Linux-Hardware Digest #266, Volume #9            Mon, 25 Jan 99 14:13:32 EST

  Re: IRQ 5 Freeze on Sound Card (Victor H. Auerbach)
  linux & aha1522A & Yamaha 4416 ("Andrew S. Prior")
  Cirrus 5446 / NEC 5FG Problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Help: can't generate snd-audiopci module in compiling ALSA driver (Yongbin Wei)
  Re: TV tuner cards (Jorge Delgado Mendoza)
  Re: Which CPU to upgrade to? (Matthew Callaway)
  data acquisition (Gilles Carte)
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) (Shaun Lipscombe)
  Re: X on AT&T/NCR Globalyst 520 (Tom Herman)
  Re: =?iso-8859-1?Q?hj=E4lp=21=21?= (Jonas Norling)
  sound dropouts while scrolling text etc. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux with HP hardware. (Bill Anderson)
  PnP Modem not working with isapnp ("Karl J. Ots")
  Re: HELP! Need Monitor (NEC D171) specs. HFreq and VFreq. (Gary)
  Wanted: Driver for D-Link DFE660-TX - not recognized in SuSE 6.0 (Bernhard Werner)
  Re: ftape - difficulties with floppy controller (Rob Komar)
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) (Erik Naggum)
  Re: Does m/b cache size make *that* much difference? (Frank Sweetser)
  Re: RedHat 5.2 installation boot locks up (David Kirkpatrick)
  Acard AEC 6710S AND Matsushita CD-RW (toto)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Victor H. Auerbach)
Subject: Re: IRQ 5 Freeze on Sound Card
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 14:33:13 GMT

On Sat, 23 Jan 1999 20:43:02 -0500, "Carlos M. Fern¤nandez"

>The problem is not a "locked" IRQ, but the absence of a device that uses
>said IRQ. In your case, I believe you have a Plug'n'Pray card, so I
>suppose you had rebooted from Windows into Linux, and the soundcard kept
>its settings the way Windows told it. Then, after shutdown and restart,
>the settings were cleared, so your card was practically absent from the
>system, for all that the sounddriver cares.
>Your solution would probably be to use isapnptools as a quick turnaround.
>Its extremely easy to use, so I doubt you will have any problems with it.
>PnP4kernel might work too, but that takes a bit more effort.
>Hope that helps.
>Victor H. Auerbach wrote:
>> I am using Red Hat Linux 5.1 updated to v. 2.0.36 on a Dell 450. The
>> hard drive has Windows 98 below and Linux in the upper reaches. Using
>> 'make xconfig' I was able to use the Sound Blaster default to bring up
>> my sound card (Crystal 3D 64 V Intergrated Sound).
>> Upon booting (as read in /var/log/dmesg) there were two lines which
>> read:
>> Sound initialization started
>> <Sound Blaster Pro (3.2)> at 0x220 irq 5 dma 1,5
>> and I had full sound, CDROM etc., for a few days. Then, inexplicably,
>> the second line, upon a reboot, changed to:
>> s.b. Interupt test on IRQ5 failed - device disabled.
>> Sound still works in Windows and Windows tells me that only the sound
>> card uses IRQ 5. I have removed all system sounds in Linux and cleaned
>> up the files. Nothing helps. Recompiling the kernel  without sound and
>> then with sound again does nothing.
>> Does anyone know of a way to unlock a locked interupt test, or any
>> other workaround for this problem?
>> Thanks,
>Carlos M. Fernández, NP3IP.
>"Mira que te mando que te esfuerces y seas valiente; no temas ni desmayes,
>porque Jehová tu Dios estará contigo en dondequiera que vayas," Josué 1:9

I used isapnp to identify my PnP boards. It found the Crystal sound
board and listed its parameters. However, when I tried to use the
configure function, it came back with the message "board not found."

How now brown cow?

Victor H. Auerbach


Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Andrew S. Prior")
Subject: linux & aha1522A & Yamaha 4416
Date: 24 Jan 99 17:38:03 GMT


  I just purchased an Adaptec 1522A SCSI controller and a Yamaha 4416CDR. 
Despite all my efforts to make these work with linux, I can't.  The controller
is recognized at bootup, but the CD isn't.  I've tried various settings on
the card with no luck.  I figured it was a cabling/termination problem until
W95 saw the drive right away (I never told it about the CD but it accessed
it right away) and could read from it with no problems.  To me this 
suggests that the hardware is working fine.  I've read through the linux
Hardware-Howto, the old SCSI-Howto, poked through drivers/scsi/aha152x.c,
Adaptec's web site, and even tried deja-news to find information on this
problem and have come up empty.

