Linux-Hardware Digest #207, Volume #9            Mon, 18 Jan 99 06:13:19 EST

  Re: SB16 Problems ("ochre small")
  Total newbie hardware questions for Linux on 486 ("Jacaranda Jim")
  Re: HP Deskjet 400 won't print ps - Help?! ("ochre small")
  Re: LILO trashes Toshiba portable IDE drive (Villy Kruse)
  Re: Want Linux bogomips numbers for Intel PII-450 (Sander Vesik)
  Re: Linux compatiblity with Colorado tape drives. (John Thompson)
  Re: Modem trouble ("ochre small")
  Re: My partition choice (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: My partition choice (Floyd Davidson)
  Acer Altos 330 (at least) floppy controller problem (Chris Murphy)
  Re: MODEM PROB NEED HELP (M. Buchenrieder)
  Siemens S5 interface driver needed (Henning Verbeek)
  Re: linux modem/ppp dramas...still (Nico Kadel-Garcia)
  Re: Diamond Fire Gl 1000 Pro supported? (Bernhard Ott)
  mouse (Francois Patte)
  parallel zip drive (Daniele Malleo)


From: "ochre small" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SB16 Problems
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 17:42:10 +0930

try soundconfig at the command prompt... not sure if it's distro specific
check that you've uncommented the ACT Y line after the last config option
for your card in isapnp.conf
after you've done this enter
isapnp isapnp.conf to change the settings.
Uncomment the debug line near the start of isapnp.conf for more feedback

Hope some of this helps

Helgonet wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hi !
>I've been trying for hours, but I just can't get my sb 16 pnp card to
>I've compiled the kernel thousands of times and tried to pnpdump to
>and then commentet out what I thought was right..
>(checked in win 95 what irq and dma's etc I had....)
>I have compiled my soundcard as modules, so it should work, but it
>can't read /dev/sndstat with cat nor acces /dev/dsp (with mpg123)....
>I run slack 3.6.....
>Have been reading the sound howto, but it doesn't help..
>and can't find the sb 16 mini howto...
>plz help me B4 I go crazy!


From: "Jacaranda Jim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Total newbie hardware questions for Linux on 486
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 20:25:26 -0000

I recently bought a new pc and want to turn the old 486dx280 into a linux
system if at all possible..
Problems: two hard drives, one 256mb, one 540mb (both IDE) and I can't
afford anything more as the rest if going towards a 3d accel..
Also, only 16mb ram.
5.25 and 3.5 floppies working fine plus one 2x cdrom

This won't run Redhat obviously...

Is there ANY version of Linux you know of (doesn't matter if old) that this
system will accept as I'm hell bent on learning a Unix version if it's the
last bloody thing I do...If you know of an online directory I'd be grateful
but i'm on a 56k so don't go ape on the bandwidth :)

Thanx, Jacaranda Jim
        _____   _________    ____  ___    _   ______  ___
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  __  / / /| |/ /   / /| | / /_/ / /| | /  |/ / / / / /| |
 / /_/ / ___ / /___/ ___ |/ _, _/ ___ |/ /|  / /_/ / ___ |
 \____/_/  |_\____/_/  |_/_/ |_/_/  |_/_/ |_/_____/_/  |_|
 JACARANDA JiM ===---->>>
        ________  ___  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
       / /   /  |/  /   -  <c>JiM #98 "Bitchin!"  -AKiRA-
  __  / // // /|_/ /   =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
 / /_/ // // /  / /  email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \____/___/_/  /_/      -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


From: "ochre small" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HP Deskjet 400 won't print ps - Help?!
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 16:53:19 +0930

hear hear...

