Linux-Hardware Digest #258, Volume #9            Sun, 24 Jan 99 09:14:01 EST

  XServer / Mouse ||||||||HELP|||||||||| ("dexter")
  S3 Trio 3D ("tusi")
  Re: Linux compatiblity with Colorado tape drives. (Thomas Frese)
  boot sector gibberish (Arnold Selby)
  FS: 3 DEC VXT2000 X-terminals; $60 each ("Kent Rankin")
  partitioning woes (Aaron Birkland)
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) (Ilya)
  Re: Future Modem support. (Rob Clark)
  Re: how to capture window on Linux? (Gary Momarison)
  Re: Booting problem after install... (w joseph mantle)
  matrox mystique 220 problem ("Sakis")
  Future Modem support. ("Jason Hardman")
  Re: how to capture window on Linux? (Kyle Dansie)
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) (Erik Naggum)
  Pioneer cdrom in linux ("Anders Erlandsson")
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) (Erik Naggum)
  Re: DSP boards & Linux? (Gary Momarison)


From: "dexter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: XServer / Mouse ||||||||HELP||||||||||
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 07:07:40 -0000

The mouse is instaled and when I run


the following error apears:

fatal server error:
    cannot open mouse(Operation not supported by device)

_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: (errno 111) : unable to connect: errno 111

xinit: connet refusen (errno 111): unable to connect to Xserver

xinit: no such process (errno 3):server error

                             HELP ME




From: "tusi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: S3 Trio 3D
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 09:33:36 -0800

Hallo everyboby there,
I was running several windows plattform! shit or what can you say!
Now I installed RedHat Linux 5.2. I can not run xwindows. Means I can not
configure my videocard.
It's a EON Tronics made with S3 chip (michel angelo DA 113) according to the
manual it got a S3 Trio 3D chip. But I don't find anything like that in S3s
web page. Is it the S3 ViRGE/GX2 ? which xfree86 should I install to get
this work?
I'm new to Linux!!!! please help me!


From: John Belew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 23 Jan 1999 06:51:50 -0800

I am having similar problems with a MULTITECH MT5634ZLX pcmcia modem,
running RH-5.2 on an IBM thinkpad 600E.

It is recognized & functions under Win-NT 4.0, but is not recognized
by the RedHat Linux 5.2 pcmcia drivers (as indicated by the boot-up
logs in /var/log/messages).

The modem has been upgraded to the latest Multitech firmware (V1.12).

On the IBM thinkpad 600E, I believe I've disabled all the other
internal serial ports, except the primary one (/dev/ttyS0), which is
recognized at powerup & works correctly, according to
/var/log/messages, and according to "setserial":

        # setserial /dev/ttyS0
        /dev/ttyS0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4

I'd expect the Multitech MT5634ZLX pcmcia modem to be installed as
/dev/ttyS1, but it isn't, also according to /var/log/messages, and also
(as I interpret it) according to "setserial":

        # setserial /dev/ttyS1
        /dev/ttyS1, UART: unknown, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3

The following insert shows the relevant part of /var/log/messages,
showing the PCMCIA driver's scan & install report (I've deleted
irrelevant stuff, plus the date & host-machine prefix on each line, to
help it fit in an 80-char EMAIL line):

kernel: Linux PCMCIA Card Services 3.0.5
kernel:   kernel build: 2.0.36 unknown
kernel:   options:  [pci] [cardbus]
kernel: Intel PCIC probe: 
kernel:   Intel i82365sl B step at port 0x3e0 ofs 0x00, 2 sockets
kernel:     host opts [0]: none
kernel:     host opts [1]: none
kernel:     ISA irqs (scanned) = 3,4,7,9,10 status change on irq 10
cardmgr[218]: starting, version is 3.0.5
cardmgr[218]: watching 2 sockets
kernel: cs: IO port probe 0x1000-0x17ff: excluding 0x15e8-0x15ef
kernel: cs: IO port probe 0x0100-0x04ff:
    excluding 0x200-0x207 0x220-0x22f 0x388-0x38f 0x3b8-0x3e7 0x4d0-0x4d7
kernel: cs: IO port probe 0x0a00-0x0aff: clean.
cardmgr[218]: initializing socket 0
kernel: cs: memory probe 0x0d0000-0x0dffff: excluding 0xd0000-0xdffff
kernel: cs: memory probe 0x0e0000-0x0effff: excluding 0xe0000-0xeffff
kernel: cs: memory probe 0x0c0000-0x0cffff: excluding 0xc0000-0xcffff
kernel: cs: memory probe 0x0f0000-0x0fffff: excluding 0xf0000-0xfffff
kernel: cs: memory probe 0x0d0000-0x0dffff: clean.
cardmgr[218]: socket 0: Anonymous Memory
cardmgr[218]: executing: 'insmod /lib/modules/preferred/pcmcia/memory_cs.o'
cardmgr[218]: executing: './memory start mem0'
kernel: memory_cs: mem0: anonymous: unknown size
cardmgr[218]: initializing socket 1
cardmgr[218]: socket 1: 3Com 3c589D Ethernet
kernel: eth0: 3Com 3c589, port 0x300, irq 3, Auto port,
    hw_addr 00:10:4B:ED:D6:0F
cardmgr[218]: executing: 'insmod /lib/modules/preferred/pcmcia/3c589_cs.o'
cardmgr[218]: executing: './network start eth0'
kernel: eth0: autodetected 10baseT