  The one idea I *do* have, that I'm not sure of, is upgrading the BIOS in the
SCSI card.  On bootup it says it's BIOS revision 1.2L and adaptec's web site
has revision 1.4.  I'm not sure I want to try that.  The BIOS message that
the card displays shows no information about attached devices, even though
I have the jumper settings for displaying "SCSI device information".

  If somebody could give me some help here figuring out what's wrong, I would
VERY much appreciate it.  I've not used SCSI much, and don't know what else
to try.  You should find all the useful information (that I can find) that
the system provides below.  I specifically don't know how to interpret the
information in "/proc/scsi/aha152x/0" (listed below) to see if it provides
a hint.


                                                        Andrew Prior

  --> boot messages:

aha152x: processing commandline: ok
aha152x: BIOS test: passed, detected 1 controller(s)
aha152x0: vital data: PORTBASE=0x140, IRQ=11, SCSI ID=7, reconnect=enabled, 
parity=enabled, synchronous=disabled, delay=100, extended translation=disabled
aha152x: trying software interrupt, ok.
scsi0 : Adaptec 152x SCSI driver; $Revision: 1.7 $
scsi : 1 host.
scsi : detected total.

  --> from /proc/scsi/scsi

Attached devices: none
  --> from /proc/scsi/aha152x/0

Adaptec 152x SCSI driver; $Revision: 1.7 $
ioports 0x0140 to 0x015f
interrupt 0x0b
disconnection/reconnection enabled
parity checking enabled
synchronous transfers disabled
0 commands currently queued
enabled debugging options: (abort) (reset) 

queue status:
no not yet issued commands
no current command
no disconnected commands

(); SXFRCTL0 (CH1 ); SIGNAL (); SELID (84), SSTAT2 (SEMPTY ); SFCNT (0); SCSICNT (0), 

enabled interrupts ()


Subject: Cirrus 5446 / NEC 5FG Problems
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 12:53:53 GMT

Hi, I have tried installing XF86 so that it will run a NEC 5FGE monitor and
Cirrus 5446 graphics card. However I cannot get it to run in an decent
resolution or colour depth.

Does anyone know what the settings are for this particular combination so that
they will run at either:

1024*768 * 256
800 * 600 * 256



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From: Yongbin Wei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help: can't generate snd-audiopci module in compiling ALSA driver
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 11:28:43 -0500

It turns out I screwed up the kernel somehow,
so I reinstall the kernel, it fixed it.

I compiled the Alsa  driver using

make install 
modprobe snd-audiopci (the module for SB PCI64)

then the library and utils also by
make install

after that, I edited /etc/conf.modules, unmuted
corresponding channels and adjusted volumes, that
was it. I can use realaudio, cd player, aplayer.
but I  have not get midi player work, because I 
am using an old kernel (2.0.34), and it doesn't
support sequencer.

I do not have experience on the new kernel, but
I rememer somebody says the Alsa driver is included
in the 2.2.xx kernel. If you are sure that you
get the right sound module loaded, you guess the problem
might be your conf.modules.



From: Jorge Delgado Mendoza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: TV tuner cards
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 17:08:45 +0100

Thomas Allen Martin IV wrote:
> Does Linux support TV tuner cards?  And if it does which ones does it
> support?

do an altavista search for


|[EMAIL PROTECTED]      |Windows 9x/NT are real 'Operating Systems'. They do    |
|Jorge Delgado Mendoza|whatever the hell they want to, whenever they feel like|
|CONVEX Supercomputer |it. Thus all the rest  should be called 'Co-Operating  |
|SPAIN                |Systems'                                               |
|+34-91-531-00-95     |        As seen in comp.os.linux.*                     |


From: Matthew Callaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Which CPU to upgrade to?
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 09:37:25 -0600

About the overclocking thing.

