Linux-Hardware Digest #58, Volume #9             Wed, 30 Dec 98 05:13:34 EST

  Re: CPUs and XWindoes (Mike Werner)
  Re: Tape Backup Drives (Philip Hirschhorn)
  CPUs and XWindoes (Martin Green)
  NCR 53c974 and Linux 2.0.36 (RH 5.2) (Stefan Karlsson)
  Re: LaserPrinter suggestions, please (Ross Boylan)
  Best video card for Linux, Solaris x86, NT, and Win95? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  epson stylus 800 color or parallel port (vsevolod mick tonkonoh)
  ATX Power Supplies and Linux - RedHat 5.2 ("Clayton J. Ramseyer")
  Re: SoundBlaster 16 Waveffects (Jeffrey Bridge)
  Re: Creative Ensoniq Audio PCI card (glad to be of service)
  Re: MGA G200 on IBM T55D TFT display (Jeffrey Bridge)
  MKE CDROM (ancient) and PnP ("krow")
  Re: Image browser for linux? (Patrick Mayer)
  Re: Linux sees just 64Mb out of 128Mb of memory ("Mark Arthur")
  USB (David Yeung)
  stop a HD ("Nicolaļ Kisselhoff")
  Re: Linux won't see full available RAM (32M) ("Peter K. Achs")
  Re: Why Linux cannot see my hard disk, but NT can? (Mary Kearney)
  kernel panic! (Ibrahim Abubakar Shaaban)
  Is ethernet card 3com 3c508 supported by Linux ? ("Zuki Harahap")
  HP 682c (Ellamenno Pee)
  Re: Floppy for the Toshiba Libretto (David Gould)
  Re: SoundBlaster 16 Waveffects (David Chabot)
  ViCam (Vista Camera) (Gilles Kirouac)


From: Mike Werner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CPUs and XWindoes
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 23:52:25 -0500

Between a P75 and a K6-266?  Unless there was a typo there should be no
hesitation there whatsoever.  


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Philip Hirschhorn)
Subject: Re: Tape Backup Drives
Date: 30 Dec 1998 07:11:36 GMT

: On Mon, 28 Dec 1998, Philip Knouf wrote:

: > I've downloaded the ftape package, along with the ftape tools package,
: > and installed the ftape-tools package, but have not been able to get any
: > sort of backups working.  I have a Seagate Travan 20GB tape drive on my
: > floppy controller.  Whenever I try to use the ftape-tool program (after
: > loading the ftape.o module), I get a message saying "ftmt: /dev/nqft0:
: > Operation not supported by device."  But when I do a cat /dev/ht0, my
: > tape drive is accessed, and some random characters on the screen (I do
: > see the tape name, Full System 00001).  My tape is formatted, because
: > I've used it for backups in windows just fine.  I've read the HOWTO and
: > the ftape documentation, but cannot find a way to get backups to work.
: > What do I need to do differently?  Thanks for any info.
: > 
: > Nick Knouf

Unless I'm confused (and I may be), /dev/ht0 (and also /dev/nht0)is
for IDE tape drives, not for drived attached to your floppy
controller.  I have an IDE Seagate Tapestore 8000 (TR-4), and I access
it at /dev/nht0.


Philip Hirschhorn          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Martin Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CPUs and XWindoes
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 19:19:12 -0500

Given a choice between a Pentium P75 and an AMD K6-266, what do you
recommend for running Red Hat Linux 5.2 X Windows apps?

and what about the upcoming RHAD desktop?



From: Stefan Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NCR 53c974 and Linux 2.0.36 (RH 5.2)
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 01:55:19 +0100

I have problem with kernel lockup. The machine is
a Compaq Deskpro XL590 with embedded PCI SCSI-2
The message I get is something like:

SCSI: aborting command due to timeout
PID....., scsi0, channel0, id0, lun0
scsi: AM53C974_abort called -- trouble starts
AM53C974 register dump:

here comes a load of IObase and register addresses

The comp is totally locked up so I have to
powercycle to reboot.
I don't know is this is diagnosed as a SCSI or
disk problem....

