Linux-Hardware Digest #61, Volume #9             Wed, 30 Dec 98 12:13:23 EST

  Printer problem ("syed")
  Re: How to set Riva TNT card in Xf86 in Red Hat 5.1 system ("Jim Orfanakos")
  Free IRQ and I/O (Martin Stenzel)
  Re: temp monitering hardware software (John Belew)
  SCSI Cheap/Supported? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: UMAX Astra 610S Scanner support... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: IOMega Jazz 2GB drive! ("Tony")
  Re: need to take action on the Winmodem problem (Michael David Jones)
  Re: Human based computers (Was   -   Fruit-based computers) (gus)
  Re: Tapestore 8000 (Philip Hirschhorn)
  PCMCIA CD ROM Won't mount - Anyone send me ide-probe.o ?? ("Les Otter")
  Re: winmodems ("David J. Looney")
  RedHAt 5.1 and Canon BJC4300 printing ("Christophe MICHEL")
  Help with EQUINOX on Linux Redhat ("Johannes Löbel R.")
  Re: Booting from a SCSI cdrom (Levin Jungermann)
  SCSI CDR detect problems (Scott Gregg)
  Re: Can run a AMD K6-2 300 with a ASUS TX 97 X MB ?? (Levin Jungermann)
  Re: Dat Autoloader question (Wolfgang Brungert)
  AGP card support & more. Please help ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux / Sparc installation problem (Levin Jungermann)
  Re: Linux on Sparc (Levin Jungermann)


From: "syed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Printer problem
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 13:59:26 -0000

Finally got Linux to 'see' the parallel port by setting the operating system
option in the system bios to non- plug and play... BUT ! There is still a
problem : (

I ran the print configuration tool to test the printer (HP Deskjet 87Cxi).
I can print Ascii directly to the port, lp1. However, I cannot print to the
printer using lpr. When I try to send an Ascii test page (from the
print configuration tool's test menu) I get the following erro message:

    "Error printing test page to queue lp

    Error reason: lpr: connect: No such file or directory.
    Jobs queued, but cannot start daemon."

The contents of my /etc/printcap file:


I am currently using the Deskjet 400/500c/520/540c driver.
I've read the printing howtos but they've provided no solution.

Please help !!!

Thanks in advance.



From: "Jim Orfanakos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.setup,de.comp.os.linux.
Subject: Re: How to set Riva TNT card in Xf86 in Red Hat 5.1 system
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 07:30:13 -0500

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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    kramesh wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
    Please tell me where to download the updates and how to install.=20

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<META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
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    <DIV>kramesh<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message &lt;<A=20
href=3D"mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]=</A>&gt;...</DIV><FONT=20
    size=3D-1>Please tell me where to download the updates and how to=20
    install.</FONT> </BLOCKQUOTE></BODY></HTML>



From: Martin Stenzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Free IRQ and I/O
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 14:54:06 +0100

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi everybody,

because I need to integrate an ISDN card into a LINUXonly computer I
face the problem not knowing which IRQ and I/O address is not in use
yet. How will I get to know the available free ressources to set the
jumpers correctly?

Any help greatly appreciated,


P.S The card will be ISA and the mainboard is an ASUS w/ integrated SCSI
(manufactured 1997).

Martin Stenzel ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
13156 Berlin - Germany
Phone / Fax  +49 / 30 / 477 555 49

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi everybody,

<P>because I need to integrate an ISDN card into a LINUXonly computer I
face the problem not knowing which IRQ and I/O address is not in use yet.
How will I get to know the available free ressources to set the jumpers

<P>Any help greatly appreciated,


<P>P.S The card will be ISA and the mainboard is an ASUS w/ integrated
SCSI (manufactured 1997).
Martin Stenzel ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
13156 Berlin - Germany
Phone / Fax&nbsp; +49 / 30 / 477 555 49</PRE>



Subject: Re: temp monitering hardware software
From: John Belew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 30 Dec 1998 05:26:58 -0800

Try the "Hot Little Therm" at

$100 give you a complete RS-232 solution, including source code, that
runs under LINUX & others.