I run a Celeron 266 overclocked to 400 MHz on an
Abit BH6 motherboard, with Corsair PC100 CAS 2
SDRAM.  It doesn't even get hot.  Most of my
friends run Celeron 300A at 450 MHz on BH6 boards.

Here's our experience.  The 300A will overclock to
450 MHz easily if a) you have a good motherboard,
b) you have good RAM, and c) you get lucky, and
the CPU is a good quality CPU.

It turns out that the quality of a CPU is somewhat
random.  When they come off the assembly line,
they're tested at various levels, and marked
"good" if they work at their design
specifications.  If they don't overclock well,
they aren't "bad" by Intel's standards, since you
aren't "supposed" to overclock it.  You can find
vendors that will test them for you, to make sure
that they overclock to 450 MHz.  They charge an
extra $20 for the service.  In general, the retail
boxed CPUs are cut from better silicon than the
OEM ones.

So, in short, Celerons (266, 300 and 300A) kick
ass for overclocking, and the success rate is
around 90% for retail boxed 300A CPUs, and about
75% for OEM versions.  Get the Abit BH6 board,
because it's the best, and because it's
jumperless.  Get good PC100 RAM to handle the
overclocking.  I recommend Corsair.  And have
fun.  Linux handles overclocking MUCH better than
Windows, which isn't surprising.  All of my
buddies have 300A overclocked to 450 MHz.  The
only ones who have trouble are running Windows98,
they can only get it to run at 350 MHz in Win.
Linux is better, yet again.



From: Gilles Carte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: data acquisition
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 17:16:43 +0100


I was told that is possible to perform data acquisition with a sound
card using the joystick port. This looks plausible as the joystick is
equiped with potentiometers. I plan to replace them by the one of the
experiment that I want to perform.

But the problem is that I have no idea of how to address the joystick
port from the C code that I want to write. I am a scientific software
developper (CFD) and I am not used to this kind of thing.

Does anyone of you have an idea of how to do this under Linux or have a
piece of C code (from a flight simulator for example) that is doing this

Thanks for your answers.

Gilles IV (merci de changer l'R).

INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, projet SINUS, tel : 04 92 38 71 63 (Euler,


From: Shaun Lipscombe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 25 Jan 1999 12:41:32 +0000

You are, of course, quite correct.  I had meant to say, that if you
use Emacs for windows, you can remap the caps-lock key.  This is
important, only because some people have problems re-mapping keys
under windows, although there are a variety of ways to accomplish the
same task on a linux/unix platform.  This is maybe/probably off-topic
(on the scale of things) but seemed to maybe, be of use to anyone
following the thread (which itself has deviated somewhat) that
uses/is-forced-to-use Emacs on a Win32 platform.

(o_  (o_  //\
(/)_ (/)_ V_/_   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Tom Herman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X on AT&T/NCR Globalyst 520
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 17:24:20 GMT

I'm using a Globalyst 590 w/ ATI Mach 32 card.  Works great!
There's an X utility in the X server software.  It's named
something like xconfig or vgaconfig.  There's also a
'-probeonly' switch when starting X.



> Hi all,
> I am trying to install Linux and X on a Globalyst 520. I noticied it carries
> a S3 Trio 64 (86c764) built-in video chip. What I don't know is the RAMDAC
> chip name and the clock chip name. I need those but I don't have any
> documentation on the machine. Can somebody help me out?
> Greetz,
> John-Luc
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

The views expressed are the author's and do not necessarily
reflect the official position of GTE or any of its subsidiaries


From: Jonas Norling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: =?iso-8859-1?Q?hj=E4lp=21=21?=
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 16:44:50 +0100

> Vad är fel, jag orkar inte vara vaken många dygn till?
Det som är fel är att du skriver på svenska. Det här är en
(Please excuse him)
//Jonas Norling


Subject: sound dropouts while scrolling text etc.
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 03:59:31 GMT

sound card: sound blaster awe 64 (ISA)
video card: matrox mystique 4 MB (PCI)
CPU: Pentium 233 MMX
MEM: 128 MB
OS: linux, redhat, OSS

Problem: This has occurred throughout all versions of the linux kernel I
have ever used. I'm currently running 2.2.0-pre9. If I am playing music
through the sound card using utilities such as play, wavplay (using the
PCM input), I get dropouts when:

- scrolling text in vim/gvim windows
- text is listed (say ls -R)in an xterm window. At the end of every line break
  it drops out. Very annoying. However, only happens with xterm/nxterm, not
  xiterm. And not in a a console window.

