Linux-Hardware Digest #524, Volume #9            Sun, 28 Feb 99 06:13:27 EST

  Re: Zoom modem and Linux ("W. Scott Grant")
  Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info ("David A. Frantz")
  Re: RealAudio and Linux? (Pascal Haakmat)
  Re: Digital Cameras ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: FREE VIRUS!!! (was Re: TERMINALS - CHEAP - over 5000 in stock) (Stuart Brook)
  Re: aha152x doesn't work after kernel recompile ("W. Scott Grant")
  TNT Xserver (PERSON654)
  Re: RPM  X 3.3.3-1 (Chris Milne)
  Re: Accelerated Server for Rendition? (Chris Milne)
  Re: AWE64 PnP problems ("Atoch Arnaud")
  Re: Multi boot for Linux? (Vardan Akopian)
  Promotion 6410 setup (=?iso-8859-1?Q?=B0=CA=B7P=B6W=A4H?=)
  Re: Linux SMP & GX Chipset (Supermicro P6DGU) ("William Taylor")
  Re: TNT Xserver (Dan Nguyen)
  Creative RIVA TNT AGP ("Renalthi")
  Re: Linux SMP & GX Chipset (Supermicro P6DGU) (Vladimir Florinski)
  Yes I have a "win"modem ("Nathan Cook")
  s:VT220-Terminal-Unterlagen (Tobias Elfert)
  Re: Parport Iomega Zip with imm module, kernel 2.2.1 (Piniek aka Piotr Ingling)
  Re: Anyone out there with a RedHat installation success story? (brandon)
  Newbie Modem/PPP ?'s....... ("Peter Worcester")
  Re: Scanner support? (Ernst Oudhof)


From: "W. Scott Grant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Zoom modem and Linux
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 21:39:50 -0800

Can you cu the modems and dial into your isp?

I have a 56k that can't connect unless I put 38400 in the ppp scripts...Don't
know why....

I think this is becuase of ppd not supporting 56k and also I have added another
phone line, which adds extra line noise.....

Jonathan D. Oman wrote:

> I have two external Zoom modems.  One is the V.34X Plus, and the new one is
> the 56k DualMode.  The V.34X has worked well with Slackware 3.6 / Kernal
> 2.0.35.  The problem is the 56k DualMode modem.  It never gets into 56k mode
> with Linux.  It always drops down to V.34 mode.  I know that the system I am
> calling supports 56k, because I have another system with a Win95 OS that has
> no problems connecting at 46kb or even 48kb.
> I have tried all of the suggestions in the howto's.  Including "setserial
> /dev/cua1 spd_vhi", and "stty crtscts < /dev/cua1".  I have tried many
> combinations of the AT commands without success.  The fastest I have been
> able to connect is 26kb.  More often than not, it connects at 12kb!
> Has anyone successfully used this Zoom 56k modem with Linux, at high speed?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks, Jon Oman


From: "David A. Frantz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 10:44:33 -0500

There are lots of reasons to not buy Intel, but this strikes me as one of
the worst.    Every Network CARD ever installed in a PC has a unique ID and
no one ever complained about them.     The best thing the Linux community
could do is to get behind a non Intel platform.    The unfortunate thing is
that the only other Mass produced computing platform is the MAC.    Not that
there is anything wrong with the MAC, its just that the PowerPC seems to be
under performing as far as performance increases go.

What I would really love to have is a 400MHz Mac sitting next to a 400 MHz
P2, both running Linux, just to see how they perform.    My guest is that
the PPC machine would do much better, but I'm not sure about the quality of
code produced by GCC for the PPC.


Ilya wrote in message <36d7e381.0@calwebnnrp>...
>In comp.os.linux.misc Boycott Swintel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Pentium III chip with the individual serial number that can
>> track your web surfing and buying habits can now have the ID number
>> turned on and off by software.
>And I won't ever buy an Intel product. Get something else. My Pentium II is
>the last one.


Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 17:12:50 +0100
From: Pascal Haakmat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: RealAudio and Linux?

Pascal Haakmat wrote:
> Hi,
> I've tried RealAudio on RedHat 5.2 with two different soundcards now (an
> OPTi and a SB PCI 64) but to no avail. Does the crappy crappy software
> from '' actually work at all for anybody?
> Thanks.

Just a quick follow-up with a little bit more info:
I'm running RedHat 5.2 on a Pentium II/333. When using the RealPlayer
with my OPTi soundcard, I must enable the '8-bit' option in RealPlayer.
When using the RealPlayer with my SB 64 PCI, RealPlayer gives the
following error message:
****audio: write error: 64 bytes errno: 0 

I'd really appreciate any help!


