Linux-Hardware Digest #238, Volume #9            Thu, 21 Jan 99 18:13:47 EST

  Dell XPS R with Linux? Sound card compatibility? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Winmodem or no?? (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Linux with CL Banshee video card ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: HELP: IBM ISA Token Ring 16/4 ("Richard Payne")
  Re: Acer Nic (Henrik Carlqvist)
  Re: ATI Graphics Ultra / Mouse Setup Problem with Caldera 1.3 - Newbie (Henrik 
  Re: Winmodem or no?? (Chris Lee)
  Re: my 'man' has lost all its entries ("Jürgen Exner")
  Re: ESS Sound Card Problem (Keith)
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) (Rick Walker)
  Re: Multiple video cards and Linux 2.2 ("Richard Payne")
  Re: Ram Detection ("gtz")
  Re: Trying to set up a SoundBlaster Pro (Jeff)
  Re: Yamaha CDR-100, Adaptec 2940 & SCSI timeouts (BL)
  Re: Wacom Woes... (Bruce Stephens)
  Re: Wangtek 5099EN24 streamer and Linux? ("Chris Hailes")
  Re: Lilo Pbs ... (David Crooke)
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) (Erik Naggum)
  Brother MFC 7150c usable as Linux printer? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Winmodem or no?? (jedi)
  installation problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Subject: Dell XPS R with Linux? Sound card compatibility?
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 22:32:16 GMT

I'm looking into the Linux compatibility of the Dell XPS R line (specifically
with RedHat 5.2), and have gotten a lot of answers, but I'm not certain of the
sound card.  It looks like the options are:

o Turtle Beach Montego II A3D 320 Voice PCI Audio Card (apparently a driver is
in the works for the Montego?)
o Turtle Beach Montego A3D 64-Voice PCI Audio Card
o Integrated Crystal Wavetable

Does anyone have experience with any of these?  Is support available?


============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 10:51:16 -0800

I just bought a MULTITECH MT5634ZPX-PCI MODEM and I'm having problems 
getting the modem to work under Red Hat Linux 5.2. If any has had any 
luck installing this particular modem I'd appreciate any tips and making 
this installation easier.

Multitech says that this particular modem will run on any OS...hum ??? 



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.modems
Subject: Re: Winmodem or no??
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 20 Jan 1999 19:12:38 -0500

d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox) writes:

> Not as "incredible" a waste as an empty PCI slot.  What if your serial
> ports are full of mice, digital cameras, palmpilot cradles, etc?  

yes this is a valid problem.  there are very few serial ports on the
typical pc.  you can get more on a card though but that takes a slot.
also, cheap cards/uarts are irq greedy and there's only so many irqs
to go around.

> You external modem people must really enjoy diagnosing modem
> problems.

on the contrary, i got an external modem specifically to *avoid* modem

external modem people have extraordinarily few modem problems.  look
at dejanews.  how many external people post with problems?  how many
internal people are not having problems?  sure, there are fewer
external modems out there.  the external modem buying populace may be
more technically savvy for whatever reason.  but the deafening roar of
silence with respect to external modem problems has to count for

Johan Kullstam [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Don't Fear the Penguin!


Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 19:15:26 -0500

can anyone tell me how they got X to run with this card???
I am using xf86config

X runs but there is  a huge wavy ripple through the screen



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Linux with CL Banshee video card
Date: 21 Jan 1999 16:04:17 GMT

Sorry - Banshee is not yet supported in Linux. Drivers are due soon


In <786mvo$7ll$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jean-Luc Duriez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Has anyone out there managed to have RedHat Linux 5.2 (or another
>distribution) work with a Creative Labs 3D Banshee (PCI) video card ?
>I cannot find a correct setup to start X on my machine.
>(of course this new card is not listed under Xconfigurator).
>Linux installed itself fine and runs Ok in text mode :-(
>Please reply to my email address [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mike Diack



From: "Richard Payne" <payner at timken dot com>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: HELP: IBM ISA Token Ring 16/4
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 13:56:20 -0500

>Does the token ring driver seem stable ?
>I was thinking of building  linux box to route between a token ring and
>ethernet networks.
>Any one have any experence on this ?

