Linux-Hardware Digest #367, Volume #9             Sat, 6 Feb 99 06:13:52 EST

  Redhat 5.2 over NT (eric malloy)
  Re: New k6-2 system advice ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: SounBlaster PCI128 (Giles Jones)
  Re: Overclocked Celeran300A and Linux? (Cokey de Percin)
  Re: Matrox Marvel G200-TV and X...? ("Eidolon")
  Asus P2B-LS (P Wong)
  Cheap Yamaha 4416e or 4416s ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Hard Drive install for Red Hat 5.2 won't WORK!!! (Stuart R. Fuller)
  Re: Exabyte Mammoth and cheap media? (Stuart R. Fuller)
  Re: 100MBit ethernet PCI card RealTek 8139 ("Thomas Eg Jørgensen")
  Re: USB PC Cameras and Linux (David Steuber)
  Re: download 5.2 onto 3 1/2 disk ("John W. Burgoon")
  Hardware access über Intranet ("Joachim")
  ls-120 parallel (garv)
  Re: sofwtare RAID-0, controller query. (Stuart R. Fuller)
  Re: IntelliMouse problem with XFree86 (Wael Sedky)
  Re: Recognizing the Sohoware Ethernet Network Card (Scott Johnson)
  Help! RedHat Linux on notebook Extensa 500T. Video and sound problems ("Davide 
  Re: Web browser (Mark Paulus)
  Bad sector on a hard drive (a@a)


From: eric malloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Redhat 5.2 over NT
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 22:19:20 GMT


right now i am running windows nt4.0 workstation.. i just downloaded
redhat 5.2  .. this sounds stupid. but i know nothing about linux.. how
do i get this installed? please help. i want to get rid of NT i hate it!
i hate windows! i also need to know where to get drivers for a 3c905b-TX
network card..

Thanks in advance,
Eric malloy


Subject: Re: New k6-2 system advice
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 22:07:38 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Shaw  Carruthers) wrote:
> "James O. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Modemwise...I've always used external modems and they seem to work fine with
> >all my OS's. On this particular setup I've used a Motorolla ModemSURFR 56k
> >and an older US Robotics 33.6(not winmodem of course). I've had problems
> >with Supra internal pnp 56k modem under everything except Windows, but the
> >difficulty is its plug-n-pray nonsense not the modem itself. You can make it
> >run under unix, but the pnp makes it a pain to setup.
> >
> Internal PNP modems are Winmodems and won't work with Linux and never
> will. These modems rely on special propretary driver software that
> only runs under Windows. They also chew up a fair portion of your CPU
> when shifting data.

Not all PNP modems are winmodems, just about any newer modem (28.8 and up)
can be set to PNP mode by removing all jumpers.  As long as the modem can be
jumpered (bypassing PNP) then it is not a winmodem.  try hard jumpering modem
to a certian comport and IRQ and dont mess with PNP at all


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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Giles Jones)
Subject: Re: SounBlaster PCI128
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 22:20:20 GMT

Just upgrade the kernel to 2.2 and set up the sound card in xconfig.
The sb128 pci uses the 1371 ensoniq chip.
Woks fine on my (identical card) couldn't get it to do squat using any
earlier version of the kernel.


From: Cokey de Percin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Overclocked Celeran300A and Linux?
Date: 6 Feb 1999 00:34:09 GMT

"Ronald L. Robertson" wrote:
> Have to agree here, on both counts. I've found Linux to be much less
> overclocking friendly than the unmentionables, but haven't had a sniff
> of trouble with my 300A overclocked (450, yes on a BH-6). No guarantees,
> as always.
> > >
> > > Scott Tyson wrote in message <19990122.4463028@metalhead>...
> > > I'm about to install linux onto an Abit BH6 MB with a clereon 300A and
> > > was wondering if people have had problems setting the bus to 100mhz.
> > > I hve pc100 sdram.  NT and win98 this is a non issue but Linux seems a
> > > bit more twitchy when it comes to overclocking from my own experiences
> > > (I had problems with a 75 mhz bus TX MB with a p233).
> <snipped for brevity>

And I've had exactly the opposit.  I've quite a few oc'd machines on which
Linux would run just fine on, but Win95 would not even boot and NT would
boot but not run.  As I pushed up the voltage, eventually NT would become
as stable as it ever does and Win95 would boot, but not run.  Pushing the
voltage up even more finally gets Win95 to run.  I have no explanation, 
I can just tell you what's happened.