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Digital Cameras
Date: 28 Feb 1999 05:57:06 GMT

In article <7baka6$amb$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
The Infernal One <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Try
>Wow, this GPhoto program sounds very promising. Is it well
>usable in its current version (0.2) or is it more like a
  "Cough, cough", ahh well, I don't own a digital camera yet.  I came close
to buying an Agfa from the list that I saw advertised on buycomp for about
$250 (I'm thinking of playing around with stop action animation), but backed
off.  I was only going to buy a camera from the list but decided to
hold off on buying period till I was really ready since the technology is
moving so rapidly.
    ---- Remove UhUh and Spam to get my real email address ---

Cleave yourself to logodedaly and you cleave yourself from clarity.


From: Stuart Brook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FREE VIRUS!!! (was Re: TERMINALS - CHEAP - over 5000 in stock)
Date: 27 Feb 1999 22:15:19 PST

Terry C. Shannon wrote:
> DECwyseIBMhpGENICOM wrote:
> >
> >                    Name: Happy99.exe
> Be warned. This lamer has posted a virus. Do **NOT** download or attempt
> to execute. Execution should be reserved for the perpetrator, should it
> be identified and brought to justice.

He is a lamer in that he just made a poor posting.  BUT the way the
HAPPY99.EXE worm works is such that the sender doesn't actually know
that he is sending the virus.  This worm replaces WSOCK32.DLL and when
it detects an outbound mail message, attaches HAPPY99.EXE to it, and in
the process builds a spamming table and randomly sends out the mail
message in the same SMTP envelope.

The good thing is that it is VERY fixable because the worm kindly left
WSOCK32.DLL on the computer by naming it WSOCK32.SKA ... so delete
WSOCK32.DLL, rename the WSOCK32.SKA to WSOCK32.DLL, and then delete all
files named HAPPY99.EXE and *.SKA on your machine.



From: "W. Scott Grant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: aha152x doesn't work after kernel recompile
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 21:29:51 -0800

I also couldn't get the module to load....but I did get it to work with
compiling into the kernel and then in lilo.conf add the line


the parameters depend on card card has a I/O address of
0x340 a IRQ of 11, ID of 7, and a reset of 1..

good luck

Christopher Parent wrote:

> When i installed RH 5.2, I got it to detect my card by passing the
> correct parameters to it. So it's loading the card as a module. Well
> now that I've recompiled the kernel, WITH modules as well, it doesn't
> load the module for my card during boot.
> I compiled the modules, and did a make modules_install. My
> conf.modules is the same as it was before too....correct aliases and
> parameters, but to no avail, it still does not work. Can any help me?
> Thanks
> Chris


Subject: TNT Xserver
Date: 28 Feb 1999 06:22:53 GMT

I have a Dell computer, 450 Mhz with a STB Riva and i can't find the Xserver
for it anywhere, does someone have it?

Thank you


From: Chris Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RPM  X 3.3.3-1
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 01:47:05 -0500

the server you want was XFCom_Rendition, if you've installed the XFree86-SVGA server & the XFree86 rpms your card
should show up on the list. a couple of suggestions:
1) make sure you've updated all necessary XF86 stuff to, check
out :
for more info on exactly which ones are necessary & for help on
2) if running xf86config or Xconfigurator still doesn't show your card
then head on over to & get xrenditn.rpm (listed under the
rpm2html database, you can ftp over as well), that rpm contains the
XSuSE server XFCom_Rendition which is what you'll need - it has in it a
modified version of xf86config which contains V2x00 chip listings to
help you configure your XF86Config file.

let me know if you need more help, oh, if you've got cash there's an
accelerated server for sale from xi graphics ( that sounds


Joe Farkas wrote:
> I know the rendition 2100 chip set is included in the XFree86 3.3.3-1
> release.  When I install red hat, then RPM  3.3.3-1,  then run setup,  the
> svga server does not list the chip set.   I installed it once before this
> way, and the SVGA server showed the rendition chip set,  don't know what I'm
> doing wrong this time.
> I tried completely repartitioning, and installing from scratch. used
>   rpm -ivh   which should install and show progress, which seemed to go
> smooth.   Just that when running setup, it does not show the chip set ???


From: Chris Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Accelerated Server for Rendition?
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 01:55:47 -0500

Xi graphics has one for sale (accelerated) :
and metrox has one as well, though i'd wager it's not much better then
XFree's version :
course they'll cost ya ...

Derek Ruths wrote:
> Is there an accelerated server for X11 for the Rendition chips (verite)?  I
> know that the SVGA server supports verite, but does not accelerate it.  Is
> there any 3rd party that supports an accelerated server for this chipset?
>     Thanks,
>         DereK


From: "Atoch Arnaud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AWE64 PnP problems
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 22:03:06 +0100


Just to add my 2 cents : I also have to disable the 16bits DMA access for SB
Vibra 16 PnP under Windows NT 4.0 to play MP3 and get sound with video
broadcasting soft.


