Linux-Hardware Digest #390, Volume #9             Mon, 8 Feb 99 22:13:47 EST

  Re: HELP - Need modem reccomendations (autodata)
  Re: ESS1869 (autodata)
  XFree on Compaq LTE Elite 4/75CX notebook (Martin Decker)
  LOCAL: San Francisco BALUG on 2/16/99 - RSVP ASAP (root)
  Multiple NIC's bus arbitration problem ("Michael D. Schleif")
  Re: Number 9 GXE64pro (David Fox)
  Need help with i/o Base Address ("SHS")
  IDE Tape trouble with RH5.2 (Kevin C Baird)
  Re: Dual Processor ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: 3COM sells crippled modems (Richard Steiner)
  printing twice ("Ingenieurbüro Brandes GbR")
  Re: Quake II and non-Voodoo OpenGL (Vladimir Florinski)
  Re: Exabyte Mammoth and cheap media? (Marco Bagni)
  Voodoo Card Recommendation ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: autodata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP - Need modem reccomendations
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 19:52:57 -0600


I can't think of a reason an external modem would be incompatible. I have
an external USR Sportster 56k that is prime, but there are a lot decent
modems available.

For internal modems, I like the Compaq Netelligent ISA modems. They have
jumpers to set IRQ and Port, but they are getting scarce.

Gerald Jensen

Glen Berry wrote:

> I use Red Hat 5.2, and I've read the hardware incompatibility lists on
> their site, but I would really like some personal reccomendations for a
> 56K modem that will *definitely* work with Linux. I'd prefer an external
> modem, but I think that even some of those are incompatible. Please send
> me some concrete suggestions.
> --
> Thanks,
> Glen Berry
> (remove the "7" if you want to reply via email)


From: autodata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ESS1869
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 19:55:46 -0600


I strongly recommend the OSS driver package from 4Front Technologies

It is a commercial package (US$20), but is superb, includes support if you
need it, and solved my problem ... my Linux machine is no longer deaf!

Gerald Jensen

Brian Miller wrote:

> Brian Rutledge wrote:
> >
> > I have an ess1869 sound card, and I'm wondering how to properly
> > configure it with the 2.0.36 kernel.  Any suggestions?
> >
> > Brian
> Take a look at my web page on ths ess1868 card.  I don't think there's
> much difference between that and your 1869...
> o
> Brian
> --
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Brian Miller                                 Telstra
> CDN Product Group                            30/242 Exhibition Street
> ITG Communication Network Platforms          Melbourne, VIC 3000
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Australia
> Tel: +61-3-9632-3883                         FAX: +61-3-9632-3884
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Decker)
Subject: XFree on Compaq LTE Elite 4/75CX notebook
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 20:44:35 GMT


Does anybody know, whether it is possible to run an X-Server on my
Compaq LTE Elite 4/75 CX notebook and which graphics adapter i
have to choose?

The notebook has a max resolution of 640 x 480. I read that I should
set use the XSVGA server and run it on 640 x 480.

Can anybody help me?


Martin Decker


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (root)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking,ba.seminars
Subject: LOCAL: San Francisco BALUG on 2/16/99 - RSVP ASAP
Date: 7 Feb 1999 06:53:47 GMT

   BALUG meeting Tue 02-16-1999 at 6:45 PM.  RSVP ASAP to 

   *** Gung Hay Fat Choy ***
   *** Gung Hay Fat Choy ***    HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR
   *** Gung Hay Fat Choy ***    1999 - THE YEAR OF THE PENGUIN
   *** Gung Hay Fat Choy ***    Ahem... I mean
   *** Gung Hay Fat Choy ***    1999 - THE YEAR OF THE RABBIT
   *** Gung Hay Fat Choy *** 

   Join us on Tuesday February 16th for an outstanding banquet 
   with subsequent meeting to be held at the venerable FOUR 
   SEAS RESTAURANT in the heart of San Francisco's historic 
   Chinatown.   BE THERE as we celebrate the Chinese New Year- 
   1999, the Year of the Rabbit!  Bring your Family and Friends 
   for this Unique Linux Enabled Event!


   Featured Speaker:

   To be announced!  Please check our website at - COME ANYWAY, there is no better Linux 
   networking opportunity AND There's no experience quite like 
   Chinatown on the Chinese New Year.  The Four Seas Banquet 
   Room looks out over Grant St. and the action is absolutely 
   non-stop.  If you THRIVE ON CHAOS AND EXPLOSIVES, this BALUG 
   meeting is absolutely NOT TO BE MISSED!   