I've tried nice-ing the wavplay process to -20, played with irqtune,
decreased the number of colors available to X, swapped ports for the
video card, and nothing seems to changed. Dropouts also occur when
I scroll text in netscape, and do other graphical things like move
windows, etc.

Is there a way to get around this? My guess is my video card is
interrupting the sound. When I play a CD with my CD-ROM drive, I never
get dropouts (but that's no surprise). Here are a couple listings, don't
know if they're useful.

Thanks for any help,

Leigh Orf
orf #at# mailbag *dot* com (you know the game)

home[1023]:/proc% cat /proc/sound OSS/Free:3.8s2++-971130 Load type: Driver
loaded as a module Kernel: Linux 2.2.0-final #6 Thu Jan
21 18:55:40 CST 1999 i586 Config options: 0

Installed drivers:

Card config:

Audio devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.16) (DUPLEX)

Synth devices:

Midi devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16

0: System clock

0: Sound Blaster

home[1016]:/proc% cat /proc/pci

PCI devices found:
  Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
    Host bridge: Intel 82439TX (rev 1).
      Medium devsel.  Master Capable.  Latency=32.
  Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
    ISA bridge: Intel 82371AB PIIX4 ISA (rev 1).
      Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  Master Capable.  No bursts.
  Bus  0, device   1, function  1:
    IDE interface: Intel 82371AB PIIX4 IDE (rev 1).
      Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  Master Capable.  Latency=32.
      I/O at 0xe000 [0xe001].
  Bus  0, device   1, function  2:
    USB Controller: Intel 82371AB PIIX4 USB (rev 1).
      Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 9.  Master Capable.
      I/O at 0xd800 [0xd801].
  Bus  0, device   1, function  3:
    Bridge: Intel 82371AB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 1).
      Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.
  Bus  0, device  10, function  0:
    VGA compatible controller: Matrox Mystique (rev 3).
      Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 10.  Master Capable.
      Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe7800000 [0xe7800008].
      Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe6800000 [0xe6800000].
      Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe6000000 [0xe6000000].

home[1020]:/home/orf% lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
ppp                    17712   2  (autoclean)
slhc                    4136   1  (autoclean) [ppp]
lp                      4280   0  (unused)
parport_pc              5056   1
parport                 6472   1  [lp parport_pc]
ntfs                   33872   1  (autoclean)
nls_cp437               3548   1  (autoclean)
vfat                   11312   1  (autoclean)
fat                    23640   1  (autoclean) [vfat]
awe_wave              155664   0  [parport_pc]
sb                     30684   1
uart401                 5588   1  [sb]
sound                  54484   0  [awe_wave sb uart401]
soundlow                 208   0  [sound]
soundcore               2084   6  [sb sound]

home[1021]:/home/orf% cat /proc/interrupts
  0:    2201407          XT-PIC  timer
  1:      34742          XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade
  3:     964628          XT-PIC  serial
  5:      39088          XT-PIC  soundblaster
 12:     273600          XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
 13:          1          XT-PIC  fpu
 14:      46841          XT-PIC  ide0
 15:          2          XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:          0

home[1026]:/proc% cat /proc/dma
 1: SoundBlaster8
 4: cascade
 5: SoundBlaster16

home[1032]:/proc% cat /proc/ioports
0000-001f : dma1
0020-003f : pic1
0040-005f : timer
0060-006f : keyboard
0080-008f : dma page reg
00a0-00bf : pic2
00c0-00df : dma2
00f0-00ff : fpu
0170-0177 : ide1
01f0-01f7 : ide0
0220-022f : soundblaster
02f8-02ff : serial(set)
0330-0333 : MPU-401 UART
0376-0376 : ide1
0378-037f : parport0
03c0-03df : vga+
03f6-03f6 : ide0
03f8-03ff : serial(set)
0778-077a : parport0
e000-e007 : ide0
e008-e00f : ide1

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From: Bill Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux with HP hardware.
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 10:40:18 -0700

Keith Fish wrote:
> > I am going to install Linux on HP Kayak work station.  Does anyone has any
> > experience doing this?  Any insight and experience are welcome.  Please email
> > and post.  Thanks.
> My opinion ... use 2.0.36 or, even better, 2.2.pre7
> Either should work.  If you have an Adaptec hardware raid controller,
> remove it -- as far as I know, there are no drivers for this thing.

