Linux-Hardware Digest #641, Volume #9            Fri, 12 Mar 99 13:13:41 EST

  Re: Us Robotics Sporster Modem with V90 upgrade ("James Kosin")
  Re: HD Problems... HELP!!!! ("James Kosin")
  Re: Logitech touchpad on Sager notebook (Nicanor Colino)
  AGP/Diamond Speedstar A50 8MB (dknecht)
  Re: Speed..Speed..Speed ("James Giles")
  Re: Please help identify old NIC..I'm desperate (Jim Henderson)
  Re: TNT help in RedHat (Jim Henderson)
  Intergraph Intense 3d Voodoo X server ("Ryan Rodgers")
  Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers ("Rufus V. Smith")
  Re: Linux System Backup: tape file system ? (doole)
  Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session  falls flat) 
(Jeff Szarka)
  Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session  (Tim Kelley)
  Re: V.90 ISA Modems!?!?! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  new workstation hardware (je)
  Multi-Head (Henrik Söderquist)
  Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session  ("M. le Rutte")
  Re: Corel Linux (Paul Sian)
  EISA and Cogent NICs (Gereon Wenzel)


From: "James Kosin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Us Robotics Sporster Modem with V90 upgrade
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 16:34:48 GMT

Dear Thierry Francais,

It sould be as easy as setting up the serial port to use a faster
settings.  I think after 38400 is 57600.  Of course your modem and
serial port [if external] will have to support these baud rates.

I havn't got PPP setup yet on my system at home using Linux...  I
recently got the drivers for my PCI Digi board working ...  I just
started talking to my modem...

PS:  For true 56K rates your service provider must be using ISDN
modems on the answering side...  OTHERWISE, 28.8K to 33.6K is the max.

Good Luck,
James Kosin

Thierry Francais wrote in message
|I would like to use my Us Robotics V90 modem with the high speed
|How can i setup my linux system to use a 56 Kbits/s PPP connection.


From: "James Kosin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HD Problems... HELP!!!!
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 16:39:06 GMT

Dear David Kirkpatrick,

Maybe I had a bad compile...  I still have minor problems; but, it is
not causing bad faults anymore!!!  I've also been playing recently
with the "update" utility...