Seems fine to me. I've got a 486 with an Auto16/4 in it and it has
run for months w/o any trouble.

Rich Payne
(Speaking for myself, not my employer)
payner at timken dot com

Looking for Alpha-Linux info?


From: Henrik Carlqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Acer Nic
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 20:49:32 +0100

Jim Ray wrote:
> Is there a driver for the Acer Lan 201.  It's a 32-bit PCI combo card
> (supporting UTP and BNC connections at 10mb/s ). 

> I'd really like to not have to use the NE-2000 standard driver,

If the card is a NE-2000 compatible one, why not use the NE-2000 driver?
However, as it s a PCI-card make sure that you use the NE-2000 driver
for PCI-cards.

> I know that Acer has a SCO Unix driver--will this work?? 

No, you will probably not be able to use that one. If you don't know
which driver to use, download the Slackware nfs-installation boot-disk.
It will autodetect your network card and show you which driver to use.
Maybe toms root & boot floppy will ba able to do this to.

regards Henrik

spammer strikeback:


From: Henrik Carlqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATI Graphics Ultra / Mouse Setup Problem with Caldera 1.3 - Newbie
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 20:56:41 +0100

Kenmau Chow wrote:
> I've read the FAQ and it suggests to use the MS bus mouse driver but
> this does not work. 

Did you also compile your kernel with support for the MS bus mouse? I
haven't tried that driver myself, but I suppose that it should write
some message at bootup. Do you find any such message? (check with dmesg)
Does it have an irq of its own? Does /dev/mouse point to /dev/inportbm?

regards Henrik
spammer strikeback:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Lee)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.modems
Subject: Re: Winmodem or no??
Date: 21 Jan 1999 20:17:12 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>Interesting Idea
>but basically there is nothing standard about the external modem except
>that the RS232? interface is a specification, not a standard, that you
>generally cannot depend upon for consistency from one manufacturer, much
>less from different manufacturers.
>The wiring may be different from series to series or manufacturer to
>from one generation of software to the next you cannot even depend on the
>same implementations of a/an/(the?) AT command set.
>When you add in an external interface RS232 ports on whatever manufacturers
>computer, using whatever manufacturer's UART's, or Modem emulator's, or
>however they see fit to implement the interface to the external

Funny. My V.90 56k external modem works just fine when I unplug it from my 
pc and connect it to the RS-232 port on my Amiga 3000 that I bought around 
'93 or so. 

I think you don't know what the hell you are talking about myself....


From: "Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: my 'man' has lost all its entries
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 18:44:29 -0800

jamie wrote in message ...
>Christophe MICHEL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>    I don't know what happened but 'man' has lost all its entries. It
>>lost all its pages (they are still present on the HD, I checked...) but
>>its entries, for ex.: man ls returns 'no manual entries for ls.
>>I don't know where to find man's config file
>I don't have RedHat, but usual places for the man config are
> /usr/lib/man.config
> /etc/man.conf
> /usr/share/misc/man.conf

I think it's more likely that he messed up his MAN path.
But what does this has to do with hardware???? Set follow-up to colh.

Jürgen Exner;, UID: jurgenex
Sorry for this anti-spam inconvenience


Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 13:58:48 -0500
Subject: Re: ESS Sound Card Problem

Brian Miller wrote:

> >
> > I'm running RedHat Linux 5.2 on a P166/32 MB RAM, etc etc etc.
> >
> > With an ESS1689 PnP sound card!
> >
> > Sndconfig detects the card fine, but when it tries to play the sample sound,
> > it quits because the 'device or resource busy'.  Grrr.
> >
> >
> > Long Live The Penguin!
> >
> >   Christopher
> >
> > -= Nothing is more uncommon than common sense =-
> >
> > -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
> >       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
> Christopher,
> Take a look at my web page on the ESS1868 sound card.  It may help you
> get yours going.
> Brian
> --
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Brian Miller                                 Telstra
> CDN Product Group                            30/242 Exhibition Street
> ITG Communication Network Platforms          Melbourne, VIC 3000
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Australia
> Tel: +61-3-9632-3883                         FAX: +61-3-9632-3884
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

If anyone figures out how to use a n ESS 1689 sound card with Redhat 5.2, PLEASE
let me know.  I can't seem to find any documentation anywhere!  Thanks!