2.2.0(pre9) runs great, and fast, IMNSHO.
I run a network of about a dozen (doubling this week) and have had few
problems when running the new kernels.
My advice: 2.2.0

Bill Anderson
My opinions are just that: My Opinions.


From: "Karl J. Ots" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PnP Modem not working with isapnp
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 02:45:33 +1100

Hi There.  I have an odd problem involving an ISA PnP Modem.

When I try to configure it with isapnp, it will not become
available under any circumstances.  I have tried having serial
support both in the kernel and as a module, along with using
setserial to change the IO/IRQ settings to reflect the 
/etc/isapnp.conf file, but nothing happens.

Now I can get the modem to work with Linux, but only if I allow
the BIOS to activate it on boot up (ie set "Is Operating System
PnP aware?" to No, or something like that).  Then the modem is
visible as ttyS2 (I still have to set the IRQ with setserial).

However, if I then run isapnp, using the same values that the BIOS
used,  my modem will once again become unavailable.  Any non-root
attempt to access it will return "Operation not supported by device".

(It should be clear by that this modem is definetly not a WinModem, 
unless the BIOS adds all the bits it's missing...)

So, I can still use my modem, as well as my sound card (which doesn't
do the same dissapearing act)`, but I'm stuck with the IO and IRQ
setting the BIOS assigns, and they'll probably get jumbled up if I
add another ISA board in the future.  I'd like to be able to
configure the modem myself.

Any Thoughts?

|       *-- Karl J. Ots --*       ||  Remove the words  |
| Computer Systems Engineering    ||  "no spam please"  |
| La Trobe University             ||  from my e-mail    |
| Melbourne, Victoria, Australia  ||  address to reply  |


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: HELP! Need Monitor (NEC D171) specs. HFreq and VFreq.
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 12:41:09 -0500

I have a very old NEC monitor and found most of the specs at
Good Luck
PS Look for the serial number on the back. This sometimes helps.

Gary Pagliaro RN


Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 19:06:49 +0100
From: Bernhard Werner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Wanted: Driver for D-Link DFE660-TX - not recognized in SuSE 6.0

Hello everyone.

I'm having a little bit of trouble with a D-Link DFE 660 TX
Cardbus NIC on a Toshiba Tecra8000.

The card is not recognized properly. Neither works the
shipped driver, any ideas?
(BTW with a Xircom CB3E my pcmcia system works!)



please respond by E-mail also, since I'm out of the office
for a couple of days, but e-mail is ok.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Komar)
Subject: Re: ftape - difficulties with floppy controller
Date: 25 Jan 1999 18:29:21 GMT

Dr. Dirk Melcher ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Hi everybody,
: I have difficulties with ftape and my floppy streamer. When I try to use
: the ftape device I get the following lines in /var/log messages:

I used to get most of those error messages myself yet my tape
drive worked fine.  The one message I don't remember seeing
before was the `unexpected stray interrupt' one.  If you
haven't done so yet, then you should edit the Makefile in
the ftape directory in the kernel sources and make sure that
the hardware settings (like the IRQ, port,...) are correct
before building the kernel.  If that doesn't work, then try
a newer ftape driver.  There's lots of ftape stuff at:

Rob Komar


From: Erik Naggum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 25 Jan 1999 15:59:55 +0000

* Bob Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| say, I just so happen to be a right-wing Southern (US) male and, as a 
| bonus, quite religious (fundamentalist Christian) like many here in 
| the state of Texas.  in spite of this, I think Erik has made a very 
| worthwhile point regarding econony of keystrokes to convey information.
| there's little doubt that we'd strongly disagree on political and 
| spiritual matters, I'm also certain he wouldn't care for my choice 
| of music either (southern gospel, western swing and C&W).  nevertheless, 
| he's persuaded me that this particular style is not without merit.

  this is nice to hear.  also, thanks for pointing out your background.
  there are apparently exceptions to my near-uninamous experience with a
  particular combination of political and religious views.  I'll certainly
  take due note of that.  if you were offended, my apologies.

| by the way, I also don't care much for syntax highlighting of source
| code.  perhaps this prediposes me for not needing the visual cue of a
| capital to begin a sentence?

  also interesting.  I'm generally non-visual, and find most of the visual
  tendencies in modern computing to be just disturbing "noise".  I hadn't
  correlated this with not _needing_ the visual cue of a sentence-initial
  capital, but you may well be right.  I'll look into this.

  thank you for your message.  it's one of those rare, informative ones.