< John Belew >


Subject: SCSI Cheap/Supported?
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 23:50:40 -0600

        I got a brand shiny new UMAX ASTRA 1200S scanner for Christmas, but I
don't have a SCSI card in any of my systems.  It came with some SCSI
interface card, but it's some little propriatry thing that only will
work with thier drivers in Windows, and I don't have Windows installed.

        So, I need to get a SCSI card, and seeing as I have very little money
to spend on it, and I don't need it for anything other than this
scanner, I wanted to get some advice on what I can pick up for a
reasonable cost, that is supported in Linux, and will allow me to use
SANE to run this scanner.

        The manual for this scanner doesn't have a whole lot of information in
it, it basically says it's a 25 pin SCSI cable connection, and it says
it's a "SCSI II" connection.

        So, is there some inexpensive interface card I can buy that is
supported in Linux?

PS: I don't want to spend much for a couple reasons.  Along with not
having much to spend, I also don't want to get a big expensive SCSI-UW
card, because I think I would use a second controler for drives in the
future anyway after reading it suggests using
a scsi card deticated to the scanner only anyway.

"Robert W. Current" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - email                - personal web site
"Hey mister, turn it on, turn it up, and turn me loose." - Dwight Yoakam


Subject: Re: UMAX Astra 610S Scanner support...
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 23:55:45 -0600

Patrick Mayer wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently running linux on my computer (Red-Hat 5.2 distribution. Kernel
> I'm new at this!) and I would like to know if it is possible to use a
> UMAX 610S scanner with it (that's the SCSI version). Any guesses of where I
> should look for a driver?
> Thanks in advance!
> Another guy slowly getting addicted to AfterStep!

Yes, with a SCSI card that is supported in Linux.

I just got a UMAX Astra 2100S myself, and have read about linux support
for it at:

The card UMAX ships doesn't seem to have avaliable drivers for Linux,
but if you run the scanner with a supported SCSI card, it will work.

I am looking to get a scsi card for my scanner now, so if you have any
recomendations, please read my post titled "SCSI Cheap/Supported?" in
this newsgroup, and respond ;-)

"Robert W. Current" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - email                - personal web site
"Hey mister, turn it on, turn it up, and turn me loose." - Dwight Yoakam


From: "Tony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,
Subject: Re: IOMega Jazz 2GB drive!
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 08:33:52 -0600

dcurrey wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Bill wrote:
>> I know the one gig version of jazz drive works..
>> "D. Emilio Grimaldo Tunon" wrote:
>>> "D. Emilio Grimaldo Tunon" wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hi,
>>> >    Since I have never really gotten a reliable backup with
>>> > ftape/taper/tob and my old Conner 250 tape streamer (and I
>>> > would definitely go mad if I lose my data) I am thinking
>>> > of replacing it with a Jazz 2GB SCSI drive.
>>> >
>>> > My question is, has anybody gotten that thing to work? is
>>> > it easy or is it a pain? better yet, is it supported?
>>> > I was hoping to buy it tonight but I better wait for the
>>> > responses. Please send me an email as I seldom get the
>>> > chance to look at this.
>>> >
>>> >                 TIA,
>>> >                                 Emilio
>>> >
>>> > PS. I have a RH5.0
>They are crap.  I have had 6 drives in 3 years.  All screwed up with the
>same problem.  The 63% death problem.   Check out the jaz group and you
>will see what I am talking about.

DO NOT LISTEN TO this cheese-ball
I have 2 jaz drives they both have performed flawlessly reguardless of
condition besides now you can pick one up for under 200 dollars if you look


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael David Jones)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: need to take action on the Winmodem problem
Date: 29 Dec 1998 23:30:30 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Lee) writes:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>>On 29 Dec 1998 00:42:57 -0600, Steve Mading <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>mlw ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>>>I avoid the problem by refusing all internal modems and only getting
>>>externals.  If there's no physical connection to the motherboard other
>>>than through a standard rs232 port, then I'm guaranteed that there's no
>>>way in hell it can offload some of its responsibility to the CPU no matter
>>>what it says on the box in the store.  Granted it costs about $10-15 more
>>>than an equivilent internal modem, but then you get Dasblinkelights on the
>>>modem.  You can never have too many blinkenlights.
>>No. Forcing users to have another power plug on their desk and more
>>cables to cope with sucks pretty severely, even if Dasblinkelights
>>are extremely useful for troubleshooting.
>It's the internal modems that suck dude. Try using/swaping that PC internal 
>modem with another computer. What's that? It doesn't work with an Mac or an 
>Amiga system? Looks like you have to buy another modem,dude....