   Four Seas Restaurant
   731 Grant Street
   San Francisco, California 94108

   The Four Seas will host us in the upstairs banquet room, 
   seating is limited to 300 so please make your reservations 
   early and insure priority seating.  A note to 
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] will assure your seat at this gala event!  
   As usual, libation is available and with enough reservations 
   we can get the banquet room bar opened.  The Four Seas 
   banquet room is accessed from a staircase at the rear of the 
   restaurant lounge.  (look for the Linux User Group sign)  
   Dinner is $10.00 per person, if you choose not to dine with 
   us, a small donation to help cover meeting costs is 
   appreciated.  We start promptly at 7:00 PM, doors open at 

   Directions and Information

   Chinese New Year - Parking Secrets!  (NEW BETTER DIRECTIONS)

   Contrary to FUD-   If you get to the area around 6:30 PM 
   parking is actually very easy to find.  Otherwise we 
   recommend parking at the city garage located at Kearny and 
   Commercial- directly across from the Chinatown Holiday Inn. 

   FROM THE SOUTH - 101 to 280 to the Embarcadero, left on 3rd 
   street.  Cross Market St. (you are now on Kearny), go about 
   8 blocks- look for Commercial, stay on left- pull into 
   parking garage directly across from Chinatown Holiday Inn.  
   The Four Seas is one block up and on your left on Grant St.

   FROM THE EAST - Get to 3rd street heading North towards 
   Market Street.  Cross Market St. (you are now on Kearny), go 
   about 8 blocks- look for Commercial, stay on left- pull into 
   parking garage directly across from Chinatown Holiday Inn.  
   The Four Seas is one block up and on your left on Grant St.

   FROM THE NORTH - 101 to Lombard to Van Ness, (L)eft on 
   Broadway.  (R)ight on Columbus, stay left- pass Kearny.  You 
   COULD park on your immediate left in the parking garage 
   (Note:  best place in the area to find parking on Chinese 
   New Year) or continue to Montgomery, (R)ight on California, 
   (R)ight on Kearny look for Commercial, stay on left- pull 
   into parking garage directly across from Chinatown Holiday 
   Inn.  The Four Seas is one block up and on your left on 
   Grant St.

   Network Connections

   Network connections will be available through our Ricochet 
   gateway and we encourage you to bring your friends, family, 
   notebooks, questions, power strips, network hubs and 
   appetites.  In addition to being a fun, creative and 
   knowledgeable group, the dinner alone is easily the best 
   chow deal in the city.  Speakers, door prizes and other 
   additional late breaking stuff can be found at

   Vendor Table Info

   BALUG encourages Linux related vendors to set up tables.  
   Please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for information on setting 
   up a table.
   RSVP and questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and of course- Rick 
   Moen will be there!


From: "Michael D. Schleif" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Multiple NIC's bus arbitration problem
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 22:40:58 -0600

I have a Digital DECpc LPv+ 450d2 that I am trying to reconfigure as a
router.  I have two (2) identical ISA NIC's, as outlined below, that
function separately and also from a cold boot.  However, on warm reboot,
often the system locks up with the errors posted below.

The HOWTO hints at a `future' solution.  Possibly, I need spend money to
upgrade this PC?  Or, maybe I'm better off with two (2) different NIC's?

What do you think?  I want this router to run headless and automatically
come back up all on its own in all OS cycling circumstances.

NIC markings:
        HP PC LAN Adapter NC/16 TP
        (2100/1500T compatible)

Chip markings:
        9609BPB B2

        I/O 0x300
        IRQ 5
        DMA 6

        I/O 0x320
        IRQ 15
        DMA 7

Setup configurator:
        110,881 bytes
        30May1996, 11:33:26 AM

HOWTO Source:
        Linux Ethernet-Howto, by Paul Gortmaker, v2.66, 6 July 1998

        ``One common problem people have is the `busmaster arbitration failure'
message. This is printed out when the LANCE driver can't get access to
the bus after a reasonable amount of time has elapsed (50us). This
usually indicates that the motherboard implementation of bus-mastering
DMA is broken, or some other device is hogging the bus, or there is a
DMA channel conflict. If your BIOS setup has the `GAT option' (for
Guaranteed Access Time) then try toggling/altering that setting to see
if it helps.