  SIGTHTBABW: a signal sent from Unix to its programmers at random
  intervals to make them remember that There Has To Be A Better Way.


From: Frank Sweetser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Does m/b cache size make *that* much difference?
Date: 25 Jan 1999 12:56:44 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Menzel) writes:

> I have been running some small perl scripts on two K6-2/300 Linux
> machines that differ only in the motherboard cache size -- one has 1MB,
> the other 512k.  The scripts involve very little disk I/O (just loading
> the perl executable and the 5-15k scripts; no disk I/O initiated in the
> scripts themselves).  The machine with the 1MB cache consistently runs
> the scripts about 50% faster.  Can the cache size make *that* much
> difference?  I've had a couple people suggest that it can, but have
> heard no real definitive answer.   Anybody got one?

the numbers you're reporting would certainly suggest that it can.  of
course, this is always one of those 'well it depends' questions...

Frank Sweetser rasmusin at fsweetser at  | PGP key available RedHat 5.2 kernel 2.2.0pre5ac1 i586 | at public servers
No, I'm not going to explain it.  If you can't figure it out, you didn't
want to know anyway...  :-)
             -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: David Kirkpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RedHat 5.2 installation boot locks up
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 23:02:03 +0000

Is there unpartitioned space available on the disk?  Are its
setting right?  Not sure what happens to with the SCSI in there. 
remember some mention of this in the HOWTO's but I forget what it
You might grep the HOWTO's for more info on loading with IDE &
There is supposed to be info at on USB at
Will your scsi allow you to boot to CD?
Is your SCSI bios-less i.e. does it need parameters which your OS
is supplying.
Did you see get any message that sais SCSI: 0 hosts ??
Nathan Lee wrote:
> I'm attempting to install RH 5.2.  I'm not quite sure what's going on,
> though I have a theory, so I'll just describe the problem:  I boot the
> machine off the boot disk I made and hit <enter> to begin the installation
> process.  The kernel starts loading, and everything looks fine, until it
> detects my IDE devices.  It (apparently) correctly recognizes IDE 0 (my
> harddrive) and IDE 1 (nothing), and then it just locks.
> My thoughts: I'm thinking maybe it doesn't like my CDROMs or my SCSI
> adapter, but I'm not familiar enough with the bootup process to know what
> gets loaded in what order.  Any help or suggestions (or solutions) are
> greatly appreciated.  Below are my system specs:
> My system config:
> IDE 0 - 1.2 GB HD
> IDE 1 - nothing
> IDE 2 - 8x Acer CDROM
> IDE 3 - 18x Acer CDROM
> Primary IDE controller - IRQ 14
> Intel 82371AB/EB PCI bus master IDE Controller - IRQ 14
> Secondary IDE controller - IRQ 15
> Intel 82371AB/EB PCI bus master IDE Controller - IRQ 15
> SCSI: JazJet AdvanSys PCI SCSI Host Adapter - IRQ 11
> Jaz Drive - 1 GB
> USB: INtel 82371AB/EB PCI to USB Universal Host Controller - IRQ 11
> ATI Graphics Pro Turbo PCI (mach64 GX)
> SoundBlasterAWE64 - IRQ 5
> Addtron generic NE2000-compatible NIC - IRQ 10  I/O: x0340 - 035F
> =Nathan=



From: toto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Acard AEC 6710S AND Matsushita CD-RW
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 19:15:16 +0100

I've installed my SCSI card under Linux (With the Acard driver, kernel
She seems to be correctly reconyzed (The driver finds an AEC 671x and my
card is an AEC 6710S)

But no devices are detected on that SCSI whereas I've a Matsushita

x-cdroast doesn't find anything.

The CD-burner works perfectly under win98 and is listed in the list of
cd-burners reconyzed to work with cdrecord....

Do you know where the problem comes from ?




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