Keith Whitehead


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Walker)
Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 21 Jan 1999 00:42:47 GMT

:   for some reason, my decision brings out people like you all the time.
:   first, I thought it was a good idea for purely technical reasons.  then I
:   discovered that it was also a good idea because it enables the easy
:   detection of people whose brains no longer work.

I'm sympathetic to your points about loss of information through
capitalization.  However, I distinguish between technical writing and
normal English usage.  When writing a letter, I obey the cultural
rules.  When writing computer documentataion (for example), I bend the
rules where appropriate.  Here are a few.

# a sentence is started without caps, because ls(1) is 
# decidedly different than Ls(1): 

    ls(1) is used to list files in a directory.  

# I suppose someone completely hung-up on "correct" usage would
# modify that sentence to be:

    The program ls(1) is used to list files in a ...

# a closing period is left off to prevent ambiguity with a 
# precise string specification:

    Documentation on carnivorous plants can be found at  This address is useful...

# or alternatively:

    Documentation on carnivorous plants can be found at
    "".  This address is useful...

# I find this second form not completely satisfactory because
# many novice users will insist on typing the double quotes.
# Notice that "correct" English usage actually insists on 
# putting the period within the quotes:

    Documentation on carnivorous plants can be found at
    ""  This address is useful...

# This is *COMPLETELY* busted.  I've noticed that in books on style,
# even the hard-line grammarians/typographers are starting to acknowledge
# that periods can optionally be placed outside of quotes for technical
# writing.

kind regards,
Rick Walker


From: "Richard Payne" <payner at timken dot com>
Subject: Re: Multiple video cards and Linux 2.2
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 16:30:42 -0500

XFree86 at this point does not support what you want (multi-heading).
However if you're willing to pay some $$ MetroX (
does have a multi-headed server.

Rich Payne
(Speaking for myself, not my employer)
payner at timken dot com

Looking for Alpha-Linux info?
Chris Rankin wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>My PC has a PCI video card with 4 MB of video RAM. Now I want to upgrade
>to 8 MB of RAM and I have opted to buy a brand new card rather than the
>memory upgrade since there is only $30 between the two. I don't have a
>shortage of PCI slots yet, and so I was considering leaving the 4 MB
>card installed rather than throw it into a drawer where it will just
>gather dust. Hypothetically speaking, assuming I could get a second
>monitor, would I be able to use both PCI cards simultaneously? I am
>using a Linux 2.2.0-pre8 kernel with XFree86-, if that makes a


From: "gtz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,
Subject: Re: Ram Detection
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 19:57:06 -0500

I have never had to start linux with the mem=command to get it to work.  It
locks mine up.  But if i stick the append line in lilo.conf and then run
lilo and reboot it works fine.

Hope it helps.


Subject: Re: Trying to set up a SoundBlaster Pro
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 23:50:02 GMT

Well, thankyou for the help, I managed to get the card working.  In the
end, it turned out to be a problem with the IRQ (I compiled the driver
directly into the kernel and looked at the boot messages).  The jumper on
the card had been reset...oh well, at least I solved the problem...


Version: 3.12
GCS/M/>P d-(pu) s+:- a16>? C++(++++) L+++ UL++(+++)@>++++$ P+ E W++@ N+ o? K- w--- O? 
M V- PS+ PE(--)@ Y++@ PGP t+ 5 X++@ R++@ !tv@ b++ DI++++ D- G e- h! r++ y?


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Yamaha CDR-100, Adaptec 2940 & SCSI timeouts
Date: 21 Jan 1999 01:09:39 GMT
Reply-To: no.spambots.please

things to check for:

cable length (keep it short!)  and use QUALITY (read: expensive) thick
shielded cables for scsi.