This is where the Linux crowd needs to get a good stiff double shot of
the real world. People buy winmodems. They buy them because they're
cheap, and because they're good enough for most people's needs. If you
want those people to consider Linux, you need to make it work with the
hardware they have. It's really funny, you know. I'm a Unix-head from
way back, and my first exposure to Linux was from people raving about
how it would run on just about any old cheap, crufty hunk of silicon.
Now, suddenly, winmodems aren't good enough for the Linux crowd. Well,
fellas, I can only say: fish or cut bait.

 Mike Jones |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Any fool without the ability to share a laugh on himself will be
unable to tolerate programming for long.
        - Gerald M. Weinberg, The Psychology of Computer Programming


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.networking,bionet.plants
Subject: Re: Human based computers (Was   -   Fruit-based computers)
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 14:39:38 +0000

You are misunderstanding the potential of the human brain, and the

Firstly, the co-processor does not need to run at the same bus speed as
the brain. It simply needs parameters to be set, an execution to be
actibated, and the result ourld be returned in another register. It is
not necessary for the co-procesor to run at the same speed as the brain.

Further, you underestimate the power of multi-threaded / multi-processor
systems. Remeber, the human brain is potentially the most complex, yet
effective multiprocessor.

As an example, it is a fact that you blink about 16 times a minute. Each
blink is approximately 0.25 of a second. This gives a total of 4 seconds
a minute where your eyes are closed, and thus the optic nerve is unused.
If this bandwidth could be harnessed, and the optical processing unit of
the brain then there would be more than enough available bandwith,
storage, and processing power to cope with the co-processor.

Think of the military abilities it would give to a soldier. An internal
HUD, strategic planning, manipulation, and controlling of weapons.
Identification of "friendlies". Perhaps even enhanced visualisation of
enemies, or thermal imaging, perhaps even x-ray vision. All through the
use of a coupled co-processor.

What about linguists. Learning made easy! Think your mother tongue,
speak a foreign tongue ... ;-)

The possibilities are endless.

Never mind the potential of having a PII embedded in your brain when on
a trip to the arctic ... when it gets cold, simply imagine erotic
images, the co-processor will go into overdrive, and the heat generated
will warm you ... ;-)


P.S. it surprises me that this thread is suddenly rejuvenated.

Patrick Jelinck wrote:
> these math coprocessors will never work...
> because the human cpu and the ram can not be overclocked, not even at
> 100mhz
> silicium based fpu's are inaccurate for low speed bio-cpu's
> and an fpu bus buffer would not have the necessary capacity ( ~ 1 GB )
>  9 Oct 1998 23:04:58 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Warkus)
> wrote:
> >William Justice Black schrieb:
> >>
> >> gus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> : Larry Smithmier wrote:
> >> : > Tristan Wibberley wrote:
> >> : > > Frampton Steve R wrote:
> >>
> >> [...]
> >>
> >> : Firstly, the concept:
> >> : "Bio-interactive computational entity for additional analytical
> >> : abilities for humans" In laymans terms, a device inserted in to a human
> >> : which will allow previously impossible calculations to be performed
> >> : "internally". The concept specifies that this bio-compatible computer
> >> : will provide an additional support role for for the computational and
> >> : analytical processes of the human brain. It will not supercede the brain
> >> : as a processing unit. The brain will still be most important, otherwise
> >> : we have an andriod, not a human.
> >>
> >> [...]
> >>
> >> Honestly, I'd be happy if I just had a decent mathco ;-)
> >
> >There's an SF book where humans have got mathematical coprocessors
> >implanted in their brain (as well as pagers etc.).
> >IIRC, it's _A_New_Proteus_, I don't recall the author.
> >
> >mawa


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Philip Hirschhorn)
Subject: Re: Tapestore 8000
Date: 30 Dec 1998 07:07:43 GMT

: Do I need a special driver for a Tapestore 8000 and if so, where can
: I find it? 