Enator Dotcom AB        #1@com
Stefan Karlsson         System Support
                        Data communications


Teknikringen 4          Phone: +46 (0)13 234317
S-583 30 Link=F6ping      Mobile: +46 (0)708 241061
Sweden                  Fax: +46 (0)13 234303


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ross Boylan)
Subject: Re: LaserPrinter suggestions, please
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 23:35:31 -0800

The Lexmark Optra E+ also looks interesting.  It's about $350, and for
about $100 more you can get postscript emulation (probably some more
memory would be a good idea too).

For a home printer, check the replacement costs and the rated
capacity.  I got a printer which is more for business use--it's
cartridges had a capacity which exceeded anything I was likely to
need.  "Great!" I thought.  But it turns out that, regardless of how
much you print, the cartridge cakes up after a year or two, and you
have to replace it.  And that was pretty expensive (since it was
designed for such heavy duty use).

In case anyone's interested, the printer I'm referring to is a Sharp
JX 9460-PS, and I have made a point of avoiding the reseller who sold
it to me, USA Flex.  They misrepresented some key features of the
printer, and it has never worked well.

So, like yourself, I've been considering getting a new printer which
will work with Linux.

Some new lasers have gotten rave reviews (NEC Superscript, and I think
a new Xerox personal printer).  But they use Adobe printgear
technology.  Based on these newsgroups, plus my direct inquiries of
Adobe, I would say they won't work under Linux.  The driver technology
is closed and proprietary; Adobe has expressed no interest in even
making the info available someone would need to do a driver.  And,
although they are from Adobe, and have postscript drivers for windows,
the hardware itself does not understand postscript.

Norbert Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I am planning to buy a new LaserPrinter for homeuse.
>What I need is a laserprinter working with Linux and Windows (sorry, I
>have to use it for a few things) with good grayscail printing and good
>overall printing. Postscript (if I am right, every postscript printer
>works with Linux?) would be nice but is not a must.
>My limit is somewhere at $700.
>I searched a while and found some printers which sound interesting:
>- Kyocera FS-800
>- Brother HL-1070
>- Brother HL-1050
>Any opinions on these printers (ease of use, overall printing costs,
>failures, limitations) or other printer suggestions are very welcome.
>Thanks in advance,

To reply via email, edit out the "remove" and "me" from the address


Subject: Best video card for Linux, Solaris x86, NT, and Win95?
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 06:35:16 GMT

I have a Diamond FireGL Pro 100 video card that isn't supported by Linux or
Solaris 7 x86 (I have proven that :-) so I need to get a different video
card. I will multi-boot Win95 (for games), NT, Solaris, and Linux.  Few if
any of the latest "hot" cards are in the Linux or Solaris compatibility list.
 Can anyone suggest a good card that will work well with Solaris and Linux,
as well as scream in the Windows world?

Thanks a million for any suggestions.

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Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 17:00:21 -0800
From: vsevolod mick tonkonoh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: epson stylus 800 color or parallel port

I have a problem with printing on Epson Stylus Color 800.
I run RedHat 5.1 on Pentium; Ghostscript ver. 5.50 .
When I try to print something directly, e.g. ,
  gs @stc600pl.upp -sOutputFile=/dev/lp1 -c quit
it starts printing , but very slow, about one row of pixels in 2-3
When I print with the same command, but instead of parallel port to a
  gs @stc600pl.upp -sOutputFile=print1 -c quit
it takes several seconds.
Then, I tried to print this file in DOS by copying it to LPT1 and it
works fine.
In Linux , command   cat print1  >  /dev/lp1
gives the same result as printing to /dev/lp1 directly,( prints very
Parallel port BIOS setting doesn't matter ( normal or ECP/EPP).
Does anybody knows the solution?