        ``Also note that the driver only looks at the addresses: 0x300, 0x320,
0x340, 0x360 for a valid card, and any address supplied by an ether=
boot argument is silently ignored (this will be fixed) so make sure your
card is configured for one of the above I/O addresses for now.''

        append = "ether=0,0x300,eth0 ether=0,0x320,eth1"

        LILO: linux ether=5,0x300,eth0 ether=15,0x280,eth1

        ``eth0: Bus master arbitration failure, status 88f2.''
        ``Couldn't get a free page.....''
        ``/etc/rc.d/rc.M: Out of virtual memory!''
        ``Unable to load interpreter''


Best Regards,

mds resource

"Dare to fix things before they break . . . "

"Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we
think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . . "


From: d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox)
Subject: Re: Number 9 GXE64pro
Date: 07 Feb 1999 20:42:30 -0800

"The Satanic Network" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have a Number 9 GXE64 Pro and I cannot seem to make it work with Xwindows
> (redhat 5.2).
> When I startx all I get is a blank screen and then I have to reboot the
> machine to access it again.
> Any suggestions.

Install XFree86-S3?
David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU


Subject: Need help with i/o Base Address
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 23:27:46 -0600

This under windows
PCI Ethernet DEC 21040 Based Adapter
irq 11
i/o 6000 - 607F

Tryed uesd Base Address 0x6000
but ti dosn't work so what am I doing wrong


From: Kevin C Baird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IDE Tape trouble with RH5.2
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 14:44:11 -0500

Hi.  I'm trying to install a Sony SuperStation 6.6/10Gb internal IDE tape
drive on my RedHat 5.2 Intel system.  

I've got:

hda             regular IDE HD
hdb             Iomega Zip
hdc             ATAPI CD-ROM
(hdd)   Sony SuperStation

I don't try to mount the hdd in /etc/fstab, of course.  I do get the tape
drive recognized as /dev/ht0, but whenever I try to use it, I get I/O errors.

Does anyone out there use of these or a similar device successfully?

I'd appreciate any advice.

" argue with a man who has renounced his reason is like giving
medicine to the dead." - [Ingersoll's Works, Vol. 1, p.127]


Subject: Re: Dual Processor
Date: 8 Feb 1999 23:47:54 GMT

Denis Roux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I'm using RedHat 5.2 on a Soyo SY-D6IBA BX motherboard with 350 CPUs. My
: system is very slow and /proc/cpuinfo tells me that the first cpu has a
: bogomips of 349 and the second one has a bogomips of 3.59.

: Does any one know what is going on and how to fix the problem ?

Get the "BIOS-patch" from the Linux-SMP-Homepage.

some BIOSes disable the cache of the 2nd CPU by default
(maybe to save power when using interrupt-handlers like Windows95/98).
then the 2nd CPU is much slower, of course.
normaly the system has a lousy stababilty, then, too...

So patch the kernel, or even better: get kernel 2.2 which
has many SMP improvements ...

| Bernhard Kuhn                (kuhn[at]  O|||OO||OO| |
| Laboratory for Process Control and Real-Time Systems  O|||O|O|O|O |
| Technische Universität München  Tel.+49-89-289-23732  O|||OO||OO| |
| 80290 München, Germany          Room 3944 Fax -23555  OOO|O|||O|O |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Subject: Re: 3COM sells crippled modems
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 00:26:12 -0600

Here in comp.os.os2.misc, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Spencer Lu)
spake unto us, saying:

>I bought a Courier, because I thought it'd be more reliable than a 
>Sportster.  However, if someone just picks up and then hangs up a
>phone (on the same line as the Courier) while I'm online, the Courier
>ALWAYS drops the connection.

That's weird.  I can pick up the phone for 20-30 seconds and even do
some whistling into it and the modem doesn't care.  :-)

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
       OS/2 + Linux (Slackware+RedHat+SuSE) + FreeBSD + Solaris +
        WinNT4 + Win95 + PC/GEOS + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven!
                 Scenery is here - wish you were beautiful.


From: "Ingenieurbüro Brandes GbR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: printing twice
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 21:45:37 +0100

hi folks,

by some unknown accident my printer (hp ljet 3p connected to suse
5.3-linux-server) prints every job started on the linux box two times
(lpq shows only one job). printing over LAN from winNT doesn't make
i tried to force one copy with '-#1' option but no way. even the new
installation of the printer didn't show success.

crazy working, eh?!?

hope someone has an idea .....