Note that socket 0 is incorrectly identified as "Anonymous Memory"
(which I understand is what often happens if the card isn't
recognized), and that socket 1 is correctly identified as a "3Com
3c589D Ethernet" (which I use for networking).

I'll admit ignorance about PCMCIA cards, but I was expecting Linux's
PCMCIA driver to be able to read back manufacturer/function
information from the Multitech card.

Possibly, the problem is related to the laptop BIOS features (maybe I
left something enabled, that shouldn't be). The Thinkpad 600E has a
built-in MWAVE modem, which I believe I've disabled, plus an IRDA
(infrared) port, which I also believe I've disabled. Also, the log
above doesn't complain about any conflicts, so I've run out of ideas.

< John Belew >


From: Thomas Frese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux compatiblity with Colorado tape drives.
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 14:50:30 GMT

I'm using the Colorado 8GB under Linux...newer kernels since 2.0.34 
or 35 contain the IDE/ATAPI Tape driver. The Colorado works with this.
You don't have to use BRU or any special program, once the drive
works, you can use any tape utility such as tar, cpio. I do use
BRU since it's very good. However, there is a problem with using the
Colorado - BRU sometimes does not rewind correctly to the beginning
of the tape or archive. According to BRU's support, this is a bug
in the current version of the Linux IDE Tape driver. BRU offered
some solution which doesn't work. Right now, I always have to format
the tape in Windows and then make the backup under Linux...that 
works fine. Never had a single read or write error. However, scsi
tape should be better supported under Linux.


"Patrick D. Rockwell" wrote:
> I'm planning to set up a multi platform system with Dos 6.22, Windows
> 95, OS2 Warp, and Linux. I
> have a T1000 tape drive, but I'm planning to get a Colorado 4/8 Gb tape
> drive (part number C4386B). I
> know that Dos and Windows 95 work with it. What about Linux? Is there a
> Linux driver which will
> work with the tape drive that I'm planning to get? Is there a drive
> which will work with all four OS's?
> In particular, I'm planning to get Redhat Linux, but if there is another
> better Linux out there which will
> work with the Colorado 4/8 Gb tape drive, please let me know.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Patrick D. Rockwell


Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 10:59:51 +0000
From: Arnold Selby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,
Subject: boot sector gibberish

up to about 3-4 months ago, i could run dos 6.22 and linux, booting
with lilo. i had a hardware problem and now have a new Award bios
motherboard with an AMD k6/333

my problem is apparent garbage in the boot sector when i try
to install linux 5.2 (actually i had the same problem with
the RedHat linux 4.1 install).

i now boot dos from a WD 6.4GB IDE drive with 784 LBA cylinders.
    (lilo is on another [hidden via bios] IDE drive)
I interpret this to mean the boot sector is ok.
when i use Norton diskedit to view this sector, it looks
ok, including the partition table.

when i use fdisk or Druid from linux-install, the boot sector looks like

garbage, starting with EB 1E 90 8E. The partition table is gibberish
on all 4 drives, 2 are SCSI, and all start with the same hex.
Only  the 55 AA signature is consistantly correct on all drives with all


to confuse things further, I have an older boot diskette (ver 6.22
dos) that i use for recovery. as far as i can see, using
MKS sum(1), the system and other files are the same on diskette
as on the hard drive. however, when i boot from diskette, the
same boot garbage appears.

could this be a virus?

any suggestions?




From: "Kent Rankin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FS: 3 DEC VXT2000 X-terminals; $60 each
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 14:59:26 GMT

    Subject says it all.

    The X-terminals are located in Knoxville, TN, 37922-3449.

    They have LK401 keyboards with them.

    The VXT2000 Operating Software is included.

    Also, they will run on TCP/IP or DECNet.