From: "Clayton J. Ramseyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ATX Power Supplies and Linux - RedHat 5.2
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 02:18:37 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I got a new case for crhistmas.
It has an ATX power supply, what do I need to do under Linux to
configure the machine to use it properly.

I did not hook it up yet because I wasn't sure if I needed to configure
something special under Linux.

I can be reached at either of the following e-mail addresses appreciate
any help anyone can give.

Interested in this ASAP

Thanx in advance,

Clayton J. Ramseyer - CyberZard
"Ferris, he loves this car more than life itself..."
"A man with priorities so far out of whack doesn't deserve such a fine
automobile..."  Ferris Beuller & Kameron Frye - "Ferris Beuller's Day Off"

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
I got a new case for crhistmas.
<BR>It has an ATX&nbsp;power supply, what do I need to do under Linux to
configure the machine to use it properly.
<P>I did not hook it up yet because I wasn't sure if I needed to configure
something special under Linux.
<P>I can be reached at either of the following e-mail addresses appreciate
any help anyone can give.
<P>Interested in this ASAP
<P>Thanx in advance,
Clayton J. Ramseyer - CyberZard
"Ferris, he loves this car more than life itself..."
"A man with priorities so far out of whack doesn't deserve such a fine
automobile..."&nbsp; Ferris Beuller &amp; Kameron Frye - "Ferris Beuller's Day 



From: Jeffrey Bridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SoundBlaster 16 Waveffects
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 19:35:23 -0600

Michael R. Doerner wrote:

> Hey all. I've been wrestling with this for a day, and I'm not gwtting
> anywhere. I have the SB 16 Waveffects card, which I'm assuming is SB16
> compatible (if it isn't then I guess I'm SOL.) Anyhoo, set up the SB16
> in the kernel (2.0.36) re-compiled, I've been using 2 conifigurations
> without success...
> From Windows...
> Set blaster= a240 i10 d1 h1 p300 t6
> and the default
> a220 i5 d1 h5 p330
> Supposely my sound card does not support DMA 5-7 (only the CT4181 does,
> I have the SB4171) both irq's 5 & 10 are open on my system.
> Neither one kicks in like it should. Do I have to use the PnP utils or
> am I missing something? cat /dev/sndstat give good feedback (minus the
> audio device info, of course.)
> What next?

If it's a ViBRA, you're screwed. Like a winmodem. Otherwise, I don't know.

Jeffrey :j


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (glad to be of service)
Subject: Re: Creative Ensoniq Audio PCI card
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 01:22:31 GMT

On Sun, 20 Dec 1998 22:37:54 -0500, "S. Sachdeva"

>I found the ALSA drivers and was trying to install those.
>On following the install procedure -
>Ran the ./configure, make install, snddevices, created a conf.modules
>and ran modprobe snd-audiopci.
>I still do not get sound. This is the conf.modules file that I have,
>am I missing something...

Try getting the alsa utils - I think the alsa mixer is in there; all
the volumes default to 0 and you need to use the mixer to turn them
up. :)

-- Steve


From: Jeffrey Bridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MGA G200 on IBM T55D TFT display
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 19:32:58 -0600

RonaldKriemann wrote:

> Hi,
> we are testing the upper combination which works fine
> under Win95 but makes some problems under X11.
> The Xserver detects the correct chip (G200) and does switch
> into graphicsmode but the display does not show anything
> (it goes to sleep). It seems that the digital output is not
> used.
> Does anybody have an idea how to fix this ? Or do I have to keep
> working on console :) ?
>   Ronald
> --
>        Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind,
>                            but who cares ?
> Ronald Kriemann                            Dept. of Computer Science,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 University of Kiel, Germany

Try hooking up a regular monitor to the graphics card, and it will
probably work. For now, I think you're hosed.