Geert Denys a écrit dans le message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>> I am also having simular problems.  I have an SB Vibra16 PnP.  With
2.0.34-kernel my
>> sound works fine, but when I use an 2.2+ kernel, with updated modules, I
>> load the soundcore and sound modules, but not the sb.o module.  When I
>> sb" or "modprobe -a \*" I get an error message like "sb.o: init_module:
>> or Resource busy".  sndconfig that comes with Redhat gives the modprobe
>> that you've described too.  My I/O, IRQ, and DMA are all set to the
>> 0x220, 5, and 0.  Anybody with a solution?
>I also installed a SB Vibra16 PnP the other day and I've got some problems
>With my 2.0.32 kernel (Pentium 90MHz) I installed the soundboard as a
module, but I couldn't get my MP3-player working.
>By doing an strace I noticed that the problem was DMA I/O.
>I had 8bit-DMA set up on channel 1 and 16bit-DMA on channel 5. After doing
some experimentation, I noticed that when I did not specify a 16bit-DMA
channel, everything worked fine.
>I decided to compile the 2.2.1 kernel with in-kernel soundsupport. However,
I had the same problems. I was not able to specify a 16 bit channel.
Although everything works fine, as far as I'm concerned, I'm still curious
about the reasons. Anybody ?
>If anyone has SB Vibra16 PnP working correctly, please pass me your
/proc/interrupts, /proc/dma en /proc/ioports. Tnx...


From: Vardan Akopian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Multi boot for Linux?
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 23:03:46 -0800

I'm using OSBS:
You may also want to take a look at:
Vartan Akopian
University of Southern California


From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=B0=CA=B7P=B6W=A4H?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Promotion 6410 setup
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 15:11:44 +0800

Hi all,

How to config the display with Promotion 6410 chipset...

My display info
Promotion 6410 chipset
2 MB memory
with AT&T AT20C408 PrecisionDAC (RAMDAC)



Reply-To: "William Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "William Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux SMP & GX Chipset (Supermicro P6DGU)
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 08:09:41 GMT

The GX chipset really only allows access to larger amounts of memory than
the BX. I think it also supports Xeon ships in Slot2 boards.

I'm using a Tyan 1836 440GX board with Kernel 2.0.36 and 2.2.1 with zero
problems. Very, very fast in SMP mode. I assume the SuperMicro will perform
the same.


Gianni Mariani wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>In particular I'm interested in knowing if anyone has tested a
>Supermicro P6DGU
>motherboard and Linux in SMP ?
>Is there any real advantage of using the GX chipset over the BX chipset
>I'm looking at putting together a Dual 500MHz PentiumII and 512MB of ECC
>with a load of disks running servers.
>I was thinking of using the ASUS P2B-DS but it seems like Supermicro is
>ahead with
>the GX chipset but I don't see any performance numbers for either.


From: Dan Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: TNT Xserver
Date: 28 Feb 1999 07:51:53 GMT

: I have a Dell computer, 450 Mhz with a STB Riva and i can't find the Xserver
: for it anywhere, does someone have it?

Before you post, try doing a search on
( and you will find your answer, especially
since has been asked hundreds of times.  But I'm sure someone will
answer your question.

           Dan Nguyen            | There is only one happiness in
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |   life, to love and be loved. |                   -George Sand


From: "Renalthi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Creative RIVA TNT AGP
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 18:39:58 +1000


does anyone know if Linux supports this video card as I installed
the OS but it Isn't on the XFree86 supported list?

where do I download the new source code for

new user and stuck with this one!



From: Vladimir Florinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux SMP & GX Chipset (Supermicro P6DGU)
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 00:59:31 -0700

Gianni Mariani wrote:
> In particular I'm interested in knowing if anyone has tested a
> Supermicro P6DGU
> motherboard and Linux in SMP ?

I tested an S2DGU (Xeon board) with 2 450/512 Xeons and SMP 2.2.2 kernel. The
P6DGU is essentially the same board but is for Slot1, not Slot2. A nice board,
has Ultra2 SCSI, supports, I think, up to 5.5 or 6.0 clock multiplier.

> Is there any real advantage of using the GX chipset over the BX chipset
> ?

Probably not. 

> I'm looking at putting together a Dual 500MHz PentiumII and 512MB of ECC
> with a load of disks running servers.

Linux doesn't support ECC. Save your money.