                                                                -Kent Rankin


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aaron Birkland)
Subject: partitioning woes
Date: 23 Jan 1999 16:22:23 GMT

I am sorry to post what is probably a very basic question on this 
newsgroup, but I am soon going to attempt to install Linux (of the Debian 
persuasion) on its own partition on my hard drive, which right now is one 
large 6.4 GB FAT32 partition.  I would have loved to defragment the drive so 
that I have a continuous block of free space which I could split with FIPS, and 
then format and play with as I like.  There is one caveat, however.  As it 
turns out, Win98 has been putting something on the last cylinder of the drive 
that it does not want moved.  I have no idea exactly what it is or why it is 
there, but I sure don't like it there.  So far, I haven't been able to find an 
answer, although I stumbled across one theory that if you get rid of the hidden 
and system file attributes, Defrag will move the data off the last cylinder.  I 
haven't actually done that yet, but am working on a batch file that would take 
away the attributes, and another one to restore them once the deed is done.
        If changing the attributes doesn't work (and many people have said that 
it wouldn't), I will probably be faced with the task of wiping out everything 
and starting from scratch (I don't want to shell out for something like 
partition Magic).  Has anybody out there dealt with a similar situation?  and 
if so, is there a way to create the partition nondestructively?  

        Aaron Birkland


Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 23 Jan 1999 08:41:03 +0800

In comp.editors Erik Naggum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | But, if this does not persudade you, let's take a poll:
> | 
> | [ ] I find sentences that begin with capitalized words easier to read.
> | [ ] I do NOT find sentences that begin with capitalized words easier to read.
> | 
> | (If the latter item is checked, then why do you write according to
> | grammatical rules?)

>   is this the kind of unscientific crap that supports your position?

I suppose I should not even address this crudely rhetorical question, but
your resorting to insults and vulgarities just underlines how weak your case
is. For someone who accuses other people of posting "unscientific crap", you
hardly come across as a debate expert.

(Hint: Sometimes complex questions have very simple solutions. Think of
taking an informal poll as cutting the proberbial Gordian knot).


Subject: Re: Future Modem support.
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Clark)
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 17:51:15 GMT

In article <Brnq2.1390$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jason Hardman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Does anyone out there know if there is any planned support, or someone
>working on the drivers for internal PCI type modems?
>Unfortunately I bought a Diamond SupraExpress i56k PRO before getting Linux.
>While it isn't totaly necessary for me as I can still use Win98 to do my
>downloading, It is a Royal pain in the butt.

The problem with that particular modem is not that it's PCI, but that it's
an HCF-style Winmodem.  So instead of writing a driver for a functioning
peripheral, you'd have to write "modem emulation" software. Not an
impossible task, and some people have expressed interest in having it
done for their particular modems, but no large scale effort exists.

Imagine you're Nala Xoc, super Linux hacker, and someone throws a
SupraExpress PRO on your desk and says "make it work, would you?"  Well,
you've already got a perfectly good modem, but what the heck, South Park
isn't on for a few hours yet, so you figure you can at least look at it.
Having done work on amateur radio drivers, and having previously gotten
a Rockwell chipset manual to prop up your desk, you manage to get it
talking back.

But it's a no-win situation: people will complain if it's slower under
Linux than Windows and people will want ALL of the Winmodems to work.
Meanwhile, there are new gadgets to play with... especially USB, which is
probably much more critical to the acceptance of Linux.



From: Gary Momarison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to capture window on Linux?
Date: 23 Jan 1999 10:37:57 -0800


> Hi,
> I just want to capture window on Linux and want to save it as JPEG
> format, so that I can view this image file from Netscape. Does
> anybody know any tool can do this? I use Red Hat Linux 5.0 with X-server
> installed.

  xwd: Dump an image of an X window. Undump it with "xwud".
  Use xwdtopnm, pnmtoxwd, and other tools (xv, djpeg?) to convert formats.

Look for Linux info at and in
Gary's Encyclopedia at


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (w joseph mantle)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Booting problem after install...
Date: 23 Jan 1999 16:43:19 GMT

Jayasuthan [VorHacker] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Have you try loadlin... I had problem with my big disk too... I had
>big cylinder !!! Use loadlin and a kernel image.. Use it from dos mode

That is a good idea.  Thanks.



From: "Sakis" <sakisf@*>
Subject: matrox mystique 220 problem
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 02:00:40 -0000

i have a mystique 220 and i can't find some drivers for it to have the
ramdac turned to 220
are there any drivers around?
i cannot open my X windows


From: "Jason Hardman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Future Modem support.
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 17:14:03 -0000


Does anyone out there know if there is any planned support, or someone
working on the drivers for internal PCI type modems?
Unfortunately I bought a Diamond SupraExpress i56k PRO before getting Linux.
While it isn't totaly necessary for me as I can still use Win98 to do my
downloading, It is a Royal pain in the butt.

Thanks for any info, Jason.


Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 10:25:54 -0700
From: Kyle Dansie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to capture window on Linux?