Jeffrey :j


From: "krow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MKE CDROM (ancient) and PnP
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 00:15:31 -0000

After a disaster with my "good" system, I'm back up and running a reduced
system with a P75 (at 100Mhz), 24Mb ram and an ancient MKE CD-Rom (cheers,
Dave!) that uses it's own 8-bit card.
In order for Linux (RH5.0) to "see" it I have to disable the PCI/PnP in the
bios. A bit of a pain with a dual win95/Linux boot.
How can I find out which particular IRQ to enable/disable so I can avoid
this? The drive and card came with no info and the DIP switches work ok as
far as they go.
Of course, I could buy (very cheaply) and IDE cdrom but ATM this is not
possible. My current budget is so low it doesn't justify using 6 letters to
descibe it as such!
Does RH5.2 fare better in this dept?


"Welcome to my nightmare,............I think you're gonna like it.
I think you're gonna feel......right at home!"
"Welcome to my nightmare" From album of the same name by Alice Cooper.


From: Patrick Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Image browser for linux?
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 03:07:07 -0500

Jay Copeland wrote:

> Blaine Lupulack wrote:
> >
> > HAZE wrote:
> >
> > > >Rod Gasson wrote:
> > > >
> If you want to check out a pic from the commandline - seejpeg works
> great for me. That's the only viewer I had for quite some time because
> my ports cua ports were no good and i didn't have a rat.

Hi there,

XV is pretty good as well, if you have installed the X server.


From: "Mark Arthur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: Linux sees just 64Mb out of 128Mb of memory
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 19:43:55 -0600

Felipe Gustavo de Almeida wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Sergey Gribov wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have Gateway SOLO 9100 laptop with 128Mb of memory.
>> I've installed last Slackware linux on it (kernel 2.0.35). Most of the
>> things seems to
>> work fine (X, network etc.), but the starnge thing is, that it sees just
>> 64Mb out of
>> 128Mb... :(
>> In startup messages and when I run 'top' it says, that I have just 64Mb
>> installed.
>> Anyone knows how to fix it?
>> Thanks in advance,
>Another soluction is upgrading you kernel to 2.0.36, .36 version uses  a
>memory detection method (Memory: sized by int13 088h), it will detect you

I'm not sure if this will help at all, but in the Red Hat documentation, it

1. "On some 386 systems you need to complie your kernel with 'Limit memory
to 16M' enabled."
2. (BIOS problem)
a.  "At the LILO prompt, we type: LILO: Linux mem= {amount of RAM you have}
b. "Use the free command to see if the larger amount of memory was
recognized by the kernel."
c. " If so, add an append line to the /etc/lilo.config file and rerun LILO
to make it happen permanantly."
map= /boot/map
install= /boot/boot.b
image= /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.32.img
Don't forget to run LILO after editing the file." (I would also add, save a
copy of your old kernel so you can get back in if something goes wrong!)

Like I said, this comes from Red Hat, so I don't know if it will work. I've
never tried it myself because I haven't needed to. Hopefully one of these
suggestions will work. Good Luck!


From: David Yeung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: USB
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 16:51:36 +0800

Does the current Linux 2.0.x support the USB interfaces?




From: "Nicolaļ Kisselhoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: stop a HD
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 02:52:54 +0100

I have a linux box sharing printers and most of the time it does
Is there some thing to stop the HD without switching the box off ? 

Thank you.


From: "Peter K. Achs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux won't see full available RAM (32M)
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 20:14:38 -0600

Thanks, I'll try that.  One way or another, I'll get this thing to work!

