Linux-Hardware Digest #261, Volume #9            Mon, 25 Jan 99 01:13:34 EST

  Dual Token Ring Card Problem ("Rett Walters")
  Media Vision PCMCIA soundcard? (Stephen R. Savitzky)
  Re: sgi indy (BL)
  Re: 98 - Linux dual boot with a large disk - Help! ("Drew Beebe")
  Re: linux and k6 chip (Rob)
  Re: 3C509 Combo configuration problem. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  CyberPower: Feedback Needed (Ramachandra Srinivas)
  sb16 pnp (Scott Olsson - scohop)
  Re: Xwindows + ATI All in Wonder Pro AGP (Bob & Mary Aldridge)
  sound: SB16 PnP: Midi devices: none (Neil Zanella)
  Re: LILO trashes Toshiba portable IDE drive (Michal Jaegermann)
  Tosh 415CS - Linux? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Rh 5.2 and SB AWE 32 PnP freezing ("Carlos M. Fernández")
  Re: Problems mounting JAZ drive (Steven Headley)
  re: RH and MetroX (Jim Brooks)
  Re: SIIG SoundCard (second plea for help) (Roger Atkinson)
  Re: Problems mounting JAZ drive (Kyle Dansie)
  Re: Linux SCSI drivers for Compaq smart array controller in proliant 1500 
  Re: Winmodem or no?? (DaZZa)
  Bttv & Help (Jake Kassen)
  Linux and Thinkpad 701C (Gary)


From: "Rett Walters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dual Token Ring Card Problem
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 16:35:21 -0600

Hello All:

I am currently attempting to get 2 IBM 16/4 Auto ISA token ring adapters
installed in an IBM PC 360 (i686/150).  I have been able to get Linux to
detect and install the first card.  However, only after I turned of PnP for
the card and hardcoded the resources.  I did the same with the second
adapter.  I set aliases for tr1 and tr0 in conf.modules, with one at io=a20
(this one works) and the other at a24 (this one doesn't work).  During
bootup I get good initialization of the first card, but the Kernel says
"Delaying Intialization of tr1".  I have verified the resources of both
cards to be unique...  I still can't seem to get it going.

Does anybody out there have any ideas???

Please Help!

Rett Walters

Please respond via email as well...


Custom Software Controls - Specializing in Custom NT Network Administration
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen R. Savitzky)
Subject: Media Vision PCMCIA soundcard?
Date: 24 Jan 1999 17:37:11 -0800

My new laptop's main limitation is that it only has one channel of audio
input.  If it weren't for that it would make a great direct-to-digital
recording device.  

I picked up a Media Vision PCMCIA Soundcard for $30 at a local surplus
joint.  The only documentation is a single sheet explaining how to
install it under Win95.  Looking at the list of SUPPORTED.CARDS in
pcmcia-cs-3.0.6 (pretty recent, if not actually the latest) I don't see
it either in the supported or the unsupported list.  Anyone know of a

Failing that, I'm guessing that it looks a lot like a PAS-16.  Any
guesses as to how attack the problem in that case?  Or should I wait for
USB audio to be supported?

 /   Steve Savitzky   \ 1997 Pegasus Award winner: best science song--+  \
/ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> \    V   \
\  hacker/songwriter:   \
 \_ Kids' page: MOVED ---> ______/


Subject: Re: sgi indy
Date: 24 Jan 1999 17:21:38 GMT
Reply-To: no.spambots.please

Chong Liang Ooi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

:     I'm having the same question... Red Hat doesn't seems to support MIPS
: architecture... I don't know about other distributions.

:     My boss is going to "throw away" more than 6 SGI Indy...  I was
: thinking of building a Linux cluster out of those boxes...

:     well... if you do find any useful info, can you please drop me a note?

:     Thanks.

: ~ Chong Ooi

: Eric Melville wrote:

: > anyone have any hope at all for getting linux onto an sgi indy machine?
: > it's currently got an old version of IRIX, which i want to rid my life
: > of permanently.
: >
: > -E

AntiSpam: For email, change all 'zero' chars to letter 'o' chars.
bryan, http://www.Grateful.Net/


From: "Drew Beebe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: 98 - Linux dual boot with a large disk - Help!
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 22:16:54 -0500

Your best bet is to install 98 on your primary partition which sounds like
you want it to be 4GB?
Then you want to have an extended partition of 4GB where you leave in
nowhere man's land...(just make it a secondary partition for dos (you can
delete it later) ). Then you will have only 5GB left for linux.
   Install 98 first, (while installing 98 & running fdisk, make your
extended partition of 4GB for nothing) and then install linux on the 5GB
partition left.
   Lots o' luck!