Cokey de Percin, DBA            Email:
Policy Management Systems Corp.  Work - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Columbia, South Carolina         Home - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Eidolon" <wildcard@!nospam!>
Subject: Re: Matrox Marvel G200-TV and X...?
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 00:41:53 -0700

You need XFree 3.3.3 or higher

Then just identify it as a Matrox Mystique G200, same RAMDAC and RAM

I have had it running in that config before with no problems, in fact
positively beautiful with the 3.3.3-1 version.

Crossbones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:Pznu2.2144$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I had X running on my machine just fine before I replaced my ATi video
>with a this Matrox Marvel. Problem is, now I can't get X
>to work with anything but 640x480 8bpp. (This is the AGP version of the
>card, btw..)
> Steve
>(Remove spam. to reply via email.)


Subject: Asus P2B-LS
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 08:12:34 -0800

I want to build a new computer using the asus P2B-LS motherboard. It has
adaptec AIC 7890 & 3860 80MB/s Ultra2 Wide SCSI Onboard and an IDE
interface. For Networking, it uses the intel 82558 100/10Mbps LAN
Onboard chip. Are both the scsi and lan chips supported by redhat linux?
If not is there any device driver out there that can utilize them? Also,
what type of rewritable CD-ROM drives does linux support?


Subject: Cheap Yamaha 4416e or 4416s
Date: 6 Feb 1999 08:05:02 GMT

x-no-archive: yes

What is the cheapest outlet to buy a 
Yamaha 4416e or 4416s?  I want to spend 300$ or
less, and buy out-of-California (sales tax).  

If I can't get this drive for $300, can
someone recommend a drive with the same features
(4x w, 4x rw, 2MB buffer, supported by Linux - 
xcdroast is my cd-burner software), and for
$300 or less?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stuart R. Fuller)
Subject: Re: Hard Drive install for Red Hat 5.2 won't WORK!!!
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 23:00:02 GMT

David Starke ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Kyle Gonzales wrote:
: > 
: > I tried to do a hard drive install for RH5.2, following every
: > instruction in my manuals and on the Red Hat web site.  I get to where
: > it asks for the location of the RedHat/RPMS & RedHat/base directories.
: > No matter where I put it, it says, "Location [whatever] does not appear
: > to contain a Red Hat installation tree."  Anyone have any ideas?
: > 
: > Thanks
: > 
: > Kyle Gonzales
: I have tried this also.  Eventually went out and bought the CD.  Maybe
: its a ploy to sell more RH5.2.  I was disappointed to have to explain to
: my son why this "free" OS was costing us.

Maybe it is a ploy. 

Then again, how much money does Redhat make when you buy the $2 CDROM from
Cheapbytes?  Yes, you read that right: $2 - well, $1.99.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stuart R. Fuller)
Subject: Re: Exabyte Mammoth and cheap media?
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 23:00:02 GMT

Bryan K. Wright ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
:       I just bought a shiny new Exabyte Mammoth (8900) tape drive.
: [...]
:       After doing some experiments and reading the fine print in the
: manual, I decided that I needed to buy new tapes.  The manual says
: that the drive will read 8500 or 8200 format tape, but it won't write them.
: It also says that it won't write metal particle tape.
: [...]
: ten more per cartridge.  I'll only be using this drive for monthly
: backups, but (even at $68 each) that's over $800 per year for media.
: [...]
: (b) some way I can persuade my drive
: to write on the cheaper tapes I've been using?  

Interesting.  You say that you're going to use this tape drive for backups,
but want to use the cheaper tapes that are known to not work in this drive.
Why bother doing the backups, then?

After all, the purpose of doing backups is to be able to restore them at some
point in time.  If the tape drive is known to not work with these cheaper
tapes, then why bother?  I would think that if the data is sufficiently
important to backup, then the cost of the media should a lesser consideration.



From: "Thomas Eg Jørgensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: 100MBit ethernet PCI card RealTek 8139
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 20:32:51 +0100

hmmm, you say DOS utils???

i once tried that with windoze....hmmm, the diagnostic-program(the one that
came with the net-card) said that the connection didn't work, and there was
a RAM(what?) failure on the net-card......

it couln't connect to the other machines diagnostic program......but somehow
i could transfer over 600 mb over the net in about could i do
that when i just tested that with the diagnostic program.....hmmm wired,
right? i guess it wass because of i was running windows:-))

i tried to run the diagnostic program from a "clear" dos-command and from a
dos-prompt within succes at all....

my advise: do not trust 100% in these diagnostic-programs.....they may help,
but sometimes they don't.....