Thierry Chenus wrote:

> Peter K. Achs wrote:
> >
> > I have a Compaq 486/66M with Pentium Overdrive and 32M of RAM.  The 24
> > Meg of the memory resides on an expansion card.  Linux reports only 16 M
> > of it.  Already tried the mem=32m at LILO prompt.  All I get is a kernel
> > panic.  What else should I look for?
> I use to have the same problem on my computer ( COMPAQ Deskpro Pentium
> 75 with 40 Mo RAM ). I flashed my BIOS with a newer release to fix a
> memory hole bug concerning COMPAQ PCs, and the problem went away !
> --
> -----------------------------------------------
> | Thierry Chenus - Linux Slackware Powered :) |
> -----------------------------------------------


From: Mary Kearney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why Linux cannot see my hard disk, but NT can?
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 02:17:05 GMT

I too have this problem. I picked up an old HP Vectra VL2. Windows has no
problem seeing the drive but Linux (RedHat 5.2) can't( during the install --
using diskdruid or fdisk).  The controller is on the the mother board and I
have tried using a seperate controller card with no luck.  The strange thing is
the install kernel can see the drive as hda.   If anyone here is familiar with
this problem please let me know.
PS I am on my wife's computer so please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

F.Z. wrote:

> Just realized that I didn't change the name from jenaya anderson to my own
> name, cause I used that news reader from lab. Anyway, Matthew. NT does not
> use the full disk size. And, yes, there are plenty of space for Linux. The
> problem is that Linux cannot see the harddirve in the second installation
> stage. What do you think is the possible cause of that problem.
> Matthew Malthouse wrote in message ...
> >On Mon, 21 Dec 1998 13:52:06 -0600 jenaya anderson wrote:
> >} I am new to Linux. I am trying to install Red Hat on a 486DX2 PC. There
> >} is the what happened:
> >}
> >} 1. The hard disk is 3.2 G, which can be autodetected by the BIOS.
> >} 2. My CD-ROM and hard disk are connected to a card with two IDE
> >} channels.
> >} 3. With this hardware configuaration, I can install NT on the machine.
> >} It means that hardware is all right. However, when I try to install Red
> >} Hat, Linux couldn't see my hard disk.
> >} There is what I did during the installation:
> >} After boot the machine up from a floppy, Linux asked me where to install
> >} the system from. I chose "Local CD-ROM'. Then, I can see that it's
> >} reading my CD-ROM. Then, it says "In the second installation stage".
> >} Then, it ask me if I have a SCSI or not, I choose no. Then, it ask me
> >} what disk utility I want to use. I choose "druid". Then, it gave me an
> >} error message that it cannot find the device to put the file system on.
> >} Obviously, Linux was trying to create new file system on the hard disk.
> >} But, for some reason, it cannot see the hard disk. There are two things
> >} that got me confused. The first one is that before I went into the
> >} second installation stage, Linux will do some basic hardware checking,
> >} right? There was no error message then. Both hda and hdc were
> >} recoganized. Why it cannot see the hda in the second stage? The second
> >} one is that why can NT see that hard disk, but Linux cannot?
> >
> >Two questions: is the partition NT is installed on the full size of the
> disk or is it smaller, allowing some free spae to create partition(s) for
> Linux?
> >
> >Have you used the fdisk option? IMHO druid wobbles. :)
> >
> >Matthew
> >
> >--
> >And on the seventh day, He exited from append mode.
> >
> >


From: Ibrahim Abubakar Shaaban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: kernel panic!
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 11:14:54 +0300

hi Everyone,
        I was about installing minix on
a p166mmx,64mb sdram,redfox parentboard
4.3 GB HDD etc when as I was booting
from the root/usr diskette I got a
kernel panic at some address.

A similar event occurs if I try to
install Linux (both redhat and slackware
) I can't even boot from the cdrom.

some one help me out!

Ibrahim A. Shaaban


From: "Zuki Harahap" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Is ethernet card 3com 3c508 supported by Linux ?
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 15:34:23 +0700

Is the 3com 3c508 supported by Linux ?  Anyone please help.  If it can, what
drivers I have to load to recognize this card ?

Many thanks,


From: Ellamenno Pee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HP 682c
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 21:18:13 -0500

I've been having lots of problems getting my color printing straightened
out with Ghostscript on my HP 682c.  I can't find any kind of filter or
anything that can remedy this.  Right now I'm using the cdj550 driver
and it seems that it prints too dark, but still without enough blue.
Any ideas?