Subject: Re: linux and k6 chip
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 03:21:29 GMT

On Mon, 25 Jan 1999 01:15:32 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Christopher B. Browne) wrote:

>On Sun, 24 Jan 1999 20:01:56 -0500, Larry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted:
>>hello one and all I was going to try and still am to build my own linux box
>>with the k6 300 chip and I am seeing good and bad luck here,was just
>>wondering if I am going or making the right move with the k6
>I'm running a system with a K6-2, and haven't had any problems with it.

same here...i have a amd k62/300 and it kicks ass.
it runs at 599.65 bogomips!


Subject: Re: 3C509 Combo configuration problem.
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 02:40:54 GMT

I too have a problem with NIC 3c509 and this is the best post I have seen that
will make sense for a solution. Please keep me in formed too Brian.

I use the same card and setup and kinda tht there is a default as to either
bnc or rj but not sure.

Neph Medina

In article <77pm8i$b0i$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Brian Bui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>     I recently started linux with slackware 3.6 on a pentium system.  The
> installation went smooth and everything.  However, I have a problem with my
> Network card (a 3Com 3c509 Combo card) which seems to be set to talk only on
> the BNC connection.   However, my network is using RJ45.  I went to
> but the webpage doesn't deal with my specific problem.
> Is there anyone having or that had the same problem as I do? What step
> should I do?
>     I forgot to mention that all my network setup is ready. Only the NIC
> does not want to be on the 10Base-T mode but 10Base-2.   Please reply to me
> direclty if someone has the answer.
> Brian,

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From: Ramachandra Srinivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CyberPower: Feedback Needed
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 19:13:19 -0800


I am considering purchasing some PC components from CyberPower Inc
which is in Baldwin Park, CA. They seem to sell good components and
don't have a restocking fee. I would like to hear experiences, good
or bad from netizens about this company.

Please remove NOSPAM from my address  to email me.



From: Scott Olsson - scohop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: sb16 pnp
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 22:56:42 -0500

Okay, I'm trying to set up a second sound card for linux (my other card
isn't supported under linux...)  It's a sound blaster 16 pnp- which
should be easy... right?

I'm running 2.2.0-pre9... on bootup I see

Sound initilization started
<Sound Blaster 16 (4.13)> at 0x220 irq 5 dma 1.5
<Sound Blaster 16> at 0x330 irq 5 dma 0
<Yamaha OPL3> at 0x388
Sound initialization complete

Cat'ing /dev/sndstat tells me an audio device is indeed installed... but
when I try to cat a sound file to /dev/dsp, I get....

Sound Blaster:   DSP command (0) timeout.
Sound Blaster:   DSP command (c6) timeout.
Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?

Ideas? Please help! All I want is some sound!!

thanks in advance,

Scott Olsson - scohop


From: Bob & Mary Aldridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Xwindows + ATI All in Wonder Pro AGP
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 21:52:29 -0600

KiWiB0RG wrote:
> Hi I'm having problems getting my ATI card to work with Xfree86 Mach64
> server
> When i start xwindows it just gives me a black screen,
> can anyone tell me a way to get it to work?
> here is the video card:
> ATI All in Wonder Pro AGP 8MB
> Thanks
> /newbie in need

If you are using the current XFree86(3.3.2..I think), use the ATI Expert
Rage Pro card.  I am also using the All-In-Wonder card.  The card will
allow you to use 64K colors also.

Good Luck...........


From: Neil Zanella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: sound: SB16 PnP: Midi devices: none
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 23:34:47 -0330


After recently compiling kernel 2.0.36 on a RHL5.0 box with
the "Creative Sound Blaster 16 WavEffects PnP ISA" card I
got the following output:


$ /bin/dmesg
Sound initialization started
<Sound Blaster 16 (4.16)> at 0x220 irq 5 dma 1,5
<Yamaha OPL3 FM> at 0x388
Sound initialization complete


All the tests described in the Sound HOWTO work fine for me, but I find
the fact that there are no midi devices configured a little bit strange,
though I am glad I never had to use the "isapnp" tool.

Did I do something wrong?