Tia, Marko.


From: Vladimir Florinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Quake II and non-Voodoo OpenGL
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 19:18:27 -0700

> I would like to run Quake II using by STB Velocity 4400 card using OpenGL
> drivers.  Will this work?
No, only 3Dfx released their library (glide) for Linux. Voodoos are the only
cards that do OpenGL, Rendition and others are not supported.



From: Marco Bagni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Exabyte Mammoth and cheap media?
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 18:42:13 +0100

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Dear Bryan,

you are damn right, the problem is that the Mammoth is simply *not able* to write on
the 160XL cartridges, moreover we have discovered that it has also serious problems
into reading the tapes written with a 8505 unit (errors that prevent the restoration
of the datasets and about 2.5 slower than the 8505 original unit). Infact the
transfer rate, measured with the same cartridge and the same host, were about 25
MByte per minute with the Mammoth and a bit more than 60 MByte per minute with the

I have to say also the Mammoth, using the special AME tapes is able to restore data
at 180 MByte/minute uncompressed and this is by far more that the possibilities of
the 8505.

Anyway I am afraid that you will have to return the unit to your dealer but
watch-out that the 8505 have been discontinued by Exabyte one year ago and are no
longer in production!


"Bryan K. Wright" wrote:

> Stuart R. Fuller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : Bryan K. Wright ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> <stuff deleted>
> : Interesting.  You say that you're going to use this tape drive for backups,
> : but want to use the cheaper tapes that are known to not work in this drive.
> : Why bother doing the backups, then?
> : After all, the purpose of doing backups is to be able to restore them at some
> : point in time.  If the tape drive is known to not work with these cheaper
> : tapes, then why bother?  I would think that if the data is sufficiently
> : important to backup, then the cost of the media should a lesser consideration.
> :         Stu
> I think you're missing the point, Stu.  Obviously, I'd like to find
> cheaper tapes that WORK with this drive.  Otherwise, I'll return it
> and get 8505 drives instead.  Here's the math:
>         1 Fuji 160M 8mm tape = $11.00 = 14 GB
>         3 Fuji 160M 8mm tapes = $33.00 = 42 GB
> but...
>         1 Sony 170M 8mm AME tape = $93.00 = 40 GB
> Bottom line:
>         $93.00 > $33.00
> And, since the cost of 3 8505 drives is about the same as the cost of
> one mammoth, plus you get the added flexibility of using different
> drives for different things, why should I keep the mammoth and pay
> so much for the specialized media?
>                                         Bryan
> --
> ===============================================================================
> Bryan Wright                |"If you take cranberries and stew them like
> Physics Department          | applesauce, they taste much more like prunes
> University of Virginia      | than rhubarb does."  --  Groucho
> Charlottesville, VA  22901  |
> (804) 924-7218              |         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ===============================================================================

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Marco Bagni
Content-Disposition: attachment;

tel;cell:+39 335 539 6272
tel;fax:+31 71 524 5835
tel;home:+31 71 301 9442
tel;work:+31 71 524 5547
org:Fokker Space B.V.;Remote Sensing
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:I.T Specialist
adr;quoted-printable:;;Newtonweg, 1=0D=0A;Leiden;;2333 CP;The Netherlands
fn:Marco Bagni



Subject: Voodoo Card Recommendation
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 20:30:49 GMT

I am currently trying to piece together
a new LinuxBox. I have arrived at the
video section. What I want to use it
for: 3D Mesa/OpenGl stuff. It is going
to have to be a Voodoo 1 or 2 for Mesa.
I have _just_ currently decided this, so
I'm still searching for answers.
Here is what I have thus far:

Mobo: FIC 503+
CPU: AMD k6 233
Distro: Redat 5.2
Video Cards:
2d: ATI Expert@Play AGP/PCI not decided yet.
    Will using a 3d accel. _require_ me to use
    the PCI card? This card has a 3dRage chipset
    that is compatiable with OpenGL, not Mesa
    however (please correct me if I am wrong!)
3d: Please suggest a Voodoo or Voodoo2 Card.
    I have looked at Monster 3D, any comments here?
    How about a MonsterFusion & Just wait for full
    banshee support?

Is Banshee an option? I know there is work being
done for a banshee Xserver & support, but it
is not quite ready yet(?).

Does this sound ok? the ATI w/Monster 3D?

All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance!

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