The Nut


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Gould)
Subject: Re: Floppy for the Toshiba Libretto
Date: 30 Dec 1998 01:08:11 -0800

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Guy Baruchel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I am not able to boot with a boot and a root disks with my Toshiba
>Libretto. The kernel seems to be loaded, but then when I have to introduce
>the root floppy disk, the kernel doesn't recognize it and says that there
>is no floppy driver. The Libretto has (I think) a PC card for the floppy
>disk. Does I have to enter special parameters at the boot shell ? Would
>you be kind enough not to answer at this adress but to mail at :

The problem is that the Libretto uses a very non-standard floppy interface and
so far Toshiba have not been helpful about documenting it. There is a project
to get a driver working anyway, but I don't know the status.

However, none of that matters if you can do a plip install.

Just find some PC to NFS serve your Redhat CD (or whatever, but Redhat is
really easy in this case) over the plip interface. Plug your Libretto and the
NFS server into a Laplink cable (funky parallel cable) Then boot with the
boot disk and tell the install program that you want to do an NFS install and
choose plip as the interface type. The rest of the install is absolutely
vanilla, although a little slow since plip is not the most efficient interface
ever invented.


David Gould        [EMAIL PROTECTED]        510.628.3783 or 510.305.9468
Informix Software        300 Lakeside Drive          Oakland, CA 94612
  If simplicity worked, the world would be overrun with insects.


From: David Chabot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SoundBlaster 16 Waveffects
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 04:39:51 -0500

Jeffrey Bridge wrote:
> Michael R. Doerner wrote:
> > Hey all. I've been wrestling with this for a day, and I'm not gwtting
> > anywhere. I have the SB 16 Waveffects card, which I'm assuming is SB16
> > compatible (if it isn't then I guess I'm SOL.) Anyhoo, set up the SB16
> > in the kernel (2.0.36) re-compiled, I've been using 2 conifigurations
> > without success...
> >
> > From Windows...
> >
> > Set blaster= a240 i10 d1 h1 p300 t6
> >
> > and the default
> >
> > a220 i5 d1 h5 p330
> >
> > Supposely my sound card does not support DMA 5-7 (only the CT4181 does,
> > I have the SB4171) both irq's 5 & 10 are open on my system.
> >
> > Neither one kicks in like it should. Do I have to use the PnP utils or
> > am I missing something? cat /dev/sndstat give good feedback (minus the
> > audio device info, of course.)
> >
> > What next?
> If it's a ViBRA, you're screwed. Like a winmodem. Otherwise, I don't know.
> Tilde,
> Jeffrey :j

I have a VIBRAX 4170 and I also have only one DMA. It works in 16 bits
in windows but I think it runs only in 8 bits in linux.

My isapnp.conf looks like this:

(INT 0 (IRQ 7 (MODE +E)))
(IO 0 (SIZE 16) (BASE 0x0220))
(IO 1 (SIZE 2) (BASE 0x0330))
(IO 2 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0388))
(NAME "CTL00f0/-1[0]{Audio               }")

It works but I get the following message when I start "insmod sound":

SB16: Bad or missing 16 bit DMA channel

I dont know if it's a bad error or not!?!?!?
If I try to set both DMA to 1, isapnp wont take at all. So I have DMA 0
= 1 and DMA 1 = 0 for isapnp and I compiled both DMA = 1 in the sound

Also, OSS will make any VIBRA work OK (dont know if it's in 16 bits or 8



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gilles Kirouac)
Subject: ViCam (Vista Camera)
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 19:22:53 GMT

 Vista Imaging ( offers a "quick cam" similar 
to the Connectix one.  Users say it is much better, specially more 
sensitive with low level lighting. There is both a parallel port and
USB version.

 Is there a driver for it or information that would allow to write a



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