G.M.Trias wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>> <snip>
>> Sorry to hear you have a HP DJ 400. I have one too. It jams and tears
>> more paper than it prints, and can't be trusted to print unattended.
>> Writing things down by hand is faster than unjamming the printer.
>To reduce printer jamming with your HP DJ400, I clean it as well as blow
off some
>of the dust.  Also make sure you use HP ink.  I tried being cheap one day
and all
>it caused was problems.  But now, after 2 years of use it still runs like a
>charm.  Have thought about replacing it, but not until it starts smoking
>falling apart.  :)
>good luck,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: LILO trashes Toshiba portable IDE drive
Date: 18 Jan 1999 09:45:37 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Dominick Samperi  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>If I try to start Linux by making its partition active this does not
>I get the message "no operating system". I have to use Toshiba's
>companion diskette to format a partition that the MBR will sucessfully
>jump to. I guess when Toshiba said they do not support dual boot
>configurations this was not simply a way to make life easier for their
>technical support people.
>My best guess is that all of this headache is due to a subtle copy
>protection scheme for Windows98 (which I delete!).

I will recommend that you install lilo into the linux partition and
make this the active partition.  Currently you have specified the
linux partition as the active partition, but when the MBR loader tries
to load the loader in that partition it finds no loader there; thus
the message 'no operating system'.  You just need to put a loader there
at lilo is perfect for that.

On some systems the MBR loader must do something special, thus it must
remain intact.



From: Sander Vesik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Want Linux bogomips numbers for Intel PII-450
Date: 18 Jan 1999 08:24:19 GMT

Bjorn Lindgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In Moshe Bar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi

> > My 400Mhz has a bogomips of 378.

> > You may or may not know that Bogomips is NOT a measure of processor speed,
> > it is just a calibration loop to measure how long it takes the processor to
> > do NOTHING (no-op).

> > So, careful with those Bogomips figures.

> What benchmark should i use to check that my PII-450 is a real PII-450 and
> not a remarked 350/400, i dont have access to other PII-450's so i need a
> open benchmark that there numbers for. any suggestions?

There can be *NO* such benchmark. A PII-350 overclocked to 450 will get
*EXACTLY* the same bogomips number. It will just probably not function
100% right every time and break down eventually.

> /Bjorn L

> -- 
> Bjorn Lindgren
> bjorn(e)

> Do you want Virtual Reality for your PC?
> go to


        There is no love, no good, no happiness and no future -
        all these are just illusions.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    (John Thompson)
Subject: Re: Linux compatiblity with Colorado tape drives.
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 17:36:09 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Patrick D. Rockwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>I'm planning to set up a multi platform system with Dos 6.22, Windows
>95, OS2 Warp, and Linux. I
>have a T1000 tape drive, but I'm planning to get a Colorado 4/8 Gb tape
>drive (part number C4386B). I
>know that Dos and Windows 95 work with it. What about Linux? Is there a
>Linux driver which will
>work with the tape drive that I'm planning to get? Is there a drive
>which will work with all four OS's?
>In particular, I'm planning to get Redhat Linux, but if there is another
>better Linux out there which will
>work with the Colorado 4/8 Gb tape drive, please let me know.

Supposedly floppy-based tape drives will work in linux with the 
ftape support but I had trouble getting my Jumbo 350 to function 
in linux.  I had a FC-20 accelerator card installed which may 
have contributed to the problem, even though I tried all the 
suggestions for enabling accelerator card support with ftape.  I 
ended up getting SCSI drive which works quite nicely.  YMMV.



From: "ochre small" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Modem trouble
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 17:07:26 +0930

is it pnp?
if so, have you configured it using isapnptools?
I don't know if you'll have much luck anyway; I'm not sure if isapnp works
on PCI modems
quote from modem-HOWTO:
"Linux seldom works with PCI modems"
Good luck