ACTIVE (really) termination on last device in chain

also try resetting the cdr drive (power down/up).  I've seen my cdr102 hang
before (dos/win/linux - doesn't matter).  but when I reset it before a record,
all is well.  don't know why - but maybe there's cruft left in the buffer or
the unit was left in a non-init state from the last operation.

also, DO try a new scsi controller.  switching to a buslogic unit solved 99%
of my problems.

In comp.os.linux.hardware Andrew Congdon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I'm having a problem with a Yamaha CDR-100 which is connected to a
: machine running RedHat 5.2 (2.0.36) via an Adaptec 2940 SCSI card.
: Depending on which media I use, I get SCSI timeouts when using
: cdrecord.  Previously I thought just using Kodak Gold CDs was
: sufficient to workaround the problem but it appears that some of the
: newer Kodak media also cause the problem.  The timeout happens before
: any writing occurs.

: Can anyone suggest a fix?  Following is the log of errors..

: thanks,
: --
: Andrew

: Jan  6 14:17:31 cdwrite kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid 83, 
:scsi0, channel 0, id 2, lun 0 VENDOR SP
: ECIFIC(0xe6) 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 
: Jan  6 14:17:31 cdwrite kernel: (scsi0:0:2:0) Aborting scb 14, flags 0x4
: Jan  6 14:17:31 cdwrite kernel: (scsi0:0:2:0) SCB disconnected.  Queueing Abort SCB.
: Jan  6 14:17:31 cdwrite kernel: (scsi0:0:2:0) Abort message mailed.
: Jan  6 14:17:31 cdwrite kernel: (scsi0:0:2:0) SCB 14 abort delivered.
: Jan  6 14:17:31 cdwrite kernel: (scsi0:0:2:-1) Reset device, active_scb 1
: Jan  6 14:17:31 cdwrite kernel: (scsi0:0:2:-1) Cleaning up status information and 
: Jan  6 14:17:31 cdwrite kernel: (scsi0:0:2:-1) Cleaning QINFIFO.
: Jan  6 14:17:31 cdwrite kernel: (scsi0:0:2:-1) Cleaning waiting_scbs.
: Jan  6 14:17:31 cdwrite kernel: (scsi0:0:2:-1) Cleaning waiting for selection list.
: Jan  6 14:17:31 cdwrite kernel: (scsi0:0:2:-1) Cleaning disconnected scbs list.
: Jan  6 14:17:31 cdwrite kernel: (scsi0:0:2:0:tag14) matches search criteria 
: Jan  6 14:17:31 cdwrite last message repeated 2 times
: Jan  6 14:17:31 cdwrite kernel: (scsi0:0:2:0) Aborting scb 14
: Jan  6 14:17:31 cdwrite kernel: (scsi0:-1:-1:-1) 1 commands found and queued for 
: Jan  6 14:17:33 cdwrite kernel: (scsi0:0:2:0) No active SCB for reconnecting target 
: Jan  6 14:17:33 cdwrite kernel: (scsi0:0:2:0)       SAVED_TCL=0x20, ARG_1=0xff, 
: Jan  6 14:17:34 cdwrite kernel: (scsi0:0:2:-1) Unexpected busfree, LASTPHASE = 0xe0, 
:SEQADDR = 0x14e

AntiSpam: For email, change all 'zero' chars to letter 'o' chars.
bryan, http://www.Grateful.Net/


From: Bruce Stephens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Wacom Woes...
Date: 21 Jan 1999 21:44:04 +0000

Guus Zijlstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Bruce, thanks for the reply. Somehow I managed to find only
> the type 4 protocol drivers.
> But, this leaves me with the following newbie questions:
>  - assuming good old levien is talking about xfree86: how do I find
>    out if I'm running 3.3.2 or 3.3.3?
>  - How do I rebuild the Xserver package?

