months to be able to pay
> for the drivers.
> If anybody's interested in collecting something like 1000 names
> with a statement stating that we want SB Live! drivers for Linux
> immediately and for free, please contact me. It shouldn't be too
> difficult to organize this kind of campaign.
> Probably such a campaign wouldn't help us anyhow, but it *might*
> get some attention from other sound card manufacturers, at least.
> So, after all it might do some good.
> --
> (IQ test when replying...)

Jo"rn Nettingsmeier
Effmannstr. 6 
45239 Essen/Germany 
Phone/Fax +49 201 491621


From: "Jörn Nettingsmeier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux SMP revisited
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 23:39:46 +0100

Hello, SMP gurus out there !

I have a dual p2 board with one slot yet unused.
My question is:
Do several normal, non-threaded applications benefit from SMP when
running at the same time (provided there are no I/O bottlenecks), i.e.
will POVRAY be just as fast as on a single cpu while playing Quake on
the other one? (I know it's a stupid example, but I hope you'll get the
My non-programmer's hope is that different apps will be spread evely
over the CPUs by some magic little scheduler in the kernel w/o knowing
or slowing down each other.
Is that actually possible ?

I'm planning to do some heavy Audio processing, and I hope to have some
effects computed in the background while editing on the GUI, possibly
with different programs.

Thanks, Happy New Year,


Kevin wrote:
> Well, this is directly from a SMP machine owner, and while I feel that I am just
> adding a fire to the log I will give my opinion.
> I run perl scripts, a web server, Oracle (who, incidentally, I worked for last
> summer), and some other intensive applications that require lots of system time.
> If you are going to be using Oracle, it will definitively help you if you have
> more than one CPU (that is, if you have multiple connections open to the database
> at a time)
> While, granted, the speedup is not 100%, it worthwhile. Lemme give you some
> benchmarks (I run a dual Pentium Pro 180 w/512K cache)
> Task                        Single PPro        Dual PPro
> recompile kernel         15 mins                8 mins
> exhaustive db search   12 secs               7 secs
> (while I was playing
> GLQuake through X)
> large CGI/Perl Script    5 secs                2 secs
> w/ many string parses
> Granted, some of these were definitely not multithreaded, they were due to the
> fact that they had their own CPU to get time on while the other CPU handled the
> other tasks.  I thought it was worth it since I wasn't on a tight budget.
>     Kevin

Jo"rn Nettingsmeier
Effmannstr. 6 
45239 Essen/Germany 
Phone/Fax +49 201 491621


From: Codifex Maximus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Running Linux on AMD or Cyrix microprocessor
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 17:48:08 -0600

Neoh Kee Lin wrote:

> Is any one knows any compatibility problem on the above issue, other than
> what has mentioned by
> 2?
> --
> Neoh

I run an AMD K6-3D 300Mhz 100Mhz PC100 bus and 64MB Ram, 14GB worth of Quantum
and Maxtor IDE drivespace. SoundBlaster AWE64. RedHat 5.1 fully updated - Linux
Kernel 2.0.36 specifically tuned to my machine's needs.  Blackdown's Java Port
1.1.7 and TYA1.2 JIT. Mesa3.0 with GLUT.  KDE fully tricked out.  All the
goodies. Netscape full accessorized, RealMedia Client for Unix, Synaesthesia,
JCthugha, Bomb, x11amp, xanim with mov and avi support. Hitchhiker, mHockey,
SimCity. Wine981211. BitchX.  More software than I can download and run.

My machine runs like a top and registers 599.50 BogoMips.  Hello.

Rock on!

My opinions are mine alone - though others may borrow...


From: Marco 'Big Brother' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 1 Gb of ram not supported
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 00:50:39 +0100

Pieter Krul wrote:
> You really should read

This is a funny story actually.  I quote:

  The 64 MB 'gap' we leave is there to allow Linux
  a bit of space for internal administration.

I only have 64MB :)  Glad they don't use the same 'gap'!
Next year I'll get 64GB though (on my SX-5 that is :)
It's time for real 64/128 bit machines?!
Marco 'Big Brother'
Work: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Marco 'Big Brother' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Drivers for Riva tnt?
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 00:52:00 +0100

Pete wrote:
> Are there any drivers for the riva tnt chipset? I have a Daiamond viper v550
> with 16 Mb ram and can't get it configured in linux...

XFree86 3.3.3 SVGA server.  It's only mentioned a couple of time so far :)
Marco 'Big Brother'
Work: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Maik Hassel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: fido.ger.linux
Subject: Grafik-Karte erkennt keinen Monitor, nur LCD
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 08:19:34 +0100


ich habe eine auf dem Chips+Tech. 65554-Chip basierende Grafikkarte, die
sowohl LCD als auch normale (CRT) Monitore ansteuern k=F6nnen soll!
Unter X wird jedoch kein Monitor "erkannt", weshalb nur die 640x480
m=F6glich sind (X-Server-Msg: "No Monitor probed" oder so)!

Wer kennt eine L=F6sung???

Danke und Gruss
-- =

      GMD/SET                        German National Research Center =

    Maik Hassel                      for Information Technology
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                Schloss Birlinghofen
Phone:  +49 (0)2241-14-2444  (o o)   D-53754 St. Augustin/Germany


From: Christian Huebner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2.1.131 & PS/2
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 14:41:06 -0800

Eugen Dueck wrote:
> I patched my 2.1.116 kernel up to 2.1.131 and after that my ps / 2
> (logitech oem) mouse doesn't run, neither with gpm nor under X.
> How can I fix this?
> Eugen Dueck - Munich, Germany

Hi Eugen,

It cant be a universal problem as I use a notebook with 2.1.131
and my touchpad mouse runs fine with the PS/2-driver. I dont
have a suggestion to fix it, but I wanted You to know it can
be done.

Good luck



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Markolf Gudjons)
Subject: Re: Ensoniq Driver
Date: 22 Dec 1998 08:12:45 GMT

Tim Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> - ES1370 is the Ensoniq card          (great)
> - ES1371 is the Creative version card (crap)
I have a Soundblaster 64 PCI, made by Creative (it says on the PC
board). However, it is definitely an ES1370. Bios reports device
1274:5000 and I've identified the chip on the board. Strange.

It works brilliantly with 2.1.131 and ES1370 support except, as noted
in the Readme, cat >/dev/audio doesn't work.

- Mark



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