Habib Najm wrote in message <77nsp3$b3g$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I have a Diamond Supra 56K V.90 PCI voice/fax modem on a new 300MHz Intel
>PC, with the SE440BX motherboard (sound on board). I run the system under
>either Win98 or linux RH5.2. On the windows side I can access the modem
>no problems. It is on COM2, port 0x02f8-0x02ff.
>On the linux side, it does not look like the OS sees the modem at all. Here
>are the symptoms.
>1. cat /proc/interrupts gives nothing on IRQ 3 or 4, and no serial IRQ is
>2. mincom tries to dial a number on the modem, but  of course nothing
>happens, the phone line is free.
>3. I tried, using setserial, to assign IRQ 3 to cua1 (or ttyS1) but it did
>not help matters
>4. also tried to connect to the modem in linuxconf to no avail.
>5. setserial -a /dev/ttyS1 gave an unknown uart. I was able to set it
>manually to 16550, did not help.
>After looking at the HOWTO, it looks like part of the problem may be the
>seting windows is using for the modem.
>When I check on windows, I find the modem on IRQ11, with automatic setting
>checked. Also looks like other things are on IRQ11. The HOWTO suggests that
>I should change this so that the modem has a fixed unique IRQ, 3 or 4.
>Am I correct in this conclusion? If so, any clues on how to do this safely
>on the windows side and keep things running?
>If this is not the problem, any clues or diagnostic recommendations are


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Floyd Davidson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.unix.questions,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: My partition choice
Date: 18 Jan 1999 07:55:32 GMT

Carl Fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>that unless your machine is a heavily loaded server or you are doing
>>>some sort of fantastically RAM-intensive task (i.e. graphics
>>>processing on 100 MB bitmaps) you're unlikely to need that much swap.
>>Not true.  All you need is a simple scanner and then do a few
>>common things.  I ran up 300Mb of virtual memory use at once by
>>rotating a scanned image...
>Er, the *example* I gave of very memory-intensive work was bitmapped

Er, nobody needs to find a **100Mb** bitmap to do that.  Scanning
black and white documents (about the simplest task one can do with
a scanner) is sufficient.

>>>For an example, this 48 MB Linux box, running notorious RAM hog
>>>Netscape Navigator plus innd plus a proxy server plus various other
>>>stuff, has done NO swapping since I booted it.  I've never managed to
>>>use more than 12 MB of RAM since I got it set up.  
>>How did you determine that? 
>>Given that X itself will use about
>>that much memory, and so will Netscape, and that XEmacs uses even
>>more...  your 12Mb figure doesn't ring true.
>That's because it's a typo.  I meant to write that I never use more
>than 12 megs of *swap*, not RAM.

So the largest amount of virtual memory you have ever needed was
60Mb.  Which is very modest and is quite possible if you restrict
yourself to applications that don't use much memory.  Or if you
don't run more than one of them at a time.

But it is also not uncommon for users to want to do things
that you describe as a "sort of fantastically RAM-intensive task".
Actually most users probably do that kind of thing now and then!
It happens when they do word processing as well as when they do
image editing, not to mention that web browsing is pretty much
something everyone does (with that "notorious RAM hog" Netscape).

It makes very good sense, given the cheap cost of hard disk these
days, to have far more swap space than anybody *normally* uses, just
to prevent a crash when the *abnormal* use does happen.

The amount of RAM should be sized to what is "normal", and swap
should be sized to provide enough virtual memory for the abnormal.


Floyd L. Davidson                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Pictures of the North Slope at  <>


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Floyd Davidson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.unix.questions,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: My partition choice
Date: 18 Jan 1999 08:10:05 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>On 17 Jan 1999, Ilya wrote:
>> Thanks for clarifying - the machine will have 256MB of RAM eventually, and
>> 128MB when I get it. I guess I will have to have several swap partitions.
>> I am interested in a server-type machine. I don't know exactly what I will
>> be doing with it, but it is conceivable I might end up doing RAM-intensive
>> work.
>As a general rule of thumb, swap space should be approximately twice your
>physical memory.

That is a very poor rule of thumb.  (Actually it did have some
validity years ago, before paging and when there was a limited
virtual address space per process.)