> I was thinking of using the ASUS P2B-DS but it seems like Supermicro is
> ahead with
> the GX chipset but I don't see any performance numbers for either.

Performance is not a well defined property. A server may not need a fast CPU at
all. A workstation may not benefit from a larger L2 cache. As for chipsets, this
issue is so vague I doubt you can perform any meaningful benchmark.



From: "Nathan Cook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Yes I have a "win"modem
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 02:24:03 -0700


Well I was tricked into buying one of those PCI, WinMoodems, I have an HSP.

But, my question is to someone who is running redhat 5.2 (and/or) slack 3.5
and with 2.2.1 for the kernel and has a working v.90 modem out there.

[I run both, I was running slack and my modem wasn't working in there; so I
went out and bought the redhat box set, and well it doesn't work in there
either. . . hmm... I did a little research and found out maybe it was
because I have a POS (Piece of shit) expoitation 56k modem].

Please respond if you have a good working v.90 modem that work good under
linux and winbloze, (I am a linux newbie, so I still need windows, so I can
connect to the internet and read docs on this stuff!)

Thank you in advanced,
Nathan Cook
RMCI ISP Technical Support [ we are THE columbia internet equivalent, ]
[EMAIL PROTECTED]{antispam}  please remove the antispam...


From: Tobias Elfert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: z-netz.fundgrube.suche.elektronik
Subject: s:VT220-Terminal-Unterlagen
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 09:09:46 +0100

Hallo allerseits,
Ich suche Unterlagen von einem DIGITAL VT220-Terminal.

Dieses Terminal läuft bereits mit meinem Linux-Rechner zusammen, aber
trotzdem interessiert mich alles über das Gerät.

MFG Tobias

Tobias Elfert [cand. Ing (FH)]
(FH-Bochum / Institut fuer Waermelehre
                      und Stroemungsmaschinen)
Lange Horst 66
45527 Hattingen
Tel   : 0171 3272397

Diese Nachricht wurde ohne Zuhilfenahme von Microsoft-Produkten erstellt!
Wer einen Rechtschreibfehler gefunden hat, darf ihn behalten !


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Piniek aka Piotr Ingling)
Subject: Re: Parport Iomega Zip with imm module, kernel 2.2.1
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 09:53:51 GMT

Dnia Thu, 25 Feb 1999 21:54:33 +0100, Anatol Quabach
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> napisa³(a):

>I'm having trouble getting the imm module for the iomega zip
>drive to work. A "modprobe imm" gives me a device or
>ressource busy error msg. If I try a "modprobe ppa" right
>afterwards, the ppa module is loaded and I can mount the zip
>disk. I'd prefer using the faster imm module, though.
>The scsi drivers a copiled into the kernel. Any ideas? TIA.

No way. Imm driver is only for ZipPlus drives. You can't use imm with a Zip
drive as well as you can't use ppa with a ZipPlus one. The 'ppa' and 'imm' are
names of protocols these drives use - they are not compatible.

                         Piotr Ingling

                e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: brandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Anyone out there with a RedHat installation success story?
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 11:11:49 +0100

Just remember that RedHat has NO support for ISDN!!


From: "Peter Worcester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Newbie Modem/PPP ?'s.......
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 22:28:28 GMT

Hi all,
I'm new to Linux (actually have been away from Unix for 7-9 years, last
experience was HP-UX)

I recently bought Red Hat 5.2 and installed it just fine on my spare
machine. There are a couple og things I can't get working. In particular the
modem and PPP connection. This machine and modem works with NT4  on another
partition. The system recognizes the modem and it comes up with cu0 - cu3
(com1 - com4) and I try pointing all of them to dev/modem with no luck. Then
I went through the PPP connectivlity in deatil and can't get that to dial my
Can someone point me to where I can find some pretyy deatiled setup
instructions or give me some tips on how I might go about troubleshooting
this problem ?

I don't really know where to start. I would think I need to make sure that
the modem dials out first then go for the PPP connectivity.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.  Could someone volunteer and good FAq
sites or web sites to help me get started with Linux.

Thanks in advance


From: Ernst Oudhof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Scanner support?
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 11:36:35 +0100

ajoosub wrote:

> is there scanner support for linux, I just got rid of win 98 after a
> major crash and the only harware I can't get working is my UMAX scanner,
> if someone has any info email me  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thanx

have a look at the SANE ( Scanner Access Now Easy) project.
it's on


Subject: HDLC Controller
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 08:21:27 GMT

Dear sir:
I am designing a PPP over SONET board for my Linux router.I have selected
proper SONET interface chipset. But I can not find approprite HDLC controller.
Could you help me on such HDLC controller(PCI interface,150Mb/s,single channel
is enough.)?

Zhang lei.

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