The server will tell you when it starts.  If you're starting it with
xdm, then look for xdm-error.log (probably in /var/log).  If you're
using startx, then look at the output (using ctrl-alt-F1), or redirect
it to a file.  I get:

XFree86 Version 3.3.2 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
Release Date: March 2 1998
        If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
        than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
        problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)

which is pretty easy to recognise!  Alternatively, debian's package
system can probably tell you.  With RPM, I can do "rpm -q XFree86",
and this returns "XFree86-3.3.2-16".

> I have a debian installation and a cable modem, so getting stuff is
> not a problem. Debians dselect, however, does not give a good
> overview of what's available. Can you help, or refer to a good
> source of info?

I don't know about debian-specific tools, I'm afraid.

Compiling the Wacom driver is pretty easy: there's a link to the
source from the web page
<URL:>.  (The "build kits"
referred to.)

But you shouldn't need to rebuild the module, unless you want to
change it, of course.  If you find you don't have 3.3.2 or 3.3.3, then
it's probably worth getting one of them rather than trying to retrofit
the module.

One thing that confused me was that the example XF86Config file on my
machine had a "Modules" section, but the Section/EndSection lines were
commented out.  I missed that---it's worth checking *very* carefully
if you get strange error messages when trying to start X after loading
the module.


From: "Chris Hailes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Wangtek 5099EN24 streamer and Linux?
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 11:55:06 +1100

Hi Georg,

There are some QIC02 ISA Tapes available in Linux
Look in /usr/sec/linix/linux/include/tpqic02.h
There are some Wangtek tapes there.  You may be able
to configure the settings your drive needs.
I have an Archive tape with
ISA card I need to install in my Redhat 5.2 server also.


Georg Schwarz wrote in message <7806c4$9sb$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Does the Wangtek 5099N24 streamer 60 MB (comes with its own 8 bit ISA
>card) can be used with Linux?
>Institut für Theoretische Physik  +49 30 314-24254   FAX -21130  IRC kuroi
>Technische Universität Berlin  


From: David Crooke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lilo Pbs ...
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 01:37:31 +0000

Jack Ostroff wrote:

> [posted - not emailed]
> [much snipped...]
> >
> > > * The only way I can start is to boot from a floppy..
> > >   then I can access to the partition table :
> > >
> > >  Part  | Type               |  Size   | Mounted as
> > > -------------------------------------------
> > >  hda1 | Fat32             |   5Go   | /DosC
> > >  hda3 | Linux Native |   3Go   | /usr/local
> > >  hda5 | Linux Native |   2Go   | /
> > >  hda6 | Swap             | 127Mo |
> > >
> > > - Why isn't there a hda2 ?
> >
> > That's rather strange indeed... It should be hda1 for DOS, hda2 for Linux
> > native and hda3 for Linux swap.
> Most likely hda2 is an extended partition, which contains
> two logical partitions (hda5 and hda6).
> Also - I believe the LILO limit is that the entire kernel
> must be below cylinder 1024.  You might want to see if you
> can make hda3 / and hda5 /usr/local.  (I know, it might mean
> a lot of work, but it might mean that LILO will work...)
> Good luck

In that setup, assuming primary partitions 1, 2 and 3 are laid out in order,
then 3 is the last one on the disk.... they go 1,2=(5,6),3
so all of / should be below the 1023 cylinder  watermark

David Crooke, Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh
JCMB Rm 1408, King's Bldgs, W. Mains Rd., Edinburgh EH9 3JZ.
Edinburgh University Motor Sport Club -


From: Erik Naggum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 21 Jan 1999 01:41:08 +0000

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Walker)
| I'm sympathetic to your points about loss of information through
| capitalization.  However, I distinguish between technical writing and
| normal English usage.  When writing a letter, I obey the cultural rules.
| When writing computer documentataion (for example), I bend the rules
| where appropriate.  Here are a few.

  it seems to escape people's attention that they _don't_ receive business
  letters from me, they _don't_ receive articles for publication, they
  _don't_ receive documentation, and they _don't_ read my books -- yet they
  behave as if they do, although what they _actually_ do receive is USENET
  postings and possibly e-mail.  none of these people bother to ask me
  whether I upheld the same principle everywhere, they just _assume_ I do.