Here are the relevant sections of the kernel /usr/src/linux/.config
file and the output of "car /dev/sndstat"..., respectively.

Thanks for your help,

Neil Zanella


# Sound
# CONFIG_PAS is not set
# CONFIG_ADLIB is not set
# CONFIG_GUS is not set
# CONFIG_MPU401 is not set
# CONFIG_UART6850 is not set
# CONFIG_PSS is not set
# CONFIG_GUS16 is not set
# CONFIG_GUSMAX is not set
# CONFIG_MSS is not set
# CONFIG_SSCAPE is not set
# CONFIG_TRIX is not set
# CONFIG_MAD16 is not set
# CONFIG_CS4232 is not set
# CONFIG_MAUI is not set


$ cat /dev/sndstat
Sound Driver:3.5.4-960630 (Sun Jan 24 19:42:55 NST 1999 root,
Linux localhost.localdomain 2.0.36 #1 Sat Jan 23 05:46:10 NST 1999 i586 
Kernel: Linux localhost.localdomain 2.0.36 #3 Sun Jan 24 21:36:55 NST 
1999 i586
Config options: 0

Installed drivers: 
Type 1: OPL-2/OPL-3 FM
Type 2: Sound Blaster
Type 7: SB MPU-401

Card config: 
Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 5 drq 1,5
(SB MPU-401 at 0x330 irq 5)
OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0

Audio devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.16)

Synth devices:
0: Yamaha OPL-3

Midi devices:

0: System clock

0: Sound Blaster


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michal Jaegermann)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: LILO trashes Toshiba portable IDE drive
Date: 25 Jan 1999 04:31:48 GMT

Dominick Samperi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: > 
: > Does it say "unable to open /dev/hda" ? If so, try booting with a DOS
: > system floppy or a Win95 boot floppy and run "fdisk /mbr" .
: > 
: > Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
: >           Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum

: I tried that. If I boot dos and type fdisk I got the message "error
: accessing device" and it terminated. fdisk /mbr did not help.

I wonder if anybody bothers to peek into lilo documentation.
Because if you did you would notice that lilo **saves** this piece
of a disk which is going to overwrite (and is smart enough not to
do that if it found older lilo scribblings).  So, boot your Linux
from floppy, 'dd' saved sector back to its original location and
your disk is bit-by-bit on MBR like it was before.

Also, if you would consult said documentation you would be informed that
only in special cases lilo needs to be on MBR.  Most of the time
is just as happy on Linux partition.

And yes, my Toshiba laptop does dual boot, as well as Sharp laptop
of my friend and many other laptops around and, on the top of it,
you likely have on your disk "Linux+NT-Loader" mini-HOWTO with
a lots of recipies and technical details if you double boot with NT.

Happy RTFM,



Subject: Tosh 415CS - Linux?
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 04:13:21 GMT

I have a Toshiba 415CS P90 laptop w/ 16mb of ram.  I want to run Linux on this
system.  Has anyone had any experience with this hardware?  Problems, special
configuration I should be aware of?

Eventually, I would like to buy a PCMCIA 10BaseT card and put it on our LAN.

Thanks in advance,
Gregory L

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From: "Carlos M. Fernández" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Rh 5.2 and SB AWE 32 PnP freezing
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 21:53:06 -0500

I don't know exactly what could be wrong there. I can tell that your isapnp is
working fine (you can reconfigure it yourself just to be sure. Do "pnpdump
>/etc/isapnp.conf" and edit the generated file to suit your tastes). The
problem with sfxload is just that it's not in the PATH; startup scripts usually
have a limited path environment. Just go to /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit, look for
sfxload, and change the pathname. Finally, I can only help with only one thing
with the module problem: make sure your /etc/conf.modules has the following

alias sound sb
alias midi awe_wave

You could as well replace the 'midi' line with:

post-install sound insmod awe_wave
pre-remove sound rmmod awe_wave

However, I believe RH's scripts load a 'midi' module, so the first solution
should be safe. Try both anyway, there's nothing to lose.