None needed; I have the IDE version of the Seagate Tapestore 8000, and
as long as your kernel was configured to support IDE tapes, your all
set.  I use mt to control the drive, and I just write gzipped tar
files to /dev/nht0.  I've heard that there's no problem with the SCSI
versions either, so long as your SCSI controller is supported by


Philip Hirschhorn          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Les Otter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PCMCIA CD ROM Won't mount - Anyone send me ide-probe.o ??
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 15:41:38 -0000

I am running RH Linux 5.2 on my Compaq laptop, and, after installing Linux
from the CD drive, I cant mount the device, despite all the correct mount
commands, ISO9660 loaded etc.
At the terminal, I get :-

"mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/hdc1 as a block device
(maybe `insmod driver'?)"

In the messages file, I get a modprobe error "can't locate module
block-major-22" . (Maybe that is my problem??)
block-major-22 is an Insmod alias for ide-probe.o , which, sure enough, is
not on
my system.  Can't look for it on the CD ROM now, cos I can't mount the
Anyone send me a copy of the file "ide-probe.o" please??  Maybe that will
fix my problem??

Les Otter


From: "David J. Looney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: winmodems
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 08:21:44 GMT

David Fox wrote:

> > The Multitech MultiModemZPX-PCI (Model number MT5634ZPX-PCI) *appears*
> According to another thread in this group ("RedHat 5.2 Compatible
> 56K Voice/Data/Fax Modem") the modem seems to work under Linux.  

Multitech's response to my email:

>Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 13:24:59 -0600
>From: MTS Domestic Sales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Multitech MultiModemZPX-PCI (Model n
>Yes it [the pci modem] is also operating system independent.  This product
>will work in your environment [os/2 or linux].

Now if it doesn't, we've at least got someone to blame ....

Dave Looney

Remove composers from email address to respond.


From: "Christophe MICHEL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RedHAt 5.1 and Canon BJC4300 printing
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 01:14:09 +0100

Hello everybody

    I am desperately trying to print out at something with my redhat station
onto my Canon BJC4300 but nothiung ever comes out of it except crude text.

    My kernel is hopefully configured for parallel printer and Printer tool
is configured for Canon BJC 600 - BJC 4000 Unfortunately no BJC4300
compatible driver seems to be available.

    Has someone ever succeeded in printing something except text with a
Redhat 5.1 AND a Canon BJC 4300. If so, please tell me how you did, what are
your configuration files ans so on..

    Mucha thanx a lot

Christophe MICHEL


From: "Johannes Löbel R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help with EQUINOX on Linux Redhat
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 16:11:54 -0600

How can I configure a EQUINOX card model multiport XL on a Redhat box.
I need links to drivers and configuration tips.

Johannes Löbel


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Levin Jungermann)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Booting from a SCSI cdrom
Date: 30 Dec 1998 08:39:12 GMT

I had a similar problem, and the solution had been the wrong boot sequence.
If you want to boot from SCSI-CDROM the boot sequence you have to use is A:
before C:, at least if you are using an Adaptec, because the SCSI controller
simulates a floppy drive for the motherboard bios.


Richard N. Hinton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> December 25, 1998

>     This is really more of nuisance, than a real problem. I have three
> OS set up on my computer and everything seems to be working fine, except
> for booting from the SCSI cdrom. First alittle about
> my system:

>     ASUS P5A mother board with Award bios and 65 megs of DIMM, about
> 8.2+ gig HD's both IDE
>      and SCSI.  BusLOgic (Mylex) Bt-930 PCI to SCSI controller with
> Toshiba XM5702  CDROM.
>     Also one IBM 2.1 gig SCSI drives and (2) 4.3 gig IDE drives

> Usually I leave the first cdrom from Suse or Redhat in th CDROm, becasue
> each one
> has a boot (binary) section from which I think they should be able to
> boot from/ I recall with an
> earlier motherboard, I could boot from the cdrom.