Sorry to bother you,
James Kosin

David Kirkpatrick wrote in message
|  I would still think its HW but could be wrong - its not unusual.
|seems that your seeing it when you load the system - like building.
|be interested in what you come up with.
|James Kosin wrote:
|> Dear David Kirkpatrick,
|> The crc errors are not with the disk.  fsck works fine and will
|> no problems usually.  When I get one of the bad errors!!!  It
|> finds stuff associated with the logfiles and files I happen to be
|> un-tarring at the time as being corrupt.  It hasn't seemed to
|> other areas of the disk.  When I'm doing a build of the kernel it
|> come up with SILLY errors that don't exist in the source code.
|>  unless I happen to catch it while the file is still in memory
|> cached ]  Other times it will crash with little errors that point
to a
|> temporary file type error with the assembler not understanding the
|> register %ax and other stuff.  I've even seen the cpp broken pipe
|> error.
|> I will get my system back to the point where I got the BAD errors
|> see if I can track down where in the code it comes into problems.
|> beginning to understand the methodology to reading the error
|> Thanks,
|> James Kosin
|> David Kirkpatrick wrote in message
|> |James,
|> |   Sounds like there is some corrupton on you disk.  Just your
|> |problem is enough to stop as its major.  What differences did it
|> |report?
|> |   I would fsck your drives and see what happens.  Boot into init
|> |Boot linux and at the linux prompt enter linux single or linux 1.
|> Read
|> |the man page about fsck.
|> |If you keep getting crc errors its probably hardware.
|> |d
|> |James Kosin wrote:
|> |>
|> |> OK,
|> |>
|> |> When I "cp" a file then do a "diff" on the same file...  They
|> up
|> |> different!!!!!
|> |>
|> |> If I download a file and try to "un-tar and un-gzip" a file gzip
|> reports a
|> |> crc error in the file.  I can reset my system and sometimes it
|> reports no
|> |> problems at all!!!  This usually happens with LARGE files like
|> source for
|> |> the kernel!
|> |>
|> |> Even if it reports no problems at all if I do a "tar dzf
|> linux-2.2.2.tar.gz"
|> |> I get statements saying that the Data differs for certain
|> The
|> |> files are usually different at different times after trying to
|> untar &
|> |> ungzip the files!
|> |>
|> |> At one point...  without any parameters in the append statement
|> lilo.conf
|> |> file  I would get errors [especailly with the new kernel] kinda
|> like the NT
|> |> BLUE SCREEN only sometimes I could continue with this one.
|> Ooops...
|> |> Sometimes NOT because it was in the INTERUPT HANDLER.  and would
|> give
|> |> another statement saying it could not because it was trying to
|> an
|> |> interupt handler...
|> |>
|> |> My only guess for now is the problem is with the HD controller
|> Linux and
|> |> the HD.  These errrors always happen durring disk activity!
|> |>
|> |> Any help will be recieved and tried in a timely fashion.
|> |>
|> |> Thanks,
|> |> James Kosin
|> |>
|> |> David Kirkpatrick wrote in message
|> |> >James,
|> |> >  What problems are you having?  Please give as much detail as
|> can.
|> |> >I've had some problems here but got through them.  The worse
|> drive
|> |> >problems with corruption and lots of problems during install.
|> |> >install problems were mostly my fault with getting the
|> wrong
|> |> >and the loads would screw up but those got squared away.  I
|> having
|> |> >problems with the disk - loads went south, corruptions - lets
|> |> >problmes over a few weeks.  I finally tracked it down to the
|> vendor
|> |> >incorrectly giving me bad information about setting the
|> on my
|> |> >motherboard.  After that things have gone very well.  By the
|> diags
|> |> >ran fine on this system.  The problems showed up when the
|> was
|> |> >taxes like a load.  So it would load after failures then I
|> I
|> |> >would be off and running but a few days later fail - usually
|> |> >load.  But it got fixed.
|> |> >   So whats wrong?
|> |> >d
|> |> >
|> |> >James Kosin wrote:
|> |> >>
|> |> >> Anyone....  Please HELP.
|> |> >>
|> |> >> I've had problems with RH Linux and my HD since day 1...  I
|> run
|> |> >> diagnostics on my hard drive and everything comes out OK.
|> great
|> |> >> on Windows 98.
|> |> >>
|> |> >> The controller is an Intel 440FX chipset ...
|> |> >> I'm running a PII Overdrive 333MHz CPU and 256MB of memory.
|> |> >> 2 - WD Hard-Drives one 5.1G and one 4.0G drive.
|> |> >>
|> |> >> Anyone have any good suggestions???
|> |> >>
|> |> >> My HD's are good.  Memory is good.  CPU almost brand new.
|> |> >>
|> |> >> Thanks,
|> |> >> James Kosin
|> |> >
|> |> >--
|> |
|> |--


From: Nicanor Colino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: Logitech touchpad on Sager notebook
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 16:56:40 +0100

I have a AHEAD notebook with the same problem !!
AHEAD is a spanish computer asembly company, so I do not know
what is the brand of the notebook !!
My computer has an AMD-2  3Dnow running at 366 MHz, 128 Mb ram,
5 Gb disk and an S3 graphics chip with 4 Mb.
I also fund the following:
-To have the pointer working back in windows i need to power off the
   notebook and remove the battery for a while ( ~1min)
- If in linux you do not run gpm or X going back to windows it is fine.
- A very similar notebook few month older running the same system
   ( in fact I copy the linux installation from it) runs without this
   The only differences between the two are speed in 333 Mhz, memory
   128MB and disk 3 Gb.
- Running with only 64 Mb memory, even changing the DIMM does not

Nicanor Colino       [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: dknecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AGP/Diamond Speedstar A50 8MB
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 00:46:49 +0100

I've just installed RedHat 5.2 and so far it's running. But when I try
to start Xwindows with startx the initialization fails. Xwindows sais
that it would not know the chip SiS6326 and sets the RAM on 64k and the
card type generic.

On the site I've seen
that the graphic card Diamond Speedstar A50 is supported (by the server
XF86_SVGA). But the grafic card Diamond Speedstar is available with PCI-
and with AGP-BUS. Does it matter?

I've got a card with AGP-Bus, so i wonder if the AGP-Bus is supported by
LINUX. Does anyone know what I could have done wrong during

I hope there are some advanced LINUX-users to help a LINUX-beginner
which likes to change from win98 to LINUX as soon as possible.

Any help is very appreciated. Thanx dani


From: "James Giles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.lang.fortran
Subject: Re: Speed..Speed..Speed
Date: 12 Mar 1999 01:26:45 GMT

John Burton wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Ummmm...Depends on how you define throughput...if you define throughput
>as the number of jobs put through the system in a specific length of
>time, then there is a very definite correlation between throughput and
>turnaround... i.e. "throughput" is not an irrelevant measure...