Oh, now that I remember, pnpdump doesn't detect two ports in the wavetable part
of the soundcard. Your isapnp.conf's WaveTable section should look like the
following; just add I/Os 1 and 2:

(CONFIGURE CTL00c1/408370142 (LD 2
#     ANSI string -->WaveTable<--
(IO 0 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0620))
(IO 1 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0a20))
(IO 2 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0e20))
#     End dependent functions
 (NAME "CTL00c1/408370142[2]{WaveTable           }")


Ritchie wrote:

> Well, I can help you a bit.  I had the same problem of the sfxload not being
> found, I looked and it was there, but the boot sequence looks for it in /bin
> and on my system, I found it in /usr/bin.  Maybe yours is the same.  I
> copied it from /usr/bin to /bin and rebooted, it found the file and didn't
> give me the device busy error for awe_wave.o.  I can play .au files, but no
> luck playing .midi files yet.  If you succeed, let me know what you did.
> Al Kooz wrote in message <78aa8j$a25$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >Hi, I have a problem,
> >I installed RH 5.2 on my system (for the 100th time now) and I've been
> >trying to get my SB AWE 32 PnP to work... I used sndconfig, and it seemed
> to
> >detect it right. It played the sample and closed with no error message.
> Then
> >I go start X and I'm perfectly able to play Audio Cd's... When I boot
> >though, there's two error messages:
> >            - First it's the sfxload that can't be found (although it's
> >there, I checked it)
> >            - Second, the awe_wave.o isn't able to be loaded it says that
> >the resource
> >              or device is busy...
> >
> >That wouldn't bother me, unless I had following problem: Whenever I try to
> >play an mp3 file, the computer freezes. It didn't do that under Rh 5.1.
> >Please help me. I also tried to connect to the
> > directory, but that seems to have been
> >removed. Please help me.
> >
> >thanx
> >
> >Al
> >
> >

Carlos M. Fernández, NP3IP.
"Mira que te mando que te esfuerces y seas valiente; no temas ni desmayes,
porque Jehová tu Dios estará contigo en dondequiera que vayas," Josué 1:9


From: Steven Headley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.questions,
Subject: Re: Problems mounting JAZ drive
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 22:03:51 -0600

Tried all combinations /dev/sdb1-9 and the same error message. Even tried
dev/sda1-7. This used
to work on RH50

Kyle Dansie wrote:

> Steven Headley wrote:
> >
> > Hello everyone,
> >     I am having problems mounting my Jaz drive to RedHat Linux 5.2. This
> > same procedure worked on RedHat 5.0 but dosen't want to work in 5.2.
> > When I try:
> >
> >  mount -t ext2 /dev/sdb4 /backup:
> >
> > I get the following:mount: /dev/sdb4 is not a valid block device.
> >
> This maybe a silly question but I have made this mistake before.
> Are really sure the partition number is 4?
> Try /dev/sdb1 and see if it works. The dos disks from iomega always use
> 4, but most people if they format the disk as ext2 use partition number
> 1 instead.
> If you do use the wrong number this is the exact error message  you will
> get.
> Cheers,
> Kyle Dansie
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Linux Rules     Iomega Zip Drive Mini - HOWTO
> -
>                     or
> --------------------------------------------------------


Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 20:33:59 -0800
From: Jim Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: re: RH and MetroX

I have 2 problems.
1. when trying to run X on my 486DX266 with a Cirrus 5428 VLB video
card, I get a single squished line at the bottom of the screen. It does
change as things are written to the display. Any suggestions.
2. The MB bios is ami pre LBA. I partitioned the drive with 100M dos,
300M linux, 100M swap, and tried to configure the balance as linux
extended/logical. At that time, running a different ver, when I exited
X, the driver kept rattling. Eventually it reported unable to load
command interpreter. Installing the same system without the ex/log
partition seemed to eliminate the problem. Am I wrong in thinking Linux
knows how to use LBA and doesn't rollover onto the 1st 512 meg?
Tanks for the help
Jim Brooks


From: Roger Atkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SIIG SoundCard (second plea for help)
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 21:10:00 -0800

Jeff McWilliams wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, G.M.Trias wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I just received a SoundWave 128 PCI Voice Audio Card (aka sound card).
> >I can't seem to find drivers to make this card work in Linux.  The model
> >number of the card is IC1612.  I'm running RedHat5.1.  Any help would be
> >appreciated.
> Any idea what chip is on this card?  Remove the SIIG sticker from the
> chip if there is one.  The SoundWave pro used to use the standard Ensoniq
> AudioPCI 1370 chip.  Later models now use the Trident chipset for which no
> support is currently available for Linux.
> Jeff
> --
> Jeff McWilliams
> "The mystery boy has gone to war, in the fields of death you'll find him."