Best Regards

Peter T. Drechsler skrev i meddelelsen
>1. read the manual. i never do it myself, but somestimes it
>2. get yourself a dos boot disk.
>3. boot dos with this disk.
>4. on a utility disk that comes with the network card, there
>should be a
>   diagnostics program or a setup program that runs under
>5. use the apropriate setup tool to adjust half/full duplex,
>i/o, irq, 10/100Mbps
>   and so on.
>6. it should work, so.
>7. it worked in my network.
>hope i could help


From: David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: USB PC Cameras and Linux
Date: 05 Feb 1999 22:52:29 -0500

Brian Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

-> OK, provide an email address & I'll be happy to send a request. Perhaps
-> one of the Linux USB web sites should collect the appropriate addresses
-> for these manufacturers and set up a petition site.

I don't want to give out the address of the one guy at Logitech that I 
do know about.  He isn't in the video group anyway and he is trying to 
get the video group to change their mind.  I don't want to upset him
by having people flood his mailbox.

Logitech has a way of contacting them via their website.  I don't know 
why they don't provide an e-mail contact.  It is a bit of a pain to
use the website.  I did and got a response a few days later saying
that Linux was not supported.

You might want to look at these URLs.  We are not alone.

David Steuber
s/trashcan/david/ to reply by mail

When will Altoids be available in 'extra strength'?


From: "John W. Burgoon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: download 5.2 onto 3 1/2 disk
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1999 18:35:14 -0600

I just did install Debian using floppies and I will emphasize the floppy
reliability problem:

If ANYTHING goes wrong with the install, blame the floppies first.  I had to
rawrite2 several of the installation floppies multiple times to get things
going.  Most of the time the program knew the floppy was bad, but twice when
I had driver troubles I just rewrote the driver floppy and fixed the

Using brand new superclean brand-name floppies cut this down a lot, but I
still had a few troubles.

Hope that helped!


"My wife took all my money and now Linux is taking what's left of my hair."


From: "Joachim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hardware access über Intranet
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 23:46:38 +0100

Hallo Zusammen!

Ich habe ein kleines Problem bezüglich einem Hardware-access über mein
Intranet. Folgende Situation im System:
Suse-Linux 5.2, gcc und eine 3x8 Bit paralelle Karte (8255) Nach
anfänglichen Schwierigkeiten habe ich es nun endlich geschafft, mit Hilfe
der Funktion "ioperm(..)" überhaupt auf die Karte zuzugreifen. Funktioniert
soweit ganz gut, allerdings nur als root :-(
Vielleicht hat jemand von Euch einen Tip für mich, wie ich meine Suse dazu
bringe, mehrere User auf die Hardware zugreifen zu lassen.
Ziel soll es sein, über mein Intranet einen anderen Server ein und aus
zuschalten zu können.

Vielen Dank & schönes Wochenende



From: garv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ls-120 parallel
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 23:20:49 GMT

I let it be known that my ide ls-120 works well in RH5.2 and now I'm
getting queries about the parallel version. Where can I send this guy?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stuart R. Fuller)
Subject: Re: sofwtare RAID-0, controller query.
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 23:00:03 GMT

Chris Parkin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Hi all.
: I recently set up a raid-0 device on a couple of spare partitions, one
: partition on a 8.5Mb/sec drive, the other on a 10.5Mb/sec drive (measure
: beforehand usind hdparm) Having recently purchaced a quantum fireball
: ex.
: the thing is, when i do an hdparm speed check on the md device, i get
: about 9.5Mb/sec.
: The two hard disks are on the same controller, under hda and hdb. With a
: cdrom on the second controller as hdd.
: am i only likely to see an improved performance with the two hard-disks
: on seperate controllers?

I don't know if you'll see improved performance by going to separate
controllers with EIDE.  However, I can relate my experience.

I put together a RAID0 setup with an old SCSI device and an old IDE device.
Each of them would run at 2.5MB/sec or thereabout.  The resulting md device
was about 4.5MB/sec.  So, it would seem that I got almost a 2:1 performance
improvement by going to RAID0.