Is there?  Consider the scheduling problem at the department of
motor vehicles.  In the old days you took a number, waited for a
clerk to call your number, and transacted your whole visit with that
same clerk.  Then they modified the process.  You went in an waited
to be helped by a receptionist, then got sent to the line for the proper
forms for whatever your visit entailed, then got sent to another line
to process those forms, then got sent to the line for ... several more lines ...
and finallly got sent to the line for the cashier.  Result: greater throughput.
The bean counters loved the system.  Other result: *all* visits
to the DMV took longer, no matter what your visit was for and
no matter when you went.

In the old days of computing the relationship between throughput and
tunraround was indeed as simple as you state.  But we no longer use
'60s style batch mode operating systems.  The more queues and
resources your system handles, the less obvious the relationship
between the two measures is likely to be.  I've seen many so-called
improvements to multiuser systems which claimed to improve throughput.
They had numbers to prove it.  In nearly every case, the users themselves
could document a noticable degradation in turnaround.  The two are
definitely not always correlated in any simple way.

J. Giles


From: Jim Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Please help identify old NIC..I'm desperate
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 16:15:51 -0700

I'd be inclined to try the NE2000 driver or one of the Realtek chipset
drivers.  That old, it may well be an NE2000 clone.

Otherwise, you might want to go out and grab a cheap card - I picked up
a Realtek 8139 card for about $25 at my local PC store...

Jim Henderson
Novell Support Connection SysOp -

Homepage at (email instructions
located here)

Please note that as an NSC SysOp, I do not provide support for Novell
products on a personal basis - if you need help with a Novell product,
please post a reply in the public newsgroup or visit the Novell support
forums at the URL above.


From: Jim Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: TNT help in RedHat
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 15:40:18 -0700

If you're not using it, grab XFree86's SVGA server; it's got the support
for the Riva TNT card.

Jim Henderson
Novell Support Connection SysOp -

Homepage at (email instructions
located here)

Please note that as an NSC SysOp, I do not provide support for Novell
products on a personal basis - if you need help with a Novell product,
please post a reply in the public newsgroup or visit the Novell support
forums at the URL above.


From: "Ryan Rodgers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Intergraph Intense 3d Voodoo X server
Date: 12 Mar 1999 12:42:36 GMT

I am new to Linux and got X setup with the plain VGA server, but I want to
run 800x600.  I am having a hack of a time finding out which of the
Alliance 2d chipsets this card has.  I know it is one of the promotion
series, but I don't know which.  Does anyone here know, and if so do you
know the best way to set X up with this card?  Thanks.


From: "Rufus V. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 11:40:32 -0500

doole wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Tremblay) apparently said this:
>>If you think that you had privacy before this, boy you live in a
>>bubble. Look at cell phones, ISPs, Credit card companies, Banks.
>>Cell phone companies can tell what block you are standing on and what
>>you are saying. This info is accessible by police.
>Unless you're committing a crime, so what? And if you are, the game is
>your own, so live with it...
>I've never quite understood in concrete terms what all the concern is
>about this issue.

I used to think that way, that as long as I kept my nose clean, who cares
what people know about me?

I changed my mind when as was made aware of, for example, battered
women and psychotic ex-husbands.

Caller ID allowed those animals to know where their wives (in hiding) are
calling from.

No, I don't know why she should call him.  Maybe wondering where the
alimony check is.  Maybe to let their child talk to him.  That's not the

Neither is the fact that she could have blocked her phone number when
she dialed out.

The point is that sometimes innocent people need their privacy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (doole)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux System Backup: tape file system ?
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 16:58:07 GMT

There's something in my RH dist called "taper" which looks like it
might work fairly well. It's probably available online somewhere.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] apparently said this:

>Hi,  I wonder if there is a free tape file system there somewhere. I want to
>backup and archive my files using the tape, but using commands like mt tar is
>so inconvient and I hate it.  I remember that long time ago some guys put a
>file system and can read and write like a regular hard drive , though much
>slower. it was in a super computer. I wonder if this technology has developed
>so that an average user like me can also use it. where can I find the
>software and how to install it.  Thanks!
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff Szarka)
Subject: Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session  falls 
Date: 11 Mar 1999 20:11:06 -0600

On Thu, 11 Mar 1999 16:15:47 -0600, Tim Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

:Bill Anderson wrote:
:> Bluescreen O'Death wrote:
:> >
:> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
:> > > Oh really? I have a Compaq box back in the UK that I'd like you to take a look
:> > > at. When X crashes on that (which it does regularly), it takes the graphics
:> > > card down with it. It won't go back into text mode. It won't switch graphics
:> > > modes. So restarting the X server is useless - it has to be big-red-switched.
:> >
:> > What kind of video card?  Or failing that, what model Compaq?
:> >
:> > And what flavor Unix?
:> I have had this on a Mill2 w Linux, Kernels 2.03x and 2.2.(.0prex->.1),
:> on a micron.
:> It really sucks when it happens.
:Well, this happens every now and then even with the best xservers ...
:but there is an important distinction, which most users don't care
:about, but it does need to be made.
:While it is quite possible for the xserver to crash, this event will
:almost never take the linux kernel down with it.  There may not be a
:difference to most users, but if you can telnet in you can kill the
:process and start over without rebooting.