  when people can't attack you for what you actually do, but first have to
  _tell_ you what you do, and then attack _that_, you have done _nothing_
  wrong.  a accusation made in the absence of evidence is sufficient reason
  to dismiss all other accusations from the same source, because evidence
  was obviously not part of the motivation for attacking.

| # I find this second form not completely satisfactory because many novice
| # users will insist on typing the double quotes.  Notice that "correct"
| # English usage actually insists on  putting the period within the quotes:
|     Documentation on carnivorous plants can be found at
|     ""  This address is useful...

  use the more standard notation <URL:>.

| # This is *COMPLETELY* busted.  I've noticed that in books on style,
| # even the hard-line grammarians/typographers are starting to acknowledge
| # that periods can optionally be placed outside of quotes for technical
| # writing.

  this is actually a case for using typewriter-like fonts, where the
  aesthetic argument for ." no longer applies.  ". and ." are no different,
  aesthetically speaking, so any semantic issues should overrule the absent
  aesthetics.  proper use of font changes will also disambiguate between a
  period being part of the literal or part of the narrative.

  SIGTHTBABW: a signal sent from Unix to its programmers at random
  intervals to make them remember that There Has To Be A Better Way.


Subject: Brother MFC 7150c usable as Linux printer?
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 21:33:21 GMT

I'm interested in getting the Brother MFC 7150c for a dual-boot system and
want to make sure I can use at least the printer function from Linux.

The product info page says "Windows(R) GDI and Epson(R) emulation".  Does the
Epson emulation guarantee I'll be able to use it from Linux?  (RH 5.2).

Thanks for any advice!

"It seems certain that much of the success of Unix follows from the
readability, modifiability, and portability of its software."
                              -- Dennis M. Ritchie, September, 1979

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.modems
Subject: Re: Winmodem or no??
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 13:44:11 -0800

On Thu, 21 Jan 1999 14:31:46 -0500, Rick Brice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Interesting Idea
>but basically there is nothing standard about the external modem except
>that the RS232? interface is a specification, not a standard, that you
>generally cannot depend upon for consistency from one manufacturer, much

        Funny, that's never stopped Atari, Atari ST, Commodore, Amiga
        or any other marginal computer platform from using them.

        Apple is the only manufacturer that never got the clue.

>less from different manufacturers.
>The wiring may be different from series to series or manufacturer to
>from one generation of software to the next you cannot even depend on the
>same implementations of a/an/(the?) AT command set.

        Funny, the same AT commands work on my Zoom 33.6 as did 
        on my Packard Hell 1200 from 10 years ago. Init strings
        can be a pain, however that's a one time startup thing
        that still can be achieved with simply pushing bits out
        of the rs232 socket.

>When you add in an external interface RS232 ports on whatever manufacturers
>computer, using whatever manufacturer's UART's, or Modem emulator's, or
>however they see fit to implement the interface to the external
>Give me an internal that works....anyday!

        Just who do you think you are kidding?

>>         That's ironic as hell considering that the standard
>>         external modem is one of the best perservering
>>         elements of computer technology across the entire
>>         span of the age of microcomputers.
>>         You have your own tunnel vision.
>> --
>>                 Herding Humans ~ Herding Cats
>> Neither will do a thing unless they really want to, or         |||
>> is coerced to the point where it will scratch your eyes out   / | \
>> as soon as your grip slips.
>>         In search of sane PPP docs? Try
>Earth is a small target suspended in space......
>r dot w dot brice at lmco dot com

                Herding Humans ~ Herding Cats
Neither will do a thing unless they really want to, or         |||
is coerced to the point where it will scratch your eyes out   / | \
as soon as your grip slips.

        In search of sane PPP docs? Try


Subject: installation problem
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 20:37:30 GMT

I have Redhat 5.2 and can not get it to install on two machines. If I use the
3.5 disks it goes to 16 Ramdisk of 4096 each and then stops responding. If I
boot to the CD the install starts but the reboots . This just continues. Any
one have any ideas? I sure could use them Tim

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