What you're probably seeing is that with RAID0, you read from one disk for the
first "chunk", the other disk for the second "chunk" and so on.  If the disks
are on separate controllers, then these two reads can happen simultaneously.
Hence, the 2:1 speed improvement that I saw.  In your case, however, the
reads are done serially.  So, it reads the first chunk from one disk, then it
reads the second chunk from the other disk afterwards.  So, half the time you
read at 8.5MB/sec and the other half the time you read at 10.5MB/sec, and as
you observed, you get an average of 9.5MB/sec.



From: Wael Sedky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IntelliMouse problem with XFree86
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.x
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 23:26:24 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc jackle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Do I understand from this that you can actually use the wheel?


::> Hi!
:> I have a problem with configuring my serial MS IntelliMouse with X under Linux.
:> I have Slackware 3.3 (2.0.30 kernel, XFree86 3.3). When configuring X (XF86Setup, 
:xf86config or directly editing XF86Config), I
:> tried each possible setup, but the mouse cursor didn't want to move anyway.
:> With XF86Setup (VGA16 server) I was able to use to mouse as IntelliMouse, but just 
:until I started the final X server.
:> It doesn't work neither with VGA16, SVGA nor S3 X servers.
:> Can anyone help me?
:> Should I download a newer XFree86?
:> Please send e-mail to:
:> Peter Csontos
:> Thanx a lot!

: Download the newest version of XFree86 3.3.3 that should fix your problem.


From: Scott Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Recognizing the Sohoware Ethernet Network Card
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 20:52:48 -0800

Nolan Louie wrote:
> Hi Linux-Gurus!
> I'm new with Linux, totally frustrated with this situation, and I hope
> somebody can help.
> I've searched high and low for solutions to getting RedHat Linux to
> recognize my NDC SOHOware Ethernet network card in my box
> but can't seem to get anything. The NDC people recommend
> looking on web but it seems like most drivers out there
> are for big name network cards like Intel, 3Com, etc...
> Any ideas what I can do? ANY help is appreciated!

A little bit of help, though I'm in the same boat (sort of):

First thing you want to do is look at /proc/pci, and try to find
the entry for your chipset--ie Macronix, etc.  The PCI probe
will return the name of your chipset, not the name of the card.

The following article has a bit more information on this card:

If it is indeed one of the Macronics chips, you will need the
"tulip" driver--supposedly.  I don't believe this driver comes with
kernel 2.0.36 (which is what you probably have with Red Hat), it DOES
come with kernel 2.2.x

Which brings me to MY problem:

I have one of the aforementioned boards (a NCDLAN Sohoware 10/100
base-T PCI card), and it doesn't work.  As soon as the tulip
driver starts, the link light goes out and stays out.  (The driver
does not report any errors).   I have positively identified MY chipset
as a Macronix 98715/25, using the above technique, but no luck.

PCI probing works fine.  I've tried both compiling the tulip driver
directly into the kernel, and also as a module; with the same result
in either case.

My system is:

AMD K6-200 with 64MB RAM
Red Hat 5.2 + kernel 2.2.1 + newest version of kernel mod utils




From: "Davide Pierattoni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help! RedHat Linux on notebook Extensa 500T. Video and sound problems
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 10:49:51 +0100

I have an Acer (Texas Instruments) Extensa 500T equipped with a NeoMagic
MagicGraph ZV+ video card, a Yamaha OPL3 sound card and an LT WinModem. How
can I configure them well?
The video card is supported only in VGA 16 colors mode with XFree86 3.3.2-8
and I'm looking for a better X server. Help me please!!

Davide Pierattoni


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Paulus)
Subject: Re: Web browser
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 23:24:34 GMT

I believe you can get the glibc version if you download
the "unsupported" linux version.  

On Fri, 5 Feb 1999 20:47:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm running RedHat Linux using the most recent kernel. I'm looking for a
> good X Windows based web browser.
> I've downloaded and installed Netscape, but it uses an old libc file. I
> installed the "aout" utilities, but that didn't fix it.
> I'm currently using arena, but it is very buggy.
> Any suggestions?
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From: a@a
Subject: Bad sector on a hard drive
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 10:05:56 GMT

        I have a 4 gig hard drive that has bad a few bad sectors
caused by failing power supply.  I know when I formated and reload 98
the bad sector were marked.  I plan on reloading it with Linux.  My
question:  Does linux have a way of saying those sectors are bad or do
I have to tell it some how?
Thanks in advance. 



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