For your average home user with one system this doesn't do them much
good at all.  It's so funny seeing a new linux user get his first X
crash and wonder out loud why he went through all that trouble of
partitioning and such just to get THAT.


From: Tim Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session 
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 09:16:26 -0600

"M. le Rutte" wrote:
> Tim Kelley wrote:
> > Well, this happens every now and then even with the best xservers ...
> > but there is an important distinction, which most users don't care
> > about, but it does need to be made.
> I thought Linux was extremely stable.... Better stick to MS, I believe.

It is, what is your point?  Unlike MS, the Linux KERNEL doesn't fscking
CRASH when an application goes down.  X is just another application.  MS
can kiss my ass.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: V.90 ISA Modems!?!?!
Date: 12 Mar 1999 11:19:24 -0600

I am using an AOpen FM56-ITU (isa) modem with RedHat5.2.  This was the
 easiest thing to setup.  All I had to do was set the jumper to com2
 and tell Linux where it was.  Before that I had a Gateway Telepath II
 28.8 which also worked great and was just as easy to install.
  Btw...I am using gnus to read my news these days.  It seems to be
 just as good as Agent is in Windows and will be better once I get
 it customized.


Subject: new workstation hardware
Date: 12 Mar 1999 14:31:40 GMT

I'm buying a new linux workstation, for RH (presently 5.2). 

Here are the components I think I have decided on:

Abit BH6 MotherBoard
128 M RAM
10.1 G Maxtor UDMA HD
Yamaha 3D 719 Wave Table Sound

Stuff up in the Air:
ATI Xpert 98 w/8M  or Matrox G200 w/8M

Any Ideas?


==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 18:20:50 +0100
From: Henrik Söderquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Multi-Head

I want to use dual monitors under Linux on a P166, anyone have a clue?


From: "M. le Rutte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session 
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 16:18:56 +0100

Walter van der Schee wrote:
? [...]
> If you're using Linux, recompile the kernel to include magic SysRq-key
> hack,
> if X crashes and doesn't allow you to switch VT's, tap Alt-SysRq+R to
> switch the keyboard out of raw-mode, then try to switch VT's. If that
> doesn't help,
> tap the sequence Alt-SysRq-S (emergency disk-sync), Alt-SysRq-U
> (emergency disk remount read-only (setting the clean-bit)), Alt-SysRq-B
> (emergency reboot).
> [...]

And than people still say Linux is ready for the desktop?

Maurice le Rutte.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Sian)
Subject: Re: Corel Linux
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 12:23:22 -0500

In article <7cbi1r$oa3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Matthew Wilby"

> Corel have plans to release their very own version of Linux in the near
> future. Michael Cowpland CEO of Corel has been quoted to say, " has to
> be more like Windows.." during his speech at the LinuxWorld Conf. regarding
> Linux on the average desktop.
> Why?
> Isn't mr. Cowpland missing the point somewhat. The whole reason why many
> people, including myself, have converted from the monotomous existence, that
> is Windows @ home or work, is because it is so unreliable, glitchy and
> uncustomizable. In contrast, and although I have only been using linux for a
> couple of months, i can see 101 improvements over the win95 family of
> shiteness. It would be a sad day indeed if Linux did in anyway shape or form
> try to immitate or copy MS Windows. The bueaty of Linux is that it is
> different.
> In short, more like windows means less of the community and more of the
> dollars.

Its not their own version of linux but a GUI interface from what I heard.
Sorta like Xwindows.

Please remove -NOSPAM to reply via email.


From: Gereon Wenzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: EISA and Cogent NICs
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 18:40:38 +0100

I got an EISA NIC with NE200chip which is labeled 900E/950E and some
Cogent AT1 ISA cards which use the Intel Etherexpress Chip.
Both chips should be supported by Linux but
a) The EISA adresses are not found by the NE2000 driver
b) Cogent uses Busmaster DMA Mode which doesn't work with the eexpress
I allready tried lots of drivers no success.
Any hints? 
Still looking for jumper settings for the cogent cards.

please mail.




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