>     I set the boot option on the bt-930 and thought I generally
> configured  the devices. The SCSI
> HD is ID #1 and the CDROM (terminated) is ID#4, if I recal correctly.
> Has anyone had this minor
> annoyance, and if so what was done to fix it???

> Richard N. Hinton

Levin Jungermann  ***  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Gregg)
Subject: SCSI CDR detect problems
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 11:37:39 GMT

Thanks in advance for any help...

I'm having a problem with my SCSI CDR.

     XCDroast reports no generic SCSI devices attached
     I cannot mount any CD's on that drive
     Generic SCSI and Loop are compiled into the kernel

The following are messages in /var/log/messages when I try to launch
XCDroast, hdd is my IDE CD rom

Dec 30 11:27:21 Rumor kernel: hdd : tray open or drive not ready
Dec 30 11:27:21 Rumor kernel: hdd : tray open or drive not ready
Dec 30 11:27:21 Rumor modprobe: can't locate module block-major-33
Dec 30 11:27:21 Rumor modprobe: can't locate module block-major-33
Dec 30 11:27:22 Rumor modprobe: can't locate module block-major-34
Dec 30 11:27:22 Rumor modprobe: can't locate module block-major-34
Dec 30 11:27:22 Rumor kernel: hdd : tray open or drive not ready
Dec 30 11:27:22 Rumor kernel: hdd : tray open or drive not ready
Dec 30 11:27:22 Rumor kernel: hdd : tray open
Dec 30 11:27:22 Rumor kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 16:40,
sector 0
Dec 30 11:27:22 Rumor modprobe: can't locate module block-major-33
Dec 30 11:27:22 Rumor modprobe: can't locate module block-major-33
Dec 30 11:27:22 Rumor modprobe: can't locate module block-major-34

There is no loop or sg device in /proc/devices

cat /proc/devices
Character devices:
 1 mem
 2 pty
 3 ttyp
 4 ttyp
 5 cua
 7 vcs
10 misc
14 OSS/Linux

Block devices:
 2 fd
 3 ide0
22 ide1

Messages at boot time from /var/log/dmesg

hda: WDC AC38400L, 8063MB w/256kB Cache, CHS=1027/255/63
hdc: Maxtor 83062 A7, 2928MB w/128kB Cache, CHS=5948/16/63
hdd: CD-ROM 36X/AKU, ATAPI CDROM drive
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
scsi0 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
scsi : 1 host.
scsi : detected total.
Partition check:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Levin Jungermann)
Subject: Re: Can run a AMD K6-2 300 with a ASUS TX 97 X MB ??
Date: 30 Dec 1998 08:33:35 GMT

I'm running a AMD k6-2 300,bought and installed about five months ago, on an
 ASUS TX97E without any problems. And I know
of at least two other systems running that configuration. I use the jumper
settings for 4.5 x 66MHz and the undocumented jumper settings for the 2.2V
core voltage. I got these jumper settings from the german computer magazin
ct. My system is about 5% slower than the 100MHz bus systems. 
The only thing you have to be careful with is the board revision of your
TX97 and you should get the newst bios revision, which is a beta but runs


Levin Jungermann  ***  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wolfgang Brungert)
Subject: Re: Dat Autoloader question
Date: 30 Dec 1998 08:39:47 GMT

In article <j95i2.6228$n4.58934261@wrenphoon2>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Yang) writes:
> I'm thinking about buying an autoloader to do nightly
> backups for a colocation machine.  The OS is Linux,
> and the average bacckup size is around 4 Gigs.  I've
> currently got a DDS-2 drive there.  and tape changes
> are done weekly (in theory).  Has anyone had good or
> bad experiences with any particular model which I
> should look at or avoid?  And also what is a good
> package to manage an autoloader on Linux?  And does
> anyone know the commands to change tapes?  for example
> if I've got tape 3 in the drive, how would I change to
> tape 5?
> TIA for any advice on HW models and SW packages.
> *** Posted from RemarQ - - Discussions Start Here (tm) ***

we are also thinking about buying a dat autoloader. Currently i test the 
HP SureStore 24*6, works ok for now.