> Hi,
> I just want to capture window on Linux and want to save it as JPEG
> format, so that I can view this image file from Netscape. Does
> anybody know any tool can do this? I use Red Hat Linux 5.0 with X-server
> installed.
> Thanks in advance
> Henry
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

There is a shareware program called xv that does this. If you are
looking for a free solution take a look at gimp. It can also do screen

Linux Rules     Iomega Zip Drive Mini - HOWTO


Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 23 Jan 1999 18:54:56 +0100

Ilya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  > Well, my point was that it was inherently *easier* to read
  > capitalized sentences.

It is?  Can you prove it?

  > They are more readable. It is not an issue of status quo.

If people were brought up knowing no capital letters at all, it would
be rather more difficult for them to read sentences with initial
capital letters.  I'm sure that there's a merit to the current state
of affairs, as language has evolved in this direction, but I doubt
that this is the *only* state of affairs which has merit.

Abort this operation?   [Abort]  [Cancel]


From: Erik Naggum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 23 Jan 1999 18:09:31 +0000

| I suppose I should not even address this crudely rhetorical question, but
| your resorting to insults and vulgarities just underlines how weak your
| case is.

  what an amazingly unintelligent position.

| For someone who accuses other people of posting "unscientific crap", you
| hardly come across as a debate expert.

  I'll give you a second chance to defend what should definitely be called
  "unscientific crap" since you appear to be hypersensitive to certain
  words and fail to get the message if they are present in the text:

  do you know anything about taking polls that yield scentifically valid
  data?  have you ever studied the effects of the questions asked on the
  respondents?  have you ever seen the concept of "leading question" 

| (Hint: Sometimes complex questions have very simple solutions.  Think of
| taking an informal poll as cutting the proberbial Gordian knot).

  yeah, Bill Gates did that when he wanted to prove that the "market" was
  all in favor of bundling a browser with his "operating system", too.  he
  aske the same kind of leading questions.  that, too, was unscientific
  crap.  and everybody thinks that getting this unscientific crap exposed
  was weaking _Microsoft's_ position as well as the credibility of the
  witness who had blithely reported the results of that poll and put his
  scientific standing behind them.

  SIGTHTBABW: a signal sent from Unix to its programmers at random
  intervals to make them remember that There Has To Be A Better Way.


From: "Anders Erlandsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Pioneer cdrom in linux
Date: 23 Jan 99 18:36:43 +0100

Hi, im new to linux, actually i dont use it (yet) but i still have some 

I am building a car-mp3 player using the software from

and i have problems mounting my Pioneer Slot-in drive.

>> mnt1name = HD
>> mnt1type = vfat
>> mnt1path = /dev/hda1
>> mnt2name = CDROM
>> mnt2type = iso9660
>> mnt2path = /dev/hdb

The mountlist looks like above and when i boot, "linux" recognizes the drive but
won't mount it.

I get errors like "special device not regognized"

Have also tried to change hdb to hdc,d,e and changed the drive to 2nd master,
slave etc accordingly.

Is Pioneer not compatible with Linux?

If you have any answers please EMAIL me them, as i really don't want to read
hundreds of linux mail for this only.


*Remove -EJSKIT- to reply or -dot- in http adress.*

HTTP://   Anders Erlandsson

* A2000/060 - 34Mb - VLAB - PicassoII Cgfx - 1.4Gb *
* Colecovision - Vectrex - Intellivision - Atari2600 *


From: Erik Naggum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 23 Jan 1999 18:14:41 +0000

* Michael Carley<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| They're useful as reference points in the text; punctuation rarely stands
| out strongly enough to serve the same purpose (especially if something is
| properly, i.e. lightly, punctuated).  This is especially true in printed
| text which is justified to both margins.

  I fully agree for printed text with variable spacing between characters,
  which is a good argument.  now, since my argument for not destroying the
  case properties of words is that this makes the text more searchable by
  computers and more amenable to electronic processing, it would be quite
  pointless to retain this argument for a printed version (except when
  people print what was never intended to be printed, which has become
  another reason to differentiate).  hence, what is true for printed text
  is quite literally a non-issue in this discussion.  we're not discussing
  printed text at all.

  SIGTHTBABW: a signal sent from Unix to its programmers at random
  intervals to make them remember that There Has To Be A Better Way.


From: Gary Momarison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DSP boards & Linux?
Date: 23 Jan 1999 10:32:04 -0800

Satyajit Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
>        I would like to use DSP boards for some heavy-duty number
> crunching. These boards
> may either be standalone,  or  hang off the PCI bus of my PC. (running
> Linux). I would imagine
> that board specific linux drivers are necessary in the latter case. Is
> this assumption true? Are there people out there that have some
> experience in either driving or downloading code to DSP boards from a
> Linux machine?
>                                      Any pointers will be appreciated,

I'm not familiar with a ready-made solution, but if you have to roll
your own, these might be helpful:
   gcc for Analog Devices DSPs(ftp) (21k, 21csp and 21xx families of DSPs)
  (misc resources about drivers and writing them)

Look for Linux info at and in
Gary's Encyclopedia at



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