I'm sorry I can't help with your problem and I do hope you get it fixed.
I have an Siig Ultra DMA Disk Controller that I really like but I'm
having problems getting Lilo to install. I'm able to boot from the boot
floppy but it would be nice to boot off the disk. All errors point to
recognition of the disk through the SiiG controller. I'll admit I'm
still working on it.

In any case, you might want to drop there Online Tech Support an Email
and let them know that you are not satisfied with the lack of Linux
support for there products. It may not help but if they truly want to
sell more PC boards, having Linux support can only increase there
buisness these days. I told them I will definitely look to the
competeition the next time I need an upgrade. What a shame too, I really
like the equipment !

Any way that's what I did,

Roger Atkinson  Unix Sys Admin  (Solaris, IRIX, HP-UX, DUX)
Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux newbie and thinkin it's great !


Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 21:51:34 -0700
From: Kyle Dansie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.questions,
Subject: Re: Problems mounting JAZ drive

If you do a cat /proc/devices  what do you get?
Does it show a sd device (scsi disk) device.

If there is no sd entry then maybe the kernel is configured wrong.


Steven Headley wrote:
> Tried all combinations /dev/sdb1-9 and the same error message. Even tried
> dev/sda1-7. This used
> to work on RH50
> Kyle Dansie wrote:
> > Steven Headley wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello everyone,
> > >     I am having problems mounting my Jaz drive to RedHat Linux 5.2. This
> > > same procedure worked on RedHat 5.0 but dosen't want to work in 5.2.
> > > When I try:
> > >
> > >  mount -t ext2 /dev/sdb4 /backup:
> > >
> > > I get the following:mount: /dev/sdb4 is not a valid block device.
> > >
> >
> > This maybe a silly question but I have made this mistake before.
> > Are really sure the partition number is 4?
> >
> > Try /dev/sdb1 and see if it works. The dos disks from iomega always use
> > 4, but most people if they format the disk as ext2 use partition number
> > 1 instead.
> >
> > If you do use the wrong number this is the exact error message  you will
> > get.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Kyle Dansie
> > --
> > --------------------------------------------------------
> > Linux Rules     Iomega Zip Drive Mini - HOWTO
> > -
> >
> >                     or
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------

Linux Rules     Iomega Zip Drive Mini - HOWTO


Subject: Re: Linux SCSI drivers for Compaq smart array controller in proliant 1500
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 03:48:17 GMT

There is a beta driver available at

Martin Giguere
  Rainer Kraft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have to install linux on a compaq proliant 1500 with a SCSI smart
> array controller. Can I do this? If yes, which SCSI-driver should I use
> and where can I find it.
> I've checked in the SCSI-HOWTO and couln't find anything in it.
> Thank you very much for your help,
>   Rainer Kraft

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Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Winmodem or no??
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 15:43:44 +1100

On 25 Jan 1999, maciej h babinski wrote:

> > PC UARTS basically come in two varities. Have done since the 386 at least
> > - maybe before then.
> > 16450/8250 - Maximum throughput 19200 bps, no buffering
> > 16550/16550AFN - Maximum throughput 112500 bps, buffering.
> > I've never seen a PC com port which is restricted to 33600.
> My bad. Either way, I can't get full bandwidth.

How do you figure that?

56000 bps in one direction. Even allowing for 2 to one compression {a
rarity in this day and age of zip'd files}, you get 112000 bps throughput
from the modem.

Full available bandwidth.



From: Jake Kassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Bttv & Help
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 00:49:48 +0000


        I recently got a very cheep WinTV (Bttv chip) and I am trying to get it
to work under linux. After a few kernels, I went with the newest
(2.2.0pre-9). I had it built into the kernel and I am attempting to use
Xawtv to display the output. It works great with the composite input,
but not with the normal "TV" plug. Xawtv displays static on a small part
of the display box and black elsewhere. I here static, but little
happens when I change channels. The card is model 404 with mono sound.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Jake Kassen


Subject: Linux and Thinkpad 701C
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 23:45:16 -0500

Greeting. I have a IBM Thinkpad 701C 486/75 720HD and VGA video, I have
an external floppy, and serial port, what's the easiest way to install
Linux on the notebook ? it currently has Dos 6.22 and Win3.11. Can I
somehow use the serial port and access My win95/SuSe 5.3 linux box and
use the CD Rom drive ?? Thanks.
Gary Pagliaro RN



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