The command to change the cartridges are "mtx", look for this package in your 

Wolfgang Brungert

 Wolfgang Brungert                         phone: +49 251 977 4142
 DeTeMobil                                 fax:   +49 251 977 4149
 Roddestrasse 12                           mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 48047 Muenster                                  


Subject: AGP card support & more. Please help
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 08:53:21 GMT

Hello Group
Warning. I AM a total linux Newbie.
That said, please help.
I have just recently installed redhat linux 5.2 from a CD. Linux is on
a partition, and the command line interface is fine. I have however
hit a snag. A couple of months back I got my self a new PC. This box
was NOT designed with linux in mind it seems. This is probably the
first of many snag's, and im expecting more in the future, provided
that im not left out in the cold by my hardware... but hey, snags, the
price one pays for a free OS :-) During instalation i didnt find my
video card listed, so i went with the VGA16 option, assumeing that
this would work well enough to get Xwindows running, from where i
could change the driver over to what ever it should be, when i find
what it should be.
After haveing a look thru I discovered that it looks
as if I might be left out in the cold as far as any sort of SVGA
driver for my card. The site appears to have a SVGA driver for almost
every card under the sun except for mine. The card is an S3 Trio3D.
AGP slot, does linux only suport PCI video cards at this stage? The
only entrys that i could find for such a card direct me to use the
VGA16 driver anyway.
S3 86C365 (Trio3D)  .....................................  XF86_VGA16
S3 Trio3D  ..............................................  XF86_VGA16
Where to from here?.... or am i to be forever stuck in low res land?

2 more questions that dont really relate to hardware, but so simple
for those who know how already......

1, how does one set lilo to boot into dos(windows) by default, rather
than linux? & how do you change the default wait time that lilo waits
before selecting the default option?

2, If i am to be stuck forever in low res land, how do i change the
desktop settings so that it will run in 640X480 insted of this virtual
800X600. haveing to scroll around a desktop is strange.

Many thanks linux people.

TS  (traveler in strange strange linux land)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Levin Jungermann)
Subject: Re: Linux / Sparc installation problem
Date: 30 Dec 1998 08:56:18 GMT

the boot PROM needs to be 2.0 or newer. I had the same problem with a
SUN IPC (Sun4C) with a PROM version 1.2. Up to now I didn't find a way to
update the PROm, but I used a boot server and a ftp installation instead.
It's quite easy to do. You will find some pretty good documentation at:

        Levin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I have a Sparc 1+ clone and I am trying to install RedHat Linux on it and
> here is what happens:

> 1. I boot the machine.  It comes up after test.  I type: "b fd(0)" to boot
> from floppy.
> 2. SILO Boot comes up and I hit <Return>.
> 3. Boot starts loading (message "Uncompressing image...".  Then suddenly it
> comes up with: "IDPROM: Unknown format type!" and "Program terminated" and
> gets me back to the Sparc's boot command prompt (where I originally typed "b
> fd(0)".

> Please help, anybody.

> More info:
> - Sparc ROM version: 1.6c
> - RedHat Linux boot image from version 5.2 for Sparc.  Just downloaded it
> yesterday.  Tried with the latest 5.1 update, same thing happened.
> - Tried to redownload and create another floppy - same thing.

> I suspect my ROM is too old.  Is it upgradeable?  Is it downloadable from
> somewhere (I have an EPROM burner)?

> Thanks,
> Jordan

Levin Jungermann  ***  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Levin Jungermann)
Subject: Re: Linux on Sparc
Date: 30 Dec 1998 08:44:40 GMT

if you have another computer running linux it is not that hard to do. I used
the following how-to:
it is a step by step guide how to get a boot server running and the do a ftp
installation. On this page you will also find a some solutions to other
problems that might occur.


Levin Jungermann  ***  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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