Consider a system with 32Mb of RAM and a system with
128Mb of RAM.  They both have the potential to need exactly the
same amount of virtual memory.  If the 128Mb machine *needs*
256Mb of swap, giving it a total of 384Mb of virtual memory,
then the 32Mb machine needs 352Mb of swap to have that same
amount of virtual memory.  That is a 2:1 ratio for the first
instance and more than 10:1 for the second.  As the size of
RAM is reduced the size of swap should be *increased*.

The ratio of RAM to swap has no meaning at all and is not a
valid basis for sizing either RAM or swap space.

Size the RAM for the common day in and day out amount of memory
the system uses.  Size the swap to be large enough to provide
virtual memory for the largest possible use that will ever


Floyd L. Davidson                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Pictures of the North Slope at  <>


From: Chris Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Acer Altos 330 (at least) floppy controller problem
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 20:57:09 +1100

I previously posted this. I have since talked to Acer and they say that
this is a known problem, and the Linux people know about it. My question
now is how do I monitor/find out about what is going on with the
maintenance of the Linux floppy controller (floppy.c)?

With this machine I've just purchased I can boot up the Redhat install
no problem, but I can't access the floppy in any other way! I originally

installed from the CD-ROM, and found I couldn't mount the floppy. From
/etc/var/dmesg I found this worrying message:

"floppy0: no floppy controllers found"

On the line above I found:

"reset set in interrupt, calling 001711bc", which is a message which
from the driver file:


If you look at this source you can see that a real error has occured - a

comment even has the word /* BAD! */ in it.

My next step forward may be to disable this floppy controller in the
bios, and
stick a different floppy controller in instead. Will this solve my


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 08:41:12 GMT

"Jerry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Can anyone tell me if a HSP 1898 modem will work whith linux??


No. HSP == HostSignalProcessing == WinModem.


Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum


Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 11:21:06 +0100
From: Henning Verbeek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: hp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Siemens S5 interface driver needed


I'd like to install linux on a Siemens CP 581 (generic intel-based PC,
sitting somewhere in a S5 rack). It's currently running under DOS with a
Siemens built driver, but for performance, y2k and stability reasons,
I'd like to switch to linux.

Does anybody know about reading Siemens S5 Data over the S5-bus ?

Thanx a lot,
Henning Verbeek


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nico Kadel-Garcia)
Crossposted-To: aus.computers.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.protocols.ppp
Subject: Re: linux modem/ppp dramas...still
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 09:45:51 GMT

On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 15:25:32 +0930, ochre small <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi again all,
>thanks to lots of advice and a little luck, I have now arrived at the point
>where I can get my internal pnp modem to dial, and I hear it happening.  I
>have been using minicom, and I now have the following problem:
>Although it responds to AT commands such as ATDT xxxxxx
>th emodem does not send strings back to minicom as far as I can tell.

Type "at&f" to get it into factory default. Then try typing things: the
modem is probably in an odd state.


Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 11:49:39 +0100
From: Bernhard Ott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Diamond Fire Gl 1000 Pro supported?

Have a look at Suse - their Xserver supports the permedia2 boards (works

>     I looking into installing redhat 3.0.3 on my system and am wondering if
> there is support
> for my video card.  Where can I look/how do I go about determining that this
> and other components in my system are supported?
>     Thanks for helping this linux newbie,
>                                 Philip


From: Francois Patte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: mouse
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 11:54:29 +0100


I just bought a Gateway portable computer Solo 5150 and installed Linux
RedHat 5.2. I would like to use external keyboard and mouse and need to
connect the mouse to serie port. Is this possible? and how?

Does anybody know the complete caracteristics of the screen for this

Thank you very much.

-- François Patte. UFR de mathématiques et informatique.
45 rue des St Pères. 75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tel: 01 44 55 35 59 -- Fax: 01 44 55 35 35


From: Daniele Malleo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: parallel zip drive
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 02:59:41 -0800

I have an Acer Notebook and a Parallel Zip 100 drive.
Just wondering if anyone here has any idea of how to make it work with
Any suggestion , past experience, clue is very very welcome.


Please mail